Star Wars

Chapter 113

After experiencing the giant Siberian tiger incident, Zhang Xiaowen didn't need to say anything to invite the survivors to move to Longshan Camp. They immediately started packing up without wasting a moment. Fortunately, every household had a farm vehicle to load things, which was convenient. What made Zhang Xiaowen even more satisfied was the large harvesters. With these harvesters, it would save time and effort and be efficient to harvest the grain in a few days. Anyway, the farm vehicle had a large compartment, so Zhang Xiaowen could load all the grain she thought she could use and take it away. Not to mention the grain, she loaded all the grain.

She called Wang Nan's wireless phone at the camp. After listening to Wang Nan's description of the camp, Zhang Xiaowen only said that there would be people coming to the camp. Wang Nan was speechless. Just after sending off one group, another group came...

The journey back to the camp was peaceful. Wang Nan specially left lunch for her. Although there were fewer people, she felt very comfortable. At least there was no dissatisfaction with herself. Zhang Xiaowen felt that the remaining sisters and some men were her own people, and she could simply share some secrets.


One night.

Thunder and lightning struck the research center.

A group of girls in pajamas stood on the balcony on the second floor of the dormitory villa and stared at the research center in a daze.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiaowen explained in advance that a major scientific research project would be tested tonight.

As for the men's dormitory, they were just up to see the girls.

The only one who expressed dissatisfaction was the four evil cats.

They scared away all the big rats nearby with their clanging in the middle of the night.

Where could the cats eat meat!

Jia Jia was conceited and had a strong mental strength.

She blocked the noise and lay on the big bed on the second floor of the research center like a kitten.

Since coming to the camp, Jia Jia has been loved by everyone.

She is more pampered than Dahei's three cubs.

She is stuffed with snacks and has a hot bath.

After dressing up, she has captured many girls again.

If she was not afraid of scaring these girls with her red eyes, Zhang Xiaowen would almost not be able to refuse the strong request of the girls' dormitory.

Jia Jia is also very well-behaved.

Her sweet mouth coaxes everyone to float.

The old man and the old couple are even more baby.

"Does anyone know what Sister Zhang is doing? I thought she was making a nuclear bomb because of all the thunder and lightning."A girl tightened her pajamas and said

"It seems that there is a sign on the door saying that they are developing super intelligent robots."

"Sister Zhang is amazing. We have made our campsite look like an alien base."

The other girls nodded in agreement. Since they came to Longshan Campsite, they have not seen even a single zombie. They sleep and eat very well. Only Rubik's Cube was startled when he heard this through the defense system. Are you kidding me? Can we still have fun? You actually guessed that I am an alien!

After a night of hard work, the appearance of Rubik's Cube will be a matter of course.

This night was not a waste of time.

Rubik's Cube has put a lot of effort into making weapons.

The first thing to do is to equip it with the Guard-1 type of long-range attack heavy weapon.

Now that the pace of animal and zombie evolution is accelerating, it is necessary to increase the guard force.

Rubik's Cube used the modified factory to build a small missile production line.

The missile is one meter long and is made according to the enlarged version of its own small missile.

However, due to the equipment and materials, Due to material restrictions, only one can be produced every day.

Although it is a small number, at least it has the ability to deal with dangerous targets.

The next morning.

The Rubik's Cube appeared with the name of a super intelligent robot. It will be more convenient to do things in the camp in the future. Many people expressed their curiosity about the Rubik's Cube. This little robot has been carrying a long iron sheet like a folding fan and using wheels for two feet. Can it stand steadily when walking on wheels and two feet? Why not install a sole?

Many people want to come up and touch it.

Before the Rubik's Cube went crazy, Zhang Xiaowen calmly said that the battery energy supply was not stable and a violent explosion could occur at any time.

Then it became much quieter.

The word explosion means pain and disaster to humans.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiaowen installed the rectangular launch box containing missiles in the Guard-1 type in front of the big house.

The data transmission was easily connected to the robot.

It took only a few seconds for the defense robot to be fully capable of operating missiles.

In an instant, the people in the monitoring room were surprised to see that the original camp defense range on the big screen was rapidly expanded, especially the sky defense height reached four kilometers...

Cube issued an order to manufacture ten missiles. At present, there were enough missiles in the camp. There were many things to be produced in order to save materials and time. However, before that, Cube and Zhang Xiaowen decided to get a batch of military standard weapons, especially machine guns and anti-aircraft guns!

Nine o'clock.

Zhang Xiaowen, who had brought enough food, drove a modified truck with ten guards to a military camp more than 60 kilometers away from Longshan Camp.

Before that, Cube had specially searched the situation of nearby troops when he hacked into the military system.

The military marked the camp as having no survivors.

There was a battalion of soldiers with conventional infantry equipment, and they also kept the anti-aircraft guns of the militia.

The anti-aircraft guns were of decent model.

They were pulled back and converted into a defense system.

The giant tigers would destroy them one by one.

The barracks was in the west of Longshan, leading to Fengxian. After some planning, the magic cube decided to take the village road. Don't underestimate the village road. These villages built many village roads that were not too wide for convenient transportation. The national and provincial roads leading to the provincial capital would be jammed like ghosts. The village road was the best choice.

The magic cube was on air alert as usual. The only exception was Jiajia crying and wanting to go with Zhang Xiaowen. Zhang Xiaowen had no choice but to take this little ancestor with her because she felt there was no danger.

On the country road.


"Yeah~!" The V-shaped steel plate knocked a van to the side of the road, and in the process, broke a zombie into several sections. The team members who were sitting on the roof of the van and enjoying the breeze cheered.

"Rubik's Cube, how's the road condition?"

"It's not bad. If you look at the provincial road over there, you will know how smooth our driving is."

Zhang Xiaowen turned her head and looked at the provincial road 200 meters away.

There were vehicles on the road in all directions.

People in Jiangcheng thought that the provincial capital was large and could prevent zombies, so they drove desperately to the provincial capital.

People in the provincial capital thought that there were too many zombies in the provincial capital and they should go to the mountainous area of Jiangcheng where there were fewer people.

So this road became a parking lot.

These cars were not military vehicles and naturally could not go off-road.

They were stuck on the road like this.

"Are there any survivors?"

"I think there should be some. Maybe they abandoned their cars and walked into the mountains to seek refuge when they saw the road was congested. But I don't think a group of city dwellers who watched a few days of wilderness survival TV shows can survive in the mountains. Maybe there are not many left."

"This is really unfortunate news."Zhang Xiaowen pouted and said, seeing Zhang Xiaowen pouted, Jiajia thought she wanted to eat snacks, so she obediently picked up a piece of preserved fruit and stuffed it into Zhang Xiaowen's mouth.……

"I should get a few long-range drones. I rely on my small propeller to fly them every day. This is a serious case of exploitation."

"Okay, then you go ahead and do it."


The Rubik's Cube definitely needs to be quiet...

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