Star Wars

Chapter 125

Rubik's Cube rushed into the zombie group with a few clangs, swinging two steel rods to smash one head after another. The destruction of a guard robot made Rubik's Cube very angry. The machine he had made with great difficulty was destroyed by a group of idle bastards. They were struggling to survive in the apocalypse, but they attacked living people. Why did they attack others so hard and suffer most of their own casualties? They were just bored and had nothing to do, right?

Driven by the dissatisfied program, Rubik's Cube cleared a large area by himself, and finally the steel rods were bent.

There were not many zombies left, scattered in the wasteland. Rubik's Cube, Zhang Xiaowen and the team members were clearing them one by one, and by the way, they would see which ones were not dead and stab them.

Soon, there was only one zombie left alive.……


The last male zombie still alive roared at the Rubik's Cube covered with dirty blood.

Snap! The mechanical arm easily broke the zombie's neck and threw the corpse that looked like a rag bag aside. The rainstorm had stopped at some point. The Rubik's Cube thought that he would have to find a stream to clean up the blood in a while. He looked down at the densely packed zombie corpses in the wasteland in front of the camp and sighed that there was work to do again.

There were footsteps behind him, and he knew who it was without looking back.

Zhang Xiaowen walked to the side of the Rubik's Cube, took off her helmet and smoothed her hair, and got close to observe the Rubik's Cube carefully from top to bottom. It seemed that she had seen something interesting. If it weren't for the dirty blood everywhere, she would probably touch it everywhere.

"Stupid woman, what are you looking at?"

"Of course I look at you. I'm a little uncomfortable with you growing up so big. I always feel that the little screaming kid was the Rubik's Cube. Now you give me the feeling of... an adult. Well, that's the feeling. Do you think there will be rumors if we live together in the future?" Zhang Xiaowen nodded after saying that what she said made sense.

"…………"The screen in front of the cube flashed, the computer was running too fast and heating up, and there were bursts of burning smoke coming out of it, some signs of a short circuit.

"Hey? Why are you smoking? Hey! Don't tremble. You don't have to be so excited that you tremble."


"Wow! Why did you pat your head? It made sparks appear."


Rubik's Cube decided to shut down the sound collection system, turned around and walked towards the stream in silence. If he stayed here any longer, he would definitely freeze and even be unable to restart. Women are incredible creatures on Earth, and their strength far exceeds that of large interstellar fleets. If all the people on Earth were women, then the Milky Way would be completely occupied and enter a dark age without light.……


After resting for more than an hour, the cleanup work began.

There were more than 500 zombie corpses, some of which were even broken into several pieces or exploded into meat residue.

The decay speed of dead zombies would be accelerated.

If all the zombie corpses were not cleaned up within one day, then no one in Longshan Camp would be able to eat.

The rotten smell could linger for three days, and if not handled properly, it would cause various diseases.

In short, it would harm people alive and continue to harm people dead.

If everyone cleaned it by hand, they might go crazy. Fortunately, there was a bulldozer in the camp, and three people were arranged to drive a dump truck. They simply shoveled off a layer of grass, loaded it into the car, and transported it to a distant place to dump it.

The four evil cats followed the Rubik's Cube as usual.

Anyway, there was no sense of strangeness.

I really don't know how these four foodies recognized the completely changed Rubik's Cube.

Compared with the four evil cats, everyone in the camp was full of fear of the Rubik's Cube.

This is also human nature.

No one could accept that there was suddenly a 1.

8-meter-tall flexible robot in front of them.

Although many movies before the end of the world tell about how humans and intelligent mechanical life get along, most of them describe the decline of humans, the prosperity of intelligent mechanical life and enslavement or destruction of humans, and there are almost no movies in which humans and intelligent mechanical life get along peacefully.

Seeing nothing to do, Rubik's Cube went into the factory to rush to make a guard robot.

The destroyed guard robot needed to be replaced urgently, otherwise it would be a major security loophole in the camp.

The workbench in the factory was filled with densely packed parts.

Rubik's Cube stood in front of the workbench and assembled two manipulators at an extremely fast speed.

The shadows of his hands were almost connected to form a dazzling piece.

The core components of the guard robot gradually took shape, and the size became larger and no one needed help, and the work efficiency increased several times.

In view of the fact that the firepower of the destroyed area could not cover the entire terrain, Rubik's Cube simply made two guard robots, so that they could take care of each other and prevent similar incidents from happening again.

After a busy day before dinner, the mess left by the war was finally cleaned up, and the guard robots were rearranged and put into alert status.

The camp hardly did any production work that day, and even the daily farm work was delayed.

The Cube was very dissatisfied with this.

It took less than a minute to collect photos of the human invasion.

After comparing the video photos of the last time they came to pick people up, it was quickly determined that these people were undoubtedly the survivors of the Xin'an Town camp.

Dinner was eaten by candlelight. There was not much sunlight in a day and the war consumed a lot of electricity. In order to ensure the safety of the defense, electricity had to be saved.

On the long dining table, Zhang Xiaowen, Wang Nan, mother and daughter, Jia Jia, and a group of animal foodies were eating. Wang Nan looked at Zhang Xiaowen while eating, wanting to ask something but not knowing where to start.

"Sister Nan, you want to ask what the robot is about, right?" Zhang Xiaowen said while eating.

"Uh... yes, I always feel that it is a bit like the Transformers in the movie, but a little smaller. The Terminator is not like a human, so... where did it come from?"

After Wang Nan asked, everyone around him pricked up their ears, wanting to hear the origin of the Rubik's Cube.

"How to say���Anyway, our camp can exist safely because of it. With it, we can eat well and sleep well. It can be said to be the guarantee of our survival. Moreover, I think if humans on Earth want to survive this biochemical crisis, they must rely on it. You can think of it as... a superhero from another world."

"Another world?"

"That's right. Do you think the technology on Earth can do this? Well, hurry up and eat. It will be dark if you don't eat."

"I think I must be dreaming, with zombies and time travel to another world. How am I going to explain this world to my daughter when she grows up?……"Wang Nan suddenly felt the huge pressure of future education.

Zhang Xiaowen picked up the bowl and chopsticks and ate the food vigorously. Jiajia, who was sitting next to her, successfully exchanged two sweet potato cakes from the two little rabbit sisters. After eating, she packed one. Zhang Xiaowen heard the little guy mumbling something to take back for his brother Rubik's Cube to taste...

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