Star Wars

Chapter 126

At night, it rained heavily again.

Four big cats were sleeping on the sofa in the living room of the research center. Zhang Xiaowen sat on a chair and watched the rain falling on the window. Rubik's Cube was quickly assembling some mechanical parts. This time, it was different from the previous mechanical design. It looked more complicated. The complex design also meant powerful functions.

"How is the investigation going? Are they really those people from Xin'an Town Camp?" Zhang Xiaowen said, looking out the window without turning back.

"Well, it was the mutants among them who used their powers to attract all the zombies nearby. The good news is that there will be no more zombies outside the camp for a while, if there are no zombies wandering around from other places."

Ziz...! Ziz!" The parts in the Rubik's Cube's hand burst into sparks, and the mechanical hand quickly corrected the deficiencies and continued what he had just said.

"Those people are all survivors of the Xin'an Town camp, but they should have lived in shantytowns before. Maybe they organized their own teams after awakening their powers. I'm curious how these teams noticed our Longshan camp. Secretary Huang is among them. Do you think I should go and kill them now or wait until they cause trouble again?"

"Alas... Humanity will perish in its own hands sooner or later. If they haven't left the Xin'an Town camp, don't worry about them. If they do, clean them up. Try not to destroy the Xin'an Town camp. After all, there are still a lot of survivors who are barely alive there."

"Okay, that's what I mean. It rained heavily these past two days. The temperature will drop a lot after every rain in October. The change in airflow direction will attract the zombies in the urban area to the Xin'an Town camp. Unfortunately, no one will believe what you and I say, because considering the relocation and safety issues during the relocation process, the leadership will not decide to leave. The countdown to the disaster has begun."

"Is there any way……"

"Either relocate or eliminate a large number of vulnerable survivors, such as the few elderly and children, as well as weak women."

"Is Jiangcheng going to perish just like that...Why didn't we go further away at the beginning?"

"Maybe they can't leave the city. For example, who can stand not having toilet paper after using the toilet? Who can live without soap and other daily necessities? There are no such things in the mountainous areas. And those self-proclaimed high-level managers and mutants, they simply can't stand the hard life."

Zhang Xiaowen sat there quietly without moving.

There were lightning, thunder and heavy rain outside the window, as if foreshadowing that countless people were about to face a huge disaster.

The magic cube shrugged.

He couldn't contact the main body at all and couldn't send a fleet to rescue humans.

It was extremely difficult to send signals to deep space on Earth.

There were equipment, but they were far away and few, or they had been destroyed for some reason.


what happened to the main body? It shouldn't have been missing for so long without paying attention.

Could something bigger be happening?

There was no conversation that night.


In the early morning, the sky was blue and the air was especially fresh after the rain.

After eating, Zhang Xiaowen dressed up and hurried to the factory to find the Rubik's Cube. She didn't even have time to wipe the rice grains from the corners of her mouth. The Rubik's Cube was confused by this and considered whether to wipe off the rice grains.

"Cube, let's go to the Xin'an Town camp. No matter what, we have to tell them what's going to happen. It's their business to decide what to do, but it's our job to inform them. I can't just watch more vulnerable groups get bitten to death and eaten by zombies."

"Well, this is the stupid woman I know, which car should I drive?"

Zhang Xiaowen raised her lips and stared at the Rubik's Cube, who suddenly had a bad feeling.……

"Didn't you transform into a motorcycle? Why don't you show me? Riding a motorcycle is fast and there's no traffic jam. What do you think?"

"Why do I feel so confused? Shouldn't you say that this will easily lead to gossip and scandals?" said the Rubik's Cube Robot

"Say it again!"

The Rubik's Cube seemed to suddenly feel the chill of autumn, and even felt that its parts were covered with frost.

"Uh... the weather is nice today. You can see that the number of soil nematodes in the air has increased by more than two times, so there is the fragrance of soil.……"

"Hurry up! It was fine if you were a toy car before, but now that you have become a motorcycle, you still want me to drive those boring cars. Are you still a grown man?"

"But... I am a mechanical life form, I don't have an inferior gender, uh... put down the wrench... let's talk it out... Hey hey hey! Don't remove my screws! You are treating alien civilization unequally……"

After struggling for a while, the Rubik's Cube had to transform into a cool racing motorcycle.

Click... Ding...

The Rubik's Cube folded, stretched and assembled.

With the unique combination sound of metal, it was tilted and stopped on the ground.

Under the light from the factory roof, it reflected the metallic luster.

The wide body, the cool shape, the gorgeous paint, and the low roar of the engine attracted Zhang Xiaowen, a former homegirl, to this super motorcycle at first sight.

There was even a heart shape in her eyes.

She was so excited that she didn't know where to go.

This is a real Transformer!

I didn't expect that one day I would own a Transformer motorcycle!

What a famous brand super sports car is weak!

It's just a stupid woman riding. Anyway, the main interstellar battleship often swallows many humans. Besides, I have to drag this stupid woman with me when I transform into something else in the future. It doesn't matter. The Rubik's Cube muttered to comfort himself...

Zhang Xiaowen excitedly went forward to sit down, one foot lifted the bracket like on TV, put on goggles and a helmet, bent over, held the handlebars with both hands and twisted them gently...

Woo! Woo! Boom...!

The motorcycle engine made a loud roar, and the slight vibration even made Zhang Xiao���As if he was standing on the world's top motorcycle racetrack, he quickly adjusted his goggles, and all kinds of data and instructions were more suitable for riding a racing motorcycle.

After everything was ready, the factory door slowly opened automatically.

Rubik's Cube simply let Zhang Xiaowen do whatever she wanted.

Anyway, even if she got into a car accident, she wouldn't die if her physique was enhanced.

Zhang Xiaowen moved her delicate hands lightly, and the engine roared. The racing motorcycle drove out of the factory and drove along the road toward the gate. The unique engine sound attracted the attention of the camp staff who had just finished their meal, especially the boys. They were so surprised that they could stuff eggs into their mouths. When did such a cool racing motorcycle appear in the camp?.

Didi - Woo~ Woo~ Beep - the red and blue flashing lights in front of the car flashed and the sirens sounded.

It slowly drove past a group of dumbfounded people.

The blue body, red flame spray paint, and exposed mechanical parts reflecting black luster, can't be described with a word cool!

This is cool!

Several boys couldn't even control their drooling, but before they could see enough of Zhang Xiaowen, she accelerated and quickly rushed out of the camp gate, turned a few corners and disappeared on the road.

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