Star Wars

Chapter 122


On the national highway in the northern mountainous area of Jiangcheng, a racing motorcycle was driving fast with its lights flashing and sirens blaring. The lights were particularly bright against the dark rainstorm. When turning, it tilted like a top racer and almost fell on the asphalt road. It did not slow down in the heavy rain.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaowen's voice came from the communicator.

""Mofang! Mofang, are you there?"

While talking on the phone, Mofang could still hear bursts of anti-aircraft guns and machine guns firing from the other side. He was stunned! What's going on? They're actually using anti-aircraft guns to fire!

"I'm here, what happened?"

"I don't know what happened. Suddenly, a large number of zombies rushed towards the camp! The guard robots have opened fire. I estimate that there are at least 500 zombies, but there are not so many zombies nearby! Come back and have a look." Zhang Xiaowen's voice was a little anxious. The rain was rustling. She must be standing in the rain, and she was still giving orders to others to prepare to use anti-aircraft guns to fire horizontally.

"Don't worry, the guard robot can handle it for now. Remember to restock the ammunition, I'll be back soon."After saying that, the cube stopped communicating, and the speed of the racing motorcycle increased again. The fast-moving airflow even split the rain curtain in half...

Longshan Camp

"Quick! Load all the anti-aircraft guns and prepare to fire! Non-combatants, hurry back to your rooms and close the closed doors!"In the heavy rain, Zhang Xiaowen, who was fully armed, led 20 guards to lift the tarpaulin to reveal the anti-aircraft guns. They had no time to tidy up the hair that was splashed across their faces by the rain. In the distance, the zombies stimulated by lightning were roaring and approaching the camp. The situation was very serious.

"Sister Wenzi...I want to help too……"Jia Jia, wearing a raincoat and rain boots and holding an umbrella, stood in the rain and said to Zhang Xiaowen


Zhang Xiaowen squatted down and tightened the translucent yellow raincoat on Jiajia

"Be good, go back to the house and wait for us, stay with your sisters, they still need your protection, dear~"

"All right……"Jia Jia pouted and reluctantly walked towards the girls' dormitory building, turning back every three steps. Through the red glasses, Zhang Xiaowen could see Jia Jia's concerned eyes...

Sighing, Zhang Xiaowen quickly controlled a four-barrel anti-aircraft gun with another female team member and aimed it at the zombies surging in the wasteland in the distance.

Several defense platforms not far away were continuously firing.

The machine guns were used as sniper rifles and fired one by one.

Anyone who was hit would definitely have a big hole.

No matter where the zombies were hit, they could stop them.

Occasionally, where there were dense zombies, the anti-aircraft guns would aim at the direction and fire shells.

Every shot would smash a piece of zombies.

The sound of gunfire, artillery, thunder, and rain mixed together, making this dark rainstorm no longer calm.

On a small hill opposite the camp.

A group of men were watching the Longshan camp, each with a different look on their face. Some were very nervous about so many zombies, and some were a little twisted and sneered cruelly. Standing in the front were a dozen people, or a dozen mutants.

"I didn't expect the Longshan camp to have such strong firepower, and even have cannons. This is different from what we saw last time. It's a pity that all the ammunition is wasted now. It would have been ours."

"Brother, will all these zombies eat all the girls in Longshan Camp? Then we will have come here for nothing! Brothers have been waiting for this moment for several days. How about... we go around and kidnap all the girls?"More than a dozen mutants stared at the cold-looking man standing in the middle, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

"Don't worry, I prepared zombies according to the combat effectiveness of their guards. We will wait until they are almost done fighting with the zombies before we go down to clean up the mess. There is no safety problem for those girls until all the guards are dead. However... I always feel that there are too few zombies. Lao Er, can we attract more zombies nearby?"The indifferent man turned his head and looked at a thin man with triangular eyes beside him.

Lao Er shook his head when he heard this.

"No, this place is remote and surrounded by mountains. We managed to get these zombies from the village and the road. If there are more, we will have to go to the suburbs. It is impossible to get them from such a long distance."The thin man with triangular eyes frowned and said

"This is difficult. Maybe... we have to sacrifice some people."The cold-looking boss turned his gaze to the group of ordinary people behind him. The others did not object to his words. Anyway, they were brought here to be used as a waste.

The rain continued, and the zombies continued to fall one after another, but they were getting closer and closer to the camp.……

"What is that?"

A mutant pointed at several unclear objects in the camp in the heavy rain and said. The other mutants looked in the direction of his finger and couldn't tell what it was, but they still admired the fact that Longshan Camp had abundant supplies.

Suddenly! Those things flashed with fire!

Boom boom boom boom...

A total of five anti-aircraft guns turned their muzzles and fired at the approaching zombie group.

The fierce shells cut through the rain curtain and left a clear trace in the rain and sank into the zombie group.

The anti-aircraft guns used for air defense had very strong firepower.

Flat shooting was simply a zombie killer.

One shell could often penetrate and explode several zombies in succession.

Even if it passed by a zombie, it would cause fatal damage to the zombie, because the fierce airflow brought by the shells could easily wipe off large pieces of rotten meat from the zombies!

Dang dang dang...

There were hot and smoking yellow shells constantly falling from both sides of the anti-aircraft guns. The rain immediately formed a layer of water vapor, and there were more and more shells on the ground.

"Go reload the guard robot! Quick!"


The team members who were not operating the anti-aircraft guns ran towards the guard robots in groups of two, carrying ammunition boxes.

The five guard robots facing the zombies had just used up their shells.

Only the machine guns were still firing.

They needed to reload the ammunition immediately while the anti-aircraft guns were firing.

After all, the guard robots had the strongest lethality.

Although they were only equipped with two gun barrels, their accurate shooting was simply unmatched by the team members.

The group of men on the hillside were already stunned.

What was going on!

Even if it was a military base, it would be like this!

There were so many guns...

Whoosh - two team members did not operate the anti-aircraft guns well and accidentally shot a little too high. , the shell flew towards the hillside without any intention!


The shell hit a rock and exploded violently.

The flying shrapnel and gravel knocked down several people instantly, and even broke the windows of several off-road vehicles.

A group of men were hit by this shell and screamed.

After all, before the end of the world, all of them were ordinary people who only knew how to enjoy their daily lives.

They had never seen artillery or anti-aircraft guns.

They didn't faint when a shell exploded around them.

It was because they were trained in the end of the world.

Puff! Among the mutants standing in a row, a ball of blood burst out of his neck, and the whole person instantly rolled down the hillside.……


A large group of people screamed and several mutants were terrified. Fortunately, they were not the ones hit by the shrapnel. Their confidence in seizing the Longshan camp was shaken.

"Shut up! Why are you shouting if you are not dead! If you shout again, I will send you to kill zombies!" The man with a cold expression shouted.

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