Star Wars

Chapter 129

Zhang Nan drove the jeep out of the gate and went straight to Zhang Xiaowen and opened the door.

"Miss Zhang, Secretary Huang is busy and can't leave, so I came to pick you up. Get in the car, I'll take you in."

Zhang Xiaowen looked at the jeep, and it was a military jeep. How could they not take the supplies seriously to drive such a long distance? It was indeed a large camp, and the big family and business didn't care about fuel consumption, unlike herself, who had to drive a Transformer motorcycle to save fuel. This was the difference!

"I'd better ride my own motorcycle. I don't feel safe leaving it here." I really don't feel safe. If someone touches it here and annoys the cube, it will be a bloodbath. I don't need to come here anymore.

"Well, I'll go ahead and you'll follow, we'll be there in a little while." After saying that, Zhang Nan closed the door and drove the jeep in front to lead the way, while Zhang Xiaowen started the motorcycle and followed behind, entering the Xin'an Town camp in a very cool way.


A few minutes later.

Zhang Xiaowen stopped the Rubik's Cube in front of the villa, warned several guards not to touch it, and then walked into the villa with Zhang Nan.

The Rubik's Cube was curious and went to listen to what Secretary Huang had to say. After all, it was related to the safety of many people. After a lot of nonsense and polite talk, Zhang Xiaowen told all the analysis and specific data of the Rubik's Cube. Unfortunately, as previously speculated, Secretary Huang and several other officials did not take it seriously and even thought that Zhang Xiaowen was just trying to attract attention.

"Secretary Huang, leaders, what I said is true. If you don't believe me, you can go out and observe the wind direction, or send someone to the eastern part of the city to observe the zombies' movements. We will soon find out everything."

"Hehe~ Xiao Zhang, this is the first time in all our lives that we have heard that the smell of humans can be smelled from a few kilometers away across two mountains. Although we take fewer showers after the apocalypse, it is not that smelly. Besides, zombies don’t move very fast, so it’s not too late to leave when we see them."A round-faced man in his fifties said with a smile


"Don't worry, our Xin'an Town camp is still very safe.

Besides, where can we move to? The mountainous area is safe, but there are no daily necessities.

What will so many people, young and old, eat? And winter is coming soon.

How can we survive the winter in the mountains?"Zhang Xiaowen felt deeply frustrated.

She thought that if she explained the details clearly, these people would change their minds, but she didn't expect that in the end, it would be the same as the analysis result.

They said that they had lived for so many years and had seen zombies or mutant animals before.

They were afraid that there would be no villas, warm beds and sofas in the mountains.

As for how to survive the winter, what is the difference between those who live in leaky shanty towns and here? It sounds good.

I guess even if the zombies rush over, these masters and rich people can take the car to escape first.

Secretary Huang, who was sitting on the sofa in the middle of the living room, remembered the task assigned by his superiors.

"Xiao Zhang, now we are all facing a huge disaster. We need to unite as one to get through this. Last time I went to your Longshan camp, I saw a lot of high-tech equipment. I wonder if we can take it out for everyone to study. Then it will be easier for us to deal with zombies and save more lives."

The real show is coming!

"Of course you can."

Secretary Huang, who originally thought it was impossible, was stunned. Just agreed like that? Shouldn't they refuse or pretend they didn't know? As expected, young people are young people. They get so excited by a few big words that they forget everything else. Just when he opened his mouth to say thank you, he didn't even have time to say it.……

"But making those machines is very slow. I started making them a few years ago and now I only have two. I am so tired that my eyes are almost blurry."

Zhang Xiaowen cursed secretly. Even if some Guard-1 robots were given to the Xin'an Town camp, they would probably not be deployed where they are needed. They might gather in this area of the rich and powerful. Those places in the shantytowns where life is difficult would not be protected at all. Even if the villa area has excess defense force, not a single one would be allocated there. Who would complain about having too much safety!

"Well……"Secretary Huang almost suffocated to death

"Well... do you have any blueprints? If I have them, I can give them to the research department to make more."


"…………"Secretary Huang didn't dare to speak this time, fearing that Zhang Xiaowen would make another joke like"It takes a long time or not". Instead of holding out hope, it's better to be mentally prepared.

"I will draw the blueprints as soon as I get back.

I will give them to you next time I come, or you can go and get them.

In fact, those mechanical equipment are very simple for experts.

It is just an automatic weapon system and intelligent recognition software.

It is very simple, but there are some requirements for workmanship.

"Zhang Xiaowen said the truth told by the Rubik's Cube.

The earth has had similar defense systems for a long time.

They are installed on warships and aircraft carriers or important buildings for air defense.

To manufacture them, large factories that can produce precision parts and software engineers to produce intelligent program software are required.

Even if the blueprints are handed over, it is useless.

The most critical program is input into the Rubik's Cube super optical computer.

This thing cannot be drawn with blueprints.

"Great, I knew you must be a good person. In this case, let's go out for a meal to celebrate. I have the best chef in Jiangcheng, and I guarantee you will be satisfied."Secretary Huang said happily, showing off his living standards.

"No, I have something else to do. By the way, our Longshan camp suffered a malicious attack by a group of bandits yesterday. We were besieged by more than 500 zombies and some human mutants. We suffered heavy casualties. I wonder if Secretary Huang and you know who in Jiangcheng would do such a thing. I plan to kill them and avenge my grievances."

"This is simply too abominable! In the end times, we are all human beings, but we actually did such a cruel thing! Don't worry, Xiao Zhang, as long as I know who did it, I will definitely help you!"

Zhang Xiaowen was stunned when she heard this and looked at Secretary Huang.

How come this guy was not only not afraid but also gloating? Is there any benefit for this guy to kill those people? It was just like what the Rubik's Cube said, humans like to play tricks, one by one, like old foxes.

I really don't want to stay here any longer.

After exchanging polite words, Secretary Huang and others sent Zhang Xiaowen out.

After coming out, everyone was stunned, and the smiles that were originally happy froze on their faces.

What's going on? Someone sneaked up on me or something? Next to the Rubik's Cube that turned into a racing motorcycle, two guards were lying on the ground and twitching all over...

Zhang Xiaowen still underestimated the attraction of a cool racing motorcycle with a flashing metallic luster to men.

Not long after leaving, the two guards wandered to the front of the Rubik's Cube and looked up and down, admiring while watching, and discussed riding it while Zhang Xiaowen was inside.

Anyway, it was just riding a motorcycle, which was no big deal.

As a result, before they could do anything, they were suddenly electrocuted all over their bodies and lay on the ground twitching.

When they were about to recover, they were electrocuted again, and they kept twitching until Zhang Xiaowen came out.

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