Star Wars

Chapter 121

Distant universe.

The huge energy absorbed from the Blue Pole Star has accelerated the construction of the giant dock.

Countless metals that can be collected everywhere are transported back one by one.

The huge cylindrical dock factory has continuously built new mining ships and engineering robots.

These have been upgraded by the Rubik's Cube again using technology, and the work efficiency has almost doubled.

The huge number of mining ships and engineering robots and the Blue Pole Star ensure the explosive construction of warships and unmanned fighters.

In the center of the dock, two frigates began to assemble at the same time...

The nearby airspace has long been filled with unmanned fighters, and it is still expanding.

The original fleet has begun to expand exponentially, but the Rubik's Cube feels that it is far from enough.

While building the fleet, it is also using a lot of resources to strengthen and upgrade the main interstellar battleship with higher technology.

The ship is larger, the defense is higher, and the attack is stronger.

In this inconspicuous place in the universe, the technological civilization of mechanical life forms is being born and growing!


Earth, one week later.

On the road by the river in the industrial park, a half-meter-tall robot shot out fan-shaped blue beams from its eyes to scan a racing motorcycle.

After a few seconds, the robot folded, extended, rotated, and grew larger, and finally turned into a racing motorcycle with blue and red flame spray paint.

The engine and other mechanical parts were pure black.

The heavy shape ensured the stability of high-speed driving.

After the racing motorcycle started, it emitted a very distinctive engine roar and drove at high speed, swaying left and right to flexibly avoid dense zombies in an S-shaped route!

It was the Rubik's Cube. After plaguing a large number of factory warehouses, it finally succeeded in upgrading. It can be called a great leap forward.

Buzz... The engine of the racing motorcycle roared, and the speed was several times faster than the toy car. Although this feeling was not as comfortable as the main body of the interstellar battleship, it also made the Rubik's Cube feel satisfied. At least he didn't have to cut his knees anymore.

An apartment building next to the road by the river.

"What is that? A motorcycle without a person? Either the world is crazy or I am crazy……"

A survivor looked at the racing motorcycle that the Rubik's Cube had transformed into in disbelief as it sped past. It was hard to believe...

The computer was connected to all the equipment in Longshan Camp. Seeing that the camp was running well, his eyes were fixed on a group of crowded zombies in front of the road. He had just finished upgrading and was about to test his combat power when a group of zombies appeared. He was really thirsty and someone immediately sent him engine oil. If he didn't treat them well, he would be sorry for the kindness of these zombies. A group of good zombies...

"Decepticon! Uh... Autobots transform!"

Ka-ka... Ding...

The high-speed racing motorcycle suddenly jumped up!

It quickly folded and deformed in mid-air, and after landing and rolling a few times on the asphalt road, it had turned into a monster 100 meters tall.

���Eight cool robots!

Powerful mechanical hands, blue and red painted metal arm guards on the arms, handsome armor on the shoulders and chest, and armor on the calves, thighs and knees.

The wheel feet have become real mechanical feet, and the two wheels are carried side by side on the shoulders.

Click! When walking towards the zombies, armor pops out on both sides of the mechanical face to cover the mouth and nose, leaving only the eyes!

Swoosh! The right mechanical hand turns into a bayonet, or perhaps it should be called a broadsword. Although it is only 40 centimeters long and looks bulky, it works well.

After the Rubik's Cube turned into a robot, the zombies were attracted by the Rubik's Cube and wanted to come over to see what it was.

A zombie walking in the front came over with a long skirt.

At this moment, a mechanical hand quickly grabbed the zombie's neck, and then the knife flashed, and the zombie's head flew to the side of the road with a whirl...

The black mechanical hand can easily deal with ordinary zombies.

Just grab and squeeze it to crush the skull of an ordinary zombie.

The smell of blood finally made the zombies go berserk.

Unfortunately, the cube didn't need to dodge at all.

It just rushed straight into them and smashed and chopped them with its fists and knives.

The number of zombies was decreasing rapidly.

Its claws and teeth could not cause any damage to the cube.

It didn't even leave a scratch on the metal surface.

Kaka! The left mechanical arm transformed into a machine gun.

Ta-ta-ta-ta... the fierce standard military machine gun bullets swept through, smashing the heads of zombies one after another. Once hit by a bullet, there would be a hole in the head, chest, or thigh. Even the head would be directly shattered. This was the power of the military standard machine gun!

All weapons were upgraded with the upgrade.

Needless to say, the bayonet was changed to the caliber of the military squad machine gun, with 210 rounds of ammunition.

There were four missiles, which were increased from finger length to one foot long.

They had a longer flight distance, a higher hit rate, and a stronger destructive power.

As for the sniper rifle, it must have changed now, but the cube has not yet designed it.

The current weapons are enough.

Even the evolved zombies and the licker cube can smash it with their fists.

"The feeling of increased strength is really good. My height has increased from half a meter to 1.8 meters. It will take a long time for me to upgrade next time. It's not easy.……"

He bent down and quickly transformed into a racing motorcycle. He stepped on the accelerator twice in succession and rushed into the distance with the roar of the engine. He didn't care whether the sound attracted zombies or not. He would have run away if they came out anyway.

In an office of a company in a building in the city, a girl was staring at the river through the French window in a daze.

Suddenly, a shadow passed quickly on the road by the river through the gap between the buildings. The girl was stunned, raised her sniper rifle and looked at another larger gap in front of her. In an instant, the girl used her supernatural power to see clearly what it was. She opened her mouth but said nothing. It was not that she couldn't speak, but she really didn't know what to say.……

"What the hell! A few days ago, a remote-controlled airplane flew back and forth, and now a remote-controlled motorcycle has appeared! How many weird people are there in Jiangcheng! Who is so bored!"

The Cube didn't hear or see anything, and rushed towards the north.

"That remote-controlled helicopter was heading north, and now this unmanned motorcycle is also heading north. Could it be that that guy lives north of the city? The north is a mountainous area... a mountainous area? I think I understand."The girl stood in front of the French window holding a gun, as if she had figured something out.

Rumble... dark clouds covered the sky with lightning and thunder, and the dull air foreshadowed that a heavy rainstorm was about to fall.

At this time when the zombies were in a frenzy because of thunder and lightning, seven or eight modified cars were heading towards the north of Longshan along a remote road. In the front modified civilian Hummer, one of them was the indifferent man who appeared in the Longshan camp. He looked at the sky with dark clouds outside the car window and showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Pah pah pah pah... hua hua hua...

The rainstorm came, and huge raindrops fell on the car hood and glass, making a sound. The convoy took advantage of the rainstorm to speed up. Everyone held simple weapons and looked excited. Some people even prepared psychedelic drugs whose prices would double after the end of the world, and vowed to use them to enjoy the girls who were about to get them...

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