Star Wars

Chapter 114

Buzz buzz buzz - the Cube was flying at an altitude of 100 meters. Suddenly, the Cube found smoke rising from a valley beside a highway. The valley was narrow at the entrance but wide inside. The valley entrance was steep and had natural defensive advantages. A tall simple wall was built with rocks and wood, which would not hinder the flow of stream water and could resist zombies. The Cube decided to go and see the situation. After saying hello to Zhang Xiaowen, the plane tilted its nose and flew straight to the valley.

The distance was not too far.

It soon flew to the entrance of the valley.

The Cube flew past the pine trees on the cliffs on both sides and headed straight into the valley.

Sure enough, it found survivors, and there were at least 300 of them.

The valley was originally a wide farmland with two or three farming families living there.

There were colorful tents on the grass or under the trees.

The Cube was worried that so many people would have trouble due to food shortages and insufficient warm clothes.

Fortunately, it found about a platoon of soldiers.

At present, the order seemed to be good, and young girls or children would occasionally smile.

In the modified truck, the female team member sitting in the co-pilot seat used a tablet to observe the valley

"Sister Zhang, what should we do with these people?……"

"We should find a way to send in some salt, sugar, quilts and cotton clothes. The food should be enough for them to survive for a while. We will pick them up when our camp has air transport capabilities."Zhang Xiaowen said calmly while driving.

"Air transport? Are we going to build an airplane?"The female team member shouted excitedly.

Zhang Xiaowen smiled. Anyway, Rubik's Cube will make an airplane sooner or later. I don't believe that it can tolerate the slow traffic conditions on the ground for a long time. If things go wrong... Rubik's Cube is really a spaceship. Judging from the current situation, the level of technology is really high, which is completely incomparable to the current situation on Earth.

In the valley, the arrival of Rubik's Cube caused a commotion, and everyone was analyzing the origin of the remote-controlled aircraft in front of them.

Rubik's Cube turned on the blue and red flashing lights and circled around the residential area for a few times, and then flew away.

Originally, many people thought that someone from outside finally came to rescue them, but they didn't expect that the remote-controlled aircraft flew away after turning a few circles.

Was it just reconnaissance just now? Will someone be sent in the future? It's not good to eat and live here every day.

I really can't bear it anymore...

Ten minutes later.

Buzz buzz buzz - the Rubik's Cube flew back again, but this time there was a modified wireless phone and a solar charger hanging on the landing gear. Everyone was a survivor who was struggling in the end of the world and still had a conscience. Zhang Xiaowen thought it was necessary to keep in touch. At this time of despair, being able to contact the outside world could at least give these people hope, and also give herself hope!

They lowered the altitude and placed the wireless phone and charger on a green military tent. Only the temporary chief of the army could use the communication equipment rationally. After all, his psychological quality was stronger than that of other survivors who were almost collapsing.

The young officer's hand holding the wireless phone was shaking a little, as if he was holding something important.

"Hello, I am Zhang Xiaowen, the military commander of Longshan Camp...……"Zhang Xiaowen's voice came from the wireless phone.

Cube didn't pay attention to what Zhang Xiaowen talked about with these people.

Just seeing the young officer's eyes red and almost crying made him feel that it was not easy for humans.

Not only did they have to fight zombies and viruses, but they also had to fight hunger, despair, and crazy chaos.

Mechanical life forms were much better.

They could just find some sunlight to replenish their energy.

If there was no sunlight, they could absorb all kinds of energy from traveling in the universe.

They were not afraid of viruses at all.


was the most perfect life.


After driving for two and a half hours, we finally arrived near the military camp. The camp is located near the national highway and the town, and there are many zombies. Zhang Xiaowen and others are on guard. The magic cube will go to check the spot first, uh... go to investigate the situation first.

The magic cube conducted a detection and scan of the entire military camp, and no survivors were found.

There are about a hundred zombies wandering in the camp.

There are traces of explosions and gun battles everywhere.

About a hundred zombies were shot and killed.

The fact that they can organize an effective resistance after the disaster shows that the chief officer of the army handled it well.

There are less than 400 people in a battalion.

The loss of 200 people means that about 100 people may escape.

In addition, the damage along the way is expected to be small.

Zombies are everywhere and communication is out of order.

It is really difficult to find the missing troops unless you use an airplane.

The anti-aircraft guns and the shells used by the anti-aircraft guns are all there.

It is very difficult to take these things away in an emergency.

With so many vehicles, it is better to bring more ammunition and food.

At this time, they are neatly placed in rows in the large warehouse.

When the troops withdrew, they only took a small amount of marching equipment, ammunition and food.

The other things were still there.

For example, Cube found a lot of field communication devices, which Cube naturally didn't need since he had more advanced ones.

After finding the ammunition depot and the cotton quilt and cotton clothing supply station, Cube landed at a sentry post with a wide view and parked.

He transformed into a sniper rifle and pointed the muzzle at the two evolved zombies here.


He killed the evolved zombie with two consecutive shots, then switched to ordinary small machine gun bullets and started sniping those ordinary zombies.

"The main threat has been eliminated. Follow the route and enter, and prepare for the clearing operation!"

Zhang Xiaowen saw the indicator arrows on the road surface on her goggles. Without saying a word, she started the truck and drove towards the camp according to the instructions. At the same time, she issued an order to clear the zombies. The team members inside and outside the car raised their guns and shot at the ordinary zombies who heard the sound and ran over. Under the effective protection of the modified truck, the team steadily cleared the zombies.

The most outstanding performance was Jia Jia, who was sitting in the cab, eating snacks while controlling the zombies to hit the wall. As a result, many team members saw a weird scene. The zombie that originally pounced on him to eat meat suddenly turned around and hit the wall hard, hitting himself to death.……

"The little guy is too fierce, and the giant Siberian tiger is really pitiful."Zhang Xiaowen remembered the scene of the giant Siberian tiger hitting the wall and the tree. If anyone offended Jia Jia... I guess he would have a big bump on his head and he wouldn't know what happened.

"This... are these zombies desperate about their own lives?……"

"Maybe it's some sonic weapon that Sister Zhang made."

"For example, if there is thunder, it is raining and you go home to collect clothes."


The team members discussed what happened while shooting, and Zhang Xiaowen was so happy that she simply gave all her snacks to Jia Jia. The child worked so hard and deserved to be fed with delicious food. Only when he was full would he have the energy to fight.

"Wenzi, be careful, the Licker's speed is not comparable to that of the Evolved Zombies, that thing is elusive"

"Well, I'll pay attention. If it appears, let me know. Evolved zombies are no longer interesting."


Mofang lamented that this girl was becoming more and more violent. She even felt that beating up the evolved zombies was boring. Could she please stop being so arrogant...

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