Star Wars

Chapter 128

At the gate of Xin'an Town camp, the convoy collecting supplies was moving very slowly. Zhang Xiaowen felt very uncomfortable squeezed in the crowd. The survivors around her kept whistling and trying to make moves. Perhaps the security situation in Xin'an Town was like this and these people were used to it and thought it was no big deal. It can be seen that the living environment for women here is very bad.

Bang! Zhang Xiaowen knocked out a shirtless strong man with one punch. The strong man fell to the ground without a word and fainted. The corners of his mouth and nostrils were full of blood and his face was swollen like a bowl. This move calmed down some people who were eager to try. Not everyone could be knocked out by one punch. Some people even speculated that Zhang Xiaowen was a mutant, otherwise how could such a slender young girl knock out a strong man with one punch.

"Mofang, find a way to contact the guy surnamed Huang. If we wait here any longer, I'm afraid it will cause chaos. We've already knocked out two of them."

Zhang Xiaowen clenched her fist and said dissatisfiedly

"This is easy. Look at me. Low-level technology can't faze the incomparable Rubik's Cube."

Zhang Xiaowen pouted, not wanting to watch the Rubik's Cube show off.

The detection system was turned on, and it easily captured signals of several frequencies. Then it easily simulated the camp intercom frequency to find all the intercoms in the villa. One of them must be Secretary Huang. The whole process took less than five seconds.

"OK, you can talk to him now."

The Cube ignored what Zhang Xiaowen and Secretary Huang said, and simply detected whether there were any changes in the shantytown.

After scanning back and forth twice, it saw the general situation.

It was slightly better than before.

No one dared to make trouble in public, but it was not certain in the shantytown.

Is it so difficult to manage the public security order in the camp? Zhang Xiaowen managed 160 or 70 people at the beginning and never saw any chaos.

Is it that they can't afford to manage this place or don't want to manage it at all?

With nothing to do, he began to evaluate the impact of airflow on the direction of human odor in the camp. He used the detector to scan the sky in detail. A detailed dynamic map of airflow appeared on the screen. Above the camp There was a smell that was invisible to the human eye, and it was slowly drifting towards the city.

Humans couldn't smell this smell, and one or two people or a few hundred people wouldn't make a big difference and it would soon dissipate in the air. However, there were several thousand people in the Xin'an Town camp, and although the smell was also spreading, most of it still drifted into the city. Zombies felt this smell like drugs, and as long as they smelled human flesh and blood, they would keep walking in the direction of the smell. Maybe... there were already zombies walking this way.

Zhang Xiaowen hung up the phone and looked around unhappily.

"After a while, the man named Zhang Nan came to pick us up. He was surprised by my sudden arrival. He should have known that those bandit survivors were killed by us. He tried hard to prove that these things had nothing to do with him. He killed people in his camp and then explained to me that it had nothing to do with him. Why did I feel so weird?"

"I guess he must ask you who you came with, how many people, etc."

"Well, he's afraid we'll attack him. If anyone is as dirty as them, wouldn't it be better for me to assassinate them?" Zhang Xiaowen rolled her eyes.


Rubik's Cube felt that the timid lady had disappeared in the long river of history, and the one in front of him was a little devil. No wonder people on earth said that they couldn't go back to yesterday.

Zhang Xiaowen pushed the Rubik's Cube to the side and put down the stand to support it, then leaned on the Rubik's Cube and took out her mobile phone to play games, ignoring the curious eyes of others.

But not provoking others doesn't mean that others won't provoke you.

The cool racing motorcycle is very eye-catching.

Now a middle-aged man with long hair and a beard on his chin came over, took off his sunglasses and stared at the Rubik's Cube.

He was completely attracted by the cool shape of the Rubik's Cube.

"Girl, how about I trade my pickup truck for your motorcycle?"

"No change." Continue playing the game. I've been stuck at this level for several days. I just feel like I'm going to pass it. The long-haired middle-aged man looked at Zhang Xiaowen's phone. Unexpectedly, there was still power. He sighed that he didn't know how to save the fuel but used it to generate electricity to charge the phone to play games. What he was playing was not a game, but a lot of supplies.……

"Add a box of canned food and four pounds of sugar, and you've got a great bargain."

"Thank you," the long-haired middle-aged man smiled and thought Zhang Xiaowen agreed.

"No change"


The long-haired middle-aged man looked at the Rubik's Cube, shook his head and turned away. He did not rob it, because he just saw Zhang Xiaowen carrying a pistol and a bayonet. A little girl walking outside must be very capable. If she didn't have some skills, the zombies and villains would have eaten her up without leaving any residue. The long-haired middle-aged man left, and in a blink of an eye, a fat man with a big belly came.

"Girl, this car belongs to me now. If you have nowhere to go, you can follow me. I promise to give you steamed buns and oily dishes for every meal. How about it?"


"Oh! This little girl has a very stubborn temper~ Hey! Guys, look, this little girl has a hot temper, which is rare."The fat man with a big belly yelled at the top of his voice, which immediately attracted all kinds of whistles and teasing. Some people even stood on the roof of the car and made insulting and extremely indecent movements.

Bang! The fat man with a big belly was hit on the head and tilted upwards. In his blurred vision, he seemed to see several white things mixed with blood flying out, and then the world was spinning...

Zhang Xiaowen's white little fist made the fat man with a big belly lose his ability to move. Then she grabbed the collar with one hand and the waistband that was squeezed out of shape by her big belly with the other hand. She took a deep breath and exerted all her strength. With a sound of inhalation, she lifted the fat man with a big belly high above her head, turned around on the spot, and threw him suddenly...

Bang! Crash...

The fat man with a big belly was thrown onto the hood of his car and the front windshield was smashed. No one around paid attention to the fat man with a big belly. All their eyes were on Zhang Xiaowen.

"Mutants... Mutants with enhanced strength……"

"Amazing! That fat guy must be at least 200 pounds, right? Not only did he lift him up, he even threw him away without blushing or breathing hard. Only mutants or people with special abilities can do this."

"It would be great if I were also a mutant. I could get any girl I wanted with just a wave of my hand.……"



The onlookers were talking about it.

Zhang Nan drove his jeep to the door and saw a bunch of people discussing something. After asking the guard, he found Zhang Xiaowen leaning against a cool racing motorcycle. Zhang Nan looked at the fat man with a big belly in silence while listening to the discussion. Why did he have to provoke this bully in Jiangcheng area when he could have provoked anyone else? He really didn't take his own safety seriously. Didn't he notice that there were fewer people in the mutant group?

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