Star Wars

Chapter 124

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The alarms in the monitoring room rang loudly. The display that originally displayed the data of the destroyed guard robot turned into a flashing red, and all the values turned to zero. At the same time, the four-rotor remote-controlled aircraft in the distance all turned their heads and flew rapidly towards the place where the guard robot was destroyed.……

"Humph! No matter how powerful you are! I use my brain, everyone rush in! Whoever grabs the girl first gets it!"The boss looked at the guard robot that turned into a fireball and shouted loudly

"Yeah~! Charge!"

A group of apocalyptic bandits armed with sticks and a few pistols shouted slogans and rushed towards the reception house. No one noticed that there were a few less people behind them when they ran out of the woods.……

"Don't go in other directions! This is the only place where other machines have a blind spot! Charge! We'll win if we get into the house!"

This group of crazy people rushed towards the big house despite the bullets being fired from the quadcopter remote-controlled aircraft in the sky.

However, the two nearest guard robots were blocked by the blind spot of the house and could not be aimed and locked.

Zhang Xiaowen and ten team members were running towards this side, but because they had left too far before, they were too late to return for help.

At this moment, two shadows jumped out of the bushes and knocked down two team members!


The ferocious roar of the beast was mixed with the sound of someone's trachea being bitten and leaking air. Two shadows, one black and the other grayish white, were Dahei and Feng Xiaoer.

Several mutants cursed inwardly where this camp had so many tricks, both high-tech and animal training. Suddenly they turned around and realized that there seemed to be a few less brothers following them, and they disappeared silently without even a scream. How weird! They just came to the camp to grab a few girls and occupy territory! Just when a dozen mutants were about to enter the big house, the Rubik's Cube, which was about to return to the camp, gave an order to the guard robots...

The two closest guard robots They immediately turned their guns and aimed at the wall of the big house, then opened fire, each firing ten armor-piercing shells in succession!

Bang bang...!!

Before a group of people who had just run to the side of the house could stand firm, the wall collapsed with a loud bang, and a man was cut in half on the spot. The rest of the people quickly lay down to avoid the shells that penetrated the wall. For a while, wood chips flew everywhere and cannons roared, while the big black Feng Xiaoer and the four evil cats in the distance all hid far away and watched.

Beep - Woo ~ Woo ~ Beep - sirens sounded at the gate, and a racing motorcycle with flashing police lights roared into the camp! They turned a corner and rushed towards the group of people suppressed by the anti-aircraft guns.

"Rubik's Cube?"

Zhang Xiaowen looked at the cool motorcycle that rushed into the camp in surprise. Although it was different from before, it was definitely a Rubik's Cube! Otherwise, the guard robot would not have been allowed in.

Click... Ding...

The racing motorcycle was about to rush to the battle group when it suddenly jumped into the air to complete its transformation.

The guard robot stopped firing.

The Rubik's Cube rolled in the rain and rushed to the house and punched an intruder lying on the ground.

With the sound of bones snapping, the man's spine was completely broken!

Then he punched another person on the head, without using bayonets and machine guns, and knocked down one person after another with one punch.

Even if they used their arms to resist, their arms and heads were smashed together.

These bandits who had planned to take advantage of the Longshan camp were stunned and stared at the Rubik's Cube with incredible eyes.

What the hell was this thing?

Bang, bang, bang...! Zhang Xiaowen and several team members opened fire with their assault rifles, hitting a group of bandits who wanted to bypass the Rubik's Cube and rush to the big house, splashing blood in the heavy rain.

""What are you doing? Hurry up and do it!"

The mutants who were awakened by the boss used their special powers to try to block the robot with two wheels on its back. The power-type mutants quickly found something to throw, the speed-type mutants wandered around looking for opportunities, and the other types stood still and took out their pistols to fire!


The bullets shot at the mechanical parts could not cause any damage to the Rubik's Cube. On the contrary, the cement blocks thrown by several power-type mutants were more troublesome. However, before dealing with these big guys, they still had to catch these fast-swimming mice first. The Rubik's Cube was very annoyed by the mice circling around. While using its mechanical fists to smash the incoming stones, its mechanical feet were fully charged.

Swish! The blue arc of the mechanical feet sank into the rain-filled ground.……

"Uh uh uh……"

Several speed-type psychics who were close to them twitched and fell down, while those who were farther away were trembling all over and could not speak clearly.

The hair on the head of the cold-faced boss stood up.

So many people were not paying attention and suffered a great loss at the hands of the Rubik's Cube.

While these people were unable to move, the Rubik's Cube stabbed them to death one by one, starting with the nearest one.

Zhang Xiaowen and several others in the distance opened fire.

"Don't hit that robot.……"

Dangdang! Two bullets rubbed against the shield of Rubik's shoulder, leaving a string of sparks and disappearing. Rubik's Cube helplessly looked at the female team member who shot him. The female team member smiled awkwardly and embarrassedly. Rubik's Cube rolled his eyes...

When he was stabbing a power mutant to death with a knife, he suddenly felt a wave of energy coming towards him. It was mental energy. Rubik's Cube was stunned. He didn't expect that there would be mental mutants among these people, but... Is it really appropriate for you to use mental energy to attack a mechanical life form? It's not the same world at all!

The left mechanical arm transformed into a machine gun, aimed at the place where several mutant leaders gathered and fired rapidly.

Seeing the place where Rubik's Cube shot, Zhang Xiaowen also followed suit.

The dense bullets immediately covered the positions of several leaders in charge.

A burst of shooting swept down several people again.

At this time, there were less than ten doomsday bandits who came to attack Longshan Camp.

It was a pity that so many people did not die in the battle for living space with zombies, but died in a place that had nothing to do with zombies.

""Brother! Let's retreat! We are almost dead! We can't beat that robot monster!" The thin man with triangular eyes shouted.

The usually cold-looking boss stared, took a few deep breaths, gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"Retreat! Let's go! Let's run while there are still many zombies over there!"

"Brothers! Retreat!"

The few people who were still alive got up and hid in the bushes immediately. Only three power mutants were dragged by the magic cube and beaten so hard that they could not escape. The others ran away without looking back. The three power mutants panicked when they saw their leader and brothers abandoning them and running away. They were full of loopholes and were quickly killed by the magic cube with a bayonet.

""Cube! Stop chasing! There are still a lot of zombies attacking the wall over there, I'll just leave a few people here to guard it!" Zhang Xiaowen shouted in the heavy rain, holding an assault rifle

"Damn you bastards! I'll let you live a few more days!"

After saying that, Mofang quickly ran towards the main gate on the waterlogged lawn, picking up two steel rods as weapons as he passed by the pile of building materials.

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