Star Wars

Chapter 120

It was a little after two in the afternoon.

The big truck and three trucks were towing anti-aircraft guns on a country road at a slow speed. Fortunately, the country roads in the northeast were wide enough to drive on. When encountering a sharp turn, they had to get off the car and slowly adjust to turn. There were two squad machine guns on the roof of the big truck, and one on each of the trucks behind. They killed some scattered zombies while hurrying on.

"Stop the car! Set up a temporary position and watch out for zombies."

The convoy stopped on a remote road close to the valley and untied the anti-aircraft gun connected to the back of the third truck. The truck was filled with cotton clothes, quilts, tents, salt, sugar, cooking oil and other materials that needed to be transported to the valley.

Fortunately, the military truck has strong off-road performance. It can drive through farmland and a small river with a full truck of supplies, and even the sloping wasteland is unimpeded.

The Rubik's Cube turned into a remote-controlled helicopter and was firmly fixed on the roof.

In addition to Zhang Xiaowen, there were two fully armed female team members in the cab.

The young officer who had been notified from the radio phone a long time ago took all the men who could carry it and waited on the stone wall of the valley early, tiptoeing and looking into the distance with their hands under the awning, as if they were waiting for their long-lost relatives.

When they saw the military truck passing by, they were shocked.

As soon as they arrived, they excitedly climbed down the stone wall to greet them.

It was already autumn, and the survivors who had escaped had already been freezing cold in the chilly autumn wind at night. They were so happy to see this truck of quilts, cotton clothes and tents. After all, they could survive the winter with these things. Although the conditions were tough, there was nothing they could do.

Some survivors asked why they didn't leave by car. Zhang Xiaowen briefly described the conditions on the road and the occasional man-eating zombies to dispel their thoughts. It was no problem for an armed convoy to pass through, but pulling hundreds of people who smelled of flesh and blood would definitely be a life-and-death struggle, and the guard team might even be killed.

After unloading the supplies and saying goodbye to everyone in the valley, they returned to the country road, hung up the anti-aircraft guns and continued their journey home.……


After returning to the camp, Cube immediately began the project of fully arming the camp.

Each Guard-1 robot dismantled its assault rifle and replaced it with a squad machine gun.

In addition to missiles, two more gun barrels were added.

Missiles were used to deal with large targets in the air and at a distance.

Two anti-aircraft guns were responsible for dealing with all large targets within the sight line, and machine guns were used to clear those ordinary small targets.

The combination of near, medium, far, high and low defenses was more perfect.

The Guard-1 was thus upgraded to a large defense platform responsible for the safety of the camp.

The anti-aircraft guns installed on the Guard-1 robots were all those that were dismantled and brought back. The intact ones were not dismantled but arranged in a circle around the residential area. They were usually covered with rainproof cloth. Once there was a situation where the Guard-1 robots could not defend themselves, they could join the battle to reduce the pressure on the robots.

At present, the factory is fully engaged in the production of missiles, and the expansion of the factory is imminent. After all, only with a fully automated factory can bullets and shells be produced continuously. After all, the collected storage will be used up sooner or later.

After hard work, all the Guard-1 robots were modified.……


A few days later, at night, Rubik's Cube, exhausted from work, woke up from hibernation.

The hall was quiet. The four evil cats had gone out to hunt. Jia Jia was sleeping in the second-floor room with a stuffed rabbit toy. On the balcony, Zhang Xiaowen leaned on the railing with her arms to look at the moon. The silver moonlight shone on Zhang Xiaowen, creating a soft and dreamy picture.

He struggled to lift his mechanical legs and climbed up the stairs to the second floor, opened the glass door and walked onto the balcony.

"Wenzi, what are you doing? I thought I was the only one who would stare into space for nothing. Are you also from outer space?"Grabbing the railing, Mofang climbed up the railing with great effort and sat down.

"I miss home……"



let's go to your house as soon as possible……"Mofang didn't know what to say for a moment, and he barely found a few words in the computer.

It's been so long since the apocalypse, and the living conditions are getting worse and worse.

I heard Zhang Xiaowen say that her home is in H Province, which is separated from J Province to the north.

I rarely heard Zhang Xiaowen mention her family.

I'm afraid she has imagined the scene of returning to her home countless times in her heart.

Now the traffic is paralyzed and congested, and zombies are everywhere.

It's very difficult to cross a province to find relatives, unless there is a plane.

"I don't know how my parents are doing. They came to Jiangcheng to see me this spring. We seldom talk on the phone. Now I think about it and realize that I am really unfilial.……"

"Nowadays... who will pay attention to their family and parents before the end of the world? All they think about every day is work and pleasure. Many years later, they suddenly regret that they did not spend more time with their parents. However, as long as they think it through, the moment of regret means that they have understood what filial piety is. Parents will smile and love their children more."

"I feel much better after hearing what you said. By the way, how do you understand the various emotions between humans?"

"It's very simple. I am just a mechanical life form, or just complex energy. I can observe and analyze humans from a completely non-human perspective, but you are always unable to observe yourself from another perspective."

"So... do you have parents?"


The Rubik's Cube went quiet, the mechanical parts sticking out drooped downward, and the light of its mechanical eyes dimmed.……

"Sorry, I didn't mean it.……"

"It's okay, I just feel a little emotional, thinking about those days in Dragon Star"

"Can you tell me about it? I want to know how you came into the world and what you saw at first sight. I just want to know."Zhang Xiaowen gathered her long hair and stared at the Rubik's Cube curiously.

"Yes, I remember that I suddenly felt my own existence at that time.

I remember that when I looked outside for the first time, I saw the starry sky.

Later I learned that it was an imaging device installed above the starship.

Later…………"In the room on the second floor, Jia Jia was sleeping soundly in bed.

On the balcony outside the window, Zhang Xiaowen was propping up her chin and listening to the magic cube sitting on the fence telling those fantastic experiences.

The silver moonlight was sprinkled, and the blue was like a fairy tale world...

The next day.

Longshan Camp once again organized an operation to collect factory equipment. This time, three large trucks were driven, and the modified large truck led the way.

The collection went smoothly.

Perhaps it was because the magic cube had cleared out the evolved zombies and lickers twice, which led to the near extinction of these ferocious zombies near the suburban factory area, which greatly accelerated the loading speed.

It was not enough to pull it back once, so it was moved again.

The magic cube felt that the current construction work was almost done and it was time to look for metal absorption upgrades.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, the magic cube said goodbye to Zhang Xiaowen and flew alone to the southern part of the city.

There was an industrial park there with more factories and more rare metals could be collected.

When we were flying through the city, we flew to the rooftop of a building and took a look around. We didn't see the sniper girl and her gang. The daily necessities on the rooftop were gone. It seemed that they had moved to another place to live. After circling a circle, we turned the plane around and headed straight for the Southern Industrial Park...

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