Star Wars

Chapter 111


After just one encounter, a group of strong men holding sticks and sharp knives collapsed to the ground, so frightened that they were weak and could not use any strength.

Apart from screaming, they were trembling.

The only one standing in the yard was Zhang Xiaowen, who had multiple Jiajias on her legs.

She held a domineering sci-fi sniper rifle with steady breathing and tried to put the crosshairs on the mutant giant Siberian tiger.

There is a tiger park in Jiangcheng Park, which has four tigers.

This must be one of them.

It is really not known whether it is too lucky or too unlucky to encounter such a rare creature in such a large area.

Zhang Xiaowen shook back suddenly, and a stream of air spurted out of the muzzle, firing a sniper bullet!

Whoosh - because it is difficult to aim at the mutant giant Siberian tiger when it is running, the bullet just brushed against the outside of the mutant Siberian tiger's front leg, leaving a bloody wound on the tiger's fur, but this injury is not important to the giant Siberian tiger.

Boom... puff... puff... splash... the giant Siberian tiger rushed into the pool of water in the stream, splashing a lot of water as it ran, just like a car driving into a pool of water splashing all over the sky. It didn't slow down at all and rushed straight towards Zhang Xiaowen who was holding a sniper rifle. The bullet just now made it feel a huge threat to its life, so it naturally regarded Zhang Xiaowen as its primary target.

Kaka! The rack with a small missile stretched out from the side of the sniper rifle, and the missile instantly locked and aimed!


The small missile dragged its tail flame and rushed straight towards the giant Siberian tiger.

The magic cube found that the combat value of this big tiger was definitely higher than that of the young man who killed people to improve his superpowers.

He was the most powerful person found in Jiangcheng area so far.

I didn't expect to see the number one boss here so soon.

I really should let that bastard who claimed to improve his superpowers fight against him, so as not to pretend to be a lone warrior all day long.

Since this guy is a big boss, I wonder if he can drop some equipment after killing him...

The small missile was about to hit the giant Siberian tiger. Unexpectedly, although the tiger was huge, it still retained its flexible instincts and sense of danger. It rolled violently before the missile reached it, and the small missile hit the ground at high speed.


The huge explosion blew up a large piece of soil, and many small shrapnel pierced into the fur of the giant Siberian tiger, burning large black spots on its originally domineering and colorful fur.

Unfortunately, these injuries were like a few thorns to the giant Siberian tiger, and the effect of the tiger skin was almost the same as that of a wild boar.

Except for the louder explosion and the startle, there was no major damage.

Unless the missile hit the giant Siberian tiger, it would be difficult to do much with the shock wave.

"When will my missiles become so easy to dodge?……"

Mofang thought of the speed-enhanced guy, and now he was dodged by a tiger again. He couldn't save his face...

Seizing the opportunity of the giant Siberian tiger rolling sideways, Zhang Xiaowen fired again! I don't believe that I can miss while lying on the ground!

Whoosh-- poof... The bullet hit the back of the giant Siberian tiger, and I saw a bulge under the fur, which moved to the other side of the back and flew out with blood. This was the impact damage of the bullet moving inside. Unfortunately, it didn't cause serious damage. I originally wanted to shoot the giant Siberian tiger's head, but I didn't hit it.

""Roar!!" The giant Siberian tiger roared and rushed over with all its strength while Zhang Xiaowen was loading the gun, wanting to bite Zhang Xiaowen to death. In a short period of time, the giant Siberian tiger was threatened with life several times, which made the giant Siberian tiger very angry. The mutated blood-red eyes were ruthless and cold.

At this time, the magic cube did not dare to launch missile attacks again. The shrapnel from the explosion at such a close distance would not only kill the giant Siberian tiger but also kill so many people here.

Just when the giant Siberian tiger was five meters away from Zhang Xiaowen, the tiger hair on the huge tiger's head was clearly visible and it was about to pounce on her in an instant. She could even smell a fishy wind. At this time, Zhang Xiaowen felt a strong wave erupting from her legs, or more precisely, from the Jia hanging on her legs. Jia, this fluctuation made Zhang Xiaowen feel a little dizzy.

Huh! Somehow, the giant Siberian tiger that had pounced on Zhang Xiaowen, with its fur almost sticking to Zhang Xiaowen, suddenly turned around and slammed into the courtyard wall. The cement concrete wall collapsed instantly and a large gap was shattered.

Without time to think about it, Zhang Xiaowen raised her gun and shot! With a"puff", a bloody hole appeared on the neck of the giant Siberian tiger. The originally confused giant Siberian tiger also woke up because of the pain, let out a howl and jumped out along the gap in the courtyard wall. The giant Siberian tiger was scared by the continuous injuries and the strange energy just now, so he decided to escape. It felt like something was controlling his brain.……

"Jia Jia!"Mofang shouted

"ah……!"Jia Jia hugged Zhang Xiaowen's thighs tightly and screamed. Zhang Xiaowen found that the feeling just now appeared again. Fortunately, maybe Jia Jia was skilled, and the fluctuation did not affect Zhang Xiaowen too much. A spiritual force went straight to the giant Siberian tiger.

"Aa...……"The giant Siberian tiger suddenly stumbled, turned its head, and crashed into a large pear tree that two people could hug.

Bang... rustle...

The branches and leaves of the large pear tree shook, and countless leaves were knocked down, mixed with several large pears.

Whoosh—Zhang Xiaowen fired again, and the flying bullet went straight to the giant Siberian tiger's hind leg.

This time, Zhang Xiaowen deliberately aimed and found a good opportunity, and simply shot the hind leg to slow down its speed.

With a puff, the bullet shot into the joint of one of the giant Siberian tiger's hind legs.

The sharp bullet broke through the strong muscles and hit the joint gap, shattering the joint, crippling one of the giant Siberian tiger's hind legs!

The giant Siberian tiger shook its head a few times in pain to get rid of the dizziness, dragged one of its hind legs and hurriedly ran towards the back mountain, leaving a trail of blood behind it.

"Wenzi, hurry up and chase after him! If you miss this opportunity, you will never get it again!"

Originally, Zhang Xiaowen���I thought that Jiajia would explode again, but when I looked down, I saw Jiajia sitting on the ground exhausted.

Then I remembered that Jiajia was just a child.

I touched Jiajia's head and chased him without saying a word.

The tiger's IQ must have risen as it grew up.

If I hold a grudge, I won't be able to sleep well if it is staring at me every day.

Who knows when a ferocious tiger will suddenly jump out and eat me? It's better to deal with it while it is seriously injured.

"Jiajia, wait for me here!" As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Xiaowen had already followed the giant Siberian tiger into the woods, and the speed shocked everyone.

The title of the king of the forest is not given for nothing.

Even if the giant Siberian tiger dragged an injured hind leg, it was still running fast.

Zhang Xiaowen, who was following behind, simply carried the Rubik's Cube and ran at full speed.

When she encountered boulders or bushes, she jumped over them directly.

The full body protective equipment protected Zhang Xiaowen well from being scratched by branches and leaves.

The distance between her and the Siberian tiger on the screen of the goggles was actually steadily shortening.

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