Star Wars

Chapter 112

Zhang Xiaowen was walking quickly through the gloomy forest. The sky above her head was blocked by leaves, with only a few star-like light spots sprinkled down. Many wild fruits were hanging on the treetops.

"Rubik's Cube! How much ammunition do you have left?"

"One missile, eight sniper bullets, I'm rushing to make them, I hope you won't use them up too quickly if you want to risk your life with the bayonet and the giant tiger!"

"That should be enough.……"

Whoosh~ Zhang Xiaowen jumped up and climbed over a boulder to continue chasing the giant Siberian tiger marked in red in front of her. At this time, the giant Siberian tiger was a little exhausted after running continuously in the mountains and forests after being injured, especially the blood from the gunshot wound on the neck almost dyed the tiger skin on the neck red, and it looked very miserable.

After running for more than ten minutes, they had already gone deep into the Longshan Mountains. The vegetation was dense and rugged and difficult to walk.

The Cube has been cautiously turning on the detection and scanning system.

The forest after the end of the world is different from the forest in the past.

Many animals, plants, or insects are evolving and mutating to be more suitable for this cruel new world.

For example, under the stone slab that Zhang Xiaowen just stepped on, there is a palm-sized beetle, and there are several ten-centimeter-long giant wasps on the top of the tree.

The original snakes in the forest have not been seen by the Cube yet, but now they don’t want to see that thing.

Who knows what those ferocious animals and insects will become.

"Wenzi... Let's go back"

"Why?" Zhang Xiaowen asked as she ran

"This forest is too dangerous. It's better not to come in and play before you become strong. Even the tiger has to be careful here."

"Tsk~ Is it that exaggerated? I want to get a tiger skin and put it on the sofa to be the king of the mountain."

Mofang originally planned to teach Zhang Xiaowen a lesson about the dangers in this forest, but before he could open his mouth, he found another red dot in the distance. Judging from its data characteristics, it must be a tiger. It is obviously in the same group with this giant Siberian tiger. Maybe it is a couple. Speaking of which, if the other one is beaten like this, won't the other one take revenge? The injured tiger is so difficult to deal with, and with an uninjured one...……

"Stop! Run back! Quickly! Otherwise it will be too late!"

Chi... Zhang Xiaowen's feet drew a long line in the dead branches and leaves on the ground before she stopped. She turned around and ran back. Zhang Xiaowen was not so stupid as to stand there and ask why. In TV shows, the protagonists often fall into danger like this and then the plot unfolds. Only fools would be so bored and look for trouble. Besides, the Rubik's Cube would never make a mistake and do something boring.

"What happened!"

"There is another tiger! They are in the same group and their physical fitness is not inferior to the one that was just injured. Your mountain king bench will have to wait for a while. Hurry up and run back according to the route I indicated!"The Rubik's Cube shouted.

Going down the mountain is a slope, and running at full speed is very fast, but the tiger behind is also very fast. If it continues like this, it will be caught up sooner or later. The Rubik's Cube is very anxious, and the computer is running fast to find a solution. If the tiger is not stopped, the situation will be really serious. Forget about climbing a tree. Such a thin tree is just a matter of a few slaps for the tiger...

At this time, Zhang Xiaowen also found something wrong. A ferocious beast is approaching her quickly. After cursing inwardly, she quickly speeds up.

Suddenly, the Rubik's Cube saw a light gray ball as big as a washing machine on the tree branch in front!

"Go to the boulder one hundred and twenty meters away and turn around to shoot at the place I marked! Whether you can make it back alive depends on this time. Anyway, the tiger won't eat me."

Zhang Xiaowen rolled her eyes, took off the Rubik's Cube sniper rifle on her back and prepared for shooting.

Anyway, just do what the Rubik's Cube says.

It was a mistake today.

I should have brought grenades earlier.

It would be better to bring smoke bombs and flash bombs.

I could use some smoke to cover up my smell or flash to make the tiger's eyes dizzy.

Then it would be up to me to decide whether to run or fight.

The power of the submachine gun can only deal with ordinary zombies and primary evolved zombies.

Well, it seems that I should have time to let the Rubik's Cube make some weapons for me.

While running, Zhang Xiaowen was thinking about the Rubik's Cube skills instead, and completely forgot that she was running for her life.


, rub, rub... After running for a few steps, Zhang Xiaowen Wen jumped onto the moss-covered boulder, turned around, half-knelt, raised her sniper rifle, and aimed at a box marked by the Rubik's Cube. She took a deep breath...

Her shoulders shook violently, and a sniper bullet flew out of the barrel! It flew straight to the branches high up in the tree.

Whoosh-bang! The thick branches in the air were hit by the sniper bullet, and sawdust flew everywhere. The light gray ball as big as a washing machine was broken at the connection with the branch. The heavy ball broke the branch with a few clicks and fell to the ground. The giant tiger chasing behind was still running towards Zhang Xiaowen, not knowing that the big ball was on her way forward. According to the speed of the ball falling, it could just hit the giant tiger's head.

"What is that?"Zhang Xiaowen was still half-kneeling on the boulder, staring at the big ball in a daze.

Bang! The falling big ball slammed into the head of the running giant tiger. The light gray big ball didn't look solid. It broke into several pieces after it fell down. There were various passages and nests inside...

Buzz buzz buzz buzz!!

With a bang, a moving yellow gas mass exploded from the ball and instantly enveloped the giant tiger's head. The ten-centimeter-long mutant bumblebee had no pressure at all to deal with the mutant giant tiger. The sharp mouthparts and the poisonous needle on the buttocks desperately greeted the giant tiger, treating the giant tiger as an enemy that destroyed its hive. The buzzing sound made Zhang Xiaowen numb all over.


The intact giant tiger that was chasing after it howled and quickly dived into the bushes, running back desperately like a headless fly. A yellow gas mass was buzzing above the giant tiger's head, and disappeared into the dense forest with the giant tiger. Even after running far away, Zhang Xiaowen could still hear the terrible buzzing sound. The tiger's howl kept echoing in the forest.……

"Gulu……"Zhang Xiaowen swallowed hard

"Why... I feel that these mutant bumblebees are scarier than giant Siberian tigers... This forest is really as dangerous as you said!"

"Okay, hurry back and be careful of the mutated ants in the forest."The Cube kindly reminded

"Ants……"Zhang Xiaowen felt her legs go limp, and she didn't feel this fear even when facing a giant tiger.

Under the threat of the mutant bumblebee and the ants she hadn't seen yet, Zhang Xiaowen flew back to the farmer's house almost stepping on the grass leaves, holding the dizzy Jiajia and lying on the chair, gasping for breath. Her mind was full of images of the mutant bumblebee covering the giant tiger's head, and occasionally some imagined mutant ant army, as if she saw the ant army carrying her into the ant hole like a bug...

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