Star Wars

Chapter 123

"Luckily, my brother thought of using zombies to consume them. Otherwise, if we really rushed forward, I'm afraid I don't know how many people would die.……"

""Big brother is wise!"

A group of mutant brothers immediately followed suit, obviously very skilled. From this, we can also see the prestige of this cold-looking boss among these people. In the end times, prestige is gained by relying on powerful force.


The two-person team that transported the ammunition climbed up the elevated platform, and the guard robot also stopped shooting and waited for reloading. The cover of the ammunition box was opened to pull out the empty ammunition box, and then the new ammunition box was pushed in and the protective cover was buckled. The guard robot started shooting again, and the fierce shells easily smashed the approaching zombies into pieces.

In the monitoring room, many men and women were watching the battle outside through the monitor. When the guard robot showed that there was enough ammunition and fired again, everyone breathed a sigh of relief...

Boom boom boom...

Suddenly, a guard robot fired anti-aircraft guns continuously, and at the same time it was turning quickly as if it was aiming at something running fast! With such a fast speed, it is definitely not the kind of evolved zombies that are often seen!

"Damn it! There's a Licker over there!" Zhang Xiaowen instantly became nervous.

Fortunately, the guard robot fired continuously and then turned its gun to shoot ordinary zombies.

Zhang Xiaowen breathed a sigh of relief.

It must be the guard robot that dealt with the fast-moving Licker.

In the bushes, a Licker was covered with shrapnel, and its lower body was blown into pieces.

Although it was fast, it would be suppressed by artillery with a faster firing rate, because the shells would explode after being fired.

Even if it didn't hit directly, it would be injured by the flying shrapnel, slowing down and eventually killing it.

The guard robot can not only aim, but also calculate the trajectory and analyze autonomously, so it has no problem dealing with this kind of thing.

"Save ammunition! Try to shoot at places where zombies are densely packed. When the zombies reach the protective net, stop firing and let the others operate the heavy machine guns!"

The barrel of the anti-aircraft gun was red hot, and the raindrops fell on it with a hissing sound. Several team members couldn't stand the buzzing in their ears from the gunfire, and didn't know how they left the anti-aircraft gun firing position.

The gunfire and the strong smell of blood stimulated the remaining two hundred zombies to continue to rush. These monsters had no idea what death was and had no fear. Occasionally, an evolved zombie would appear and would be immediately locked by the guard robot and then fiercely bombarded until the red dot representing the health value of the evolved zombie disappeared, and all the mutant zombies were killed bloodily.

"Heavy machine guns open fire! Continuous fire! No need to save ammunition for me! Watch the direction of the tracer bullets!"

Five heavy machine guns spit out long flames, and the tracers dragged out lines pointing directly at the zombies in the rain. The number of zombies is decreasing rapidly.

What no one noticed is that all the people on the hillside have disappeared...

In the grove on the side of Longshan Camp, the indifferent boss is walking slowly towards Longshan Camp with his men. Many people are carrying various tools behind them. As they walk, a four-rotor remote-controlled aircraft suddenly falls from the tree canopy in front of them. It is hovering up and down and pointing a black camera at the crowd.

"What the hell is this!"Has anyone seen this thing?" The people who cursed.

In the monitoring room of Longshan Camp, the video images of this group of people immediately appeared on the screen, and the monitoring room staff were also a little puzzled.

Bang! Zizi... The picture on the screen disappeared. At the same time, a nearby guard robot turned its gun and aimed at the place where the signal of the quadcopter disappeared. Infrared detection detected that a group of people were approaching, but there were too many big trees to shoot. In the eyes of the guard robot, the quadcopter also belonged to Longshan Camp. Destroying the quadcopter was like attacking, so of course it had to be shot.

The boss with a cold expression stepped on the damaged quadcopter and continued to move towards a recess with his men.

During the journey, several more quadcopters flew over, but these were not here to record the video, but kept firing pistol bullets at the crowd from the hidden place of the tree canopy. From time to time, unlucky people were hit by bullets and fell in the bushes full of rain. Some of these people also took out pistols or stones to hit the quadcopter. The battle was very fierce. People kept falling down, and remote control planes kept falling.

"Hurry! Don't worry about those things! Just attack and you'll be safe!"The boss said, leading the charge and running quickly into the depression.

"Get ready quickly! Those weird things here can't hit us, let's shoot those things down! Otherwise, none of us can escape today!"

These people who can come out to rob the camp are all ruthless people.

They simply ignored the small plane in the sky and assembled the things they brought in the heavy rain.

After the assembly, it turned out to be a large slingshot...

The boss calculated very well.

The weapons used for defense in Longshan Camp are all direct-fire weapons.

They can't hit or see the other side of the slope at all, but the slingshot can be thrown in an arc.

As for what to use to destroy those machines, they are naturally fully prepared.

After setting up the big slingshot, someone took out a beer bottle stuffed with cotton from his backpack, pulled the big slingshot to fix the bottle, and at this time, someone carefully took out a dry The hot lighter ignited the cotton ball, which turned out to be a simple incendiary bomb filled with gasoline!

After lighting it, the person pulling the slingshot slowly adjusted the direction and aimed at the guard robot...

Whoosh~ The simple incendiary bomb rolled and flew towards the guard robot!

The guard robot immediately captured the flight trajectory of the simple incendiary bomb, turned the machine gun and fired continuously, and actually exploded the simple incendiary bomb in mid-air. The gorgeous flames soared into the air and fell into the wet grass and continued to burn. The guard robot, sensing the danger, immediately calculated the launch position of the simple incendiary bomb, and with a bang, it opened the cover of the missile box and was about to launch the missile.

""What are you looking at! Keep firing! Quick!"

The second brother, the thin man with triangular eyes, suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis. He looked up and saw that there was an extra missile warhead on the strange machine. Without saying a word, he grabbed an ordinary survivor man and threw him out of the recess, and then threw another one in another direction.

The guard robot that originally planned to launch missiles captured two figures, and immediately turned the muzzle to shoot at one of them. After shooting the first one, it turned the muzzle to shoot the second one, who was attracted by the bait thrown by the second brother. At this moment, a simple incendiary bomb with a beer bottle rolled over with flames, and there was no time to turn the muzzle to use the machine gun. Shoot it down...

Bang! The beer bottle smashed the steel shell of the guard robot, shattering it. The gasoline was instantly ignited, and the flames covered the entire guard robot. Even the missile box with the lid opened flowed into the flames! The heavy rain could not put out the burning gasoline. The guard robot continued to shake but still could not escape the fate of being burned...


The missile exploded out of control, blasting the entire defense platform into pieces. Anti-aircraft artillery shells and machine gun bullets exploded in all directions. The huge explosion and black smoke alarmed everyone in the camp. At the same time, the speeding Rubik's Cube also saw the explosion flames and thick black smoke rising from the direction of the camp.

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