Star Wars

Chapter 130

After finally coming to the large survivor camp in Xin'an Town, Zhang Xiaowen wanted to experience the various living conditions in the legend. There was no need to look at the villa area, where people were living a life of drunkenness and had no idea of their future. They drove racing motorcycles straight to the shantytown and passed by a pile of waste that looked like a fuel generator.

Entering the shantytown, I found that this place is really not a place for people to stay. If there were no zombies outside, there would not be even a ghost left here. The simple sheds built with tattered canvas and plastic sheets not only did not keep warm in this autumn, but were a bit cold because they blocked the sunlight, and there were drafts everywhere. If you are not careful, you will see someone stripping naked and catching lice inside...

The road was full of mud after the heavy rain.

The Rubik's Cube was about to go crazy and wanted to transform and fly.

The dirty mud covered the wheels, making the spray paint full of mud spots, and the stinky green bean flies were everywhere.

The dirty survivors in the shed sat on wooden boards or bricks in a daze, and their eyes only lit up when they saw the heroic Zhang Xiaowen riding a cool motorcycle passing by.

The word"lifeless" is more appropriate to describe this shantytown.

The cemetery has this atmosphere.

"Let me go...! Let go!" Suddenly a female scream was heard from a distance.

"It doesn't look like everyone is dead."

Buzz! Woo! Woo...!" The motorcycle engine roared and headed straight for the place where the screams came from. If you meet it, you have to take care of it. If you can't see it, you can't do anything.

Turning a corner, Zhang Xiaowen saw from a distance a strong man pulling a girl in her twenties, with excitement on his face, and he was about to pull the girl into the shed.

The strong man looked like a survivor who often went out to search for supplies.

The order of the end of the world is chaotic and the world has changed.

These people who often go out to risk their lives to collect supplies naturally have the mentality of living one day at a time and enjoying one day at a time, and this disorderly shantytown is the best choice.

Some beautiful women have no choice but to commit themselves in order to obtain food, medicine and other supplies, and some would rather starve than do those things, but the opposite happens.

Some people don't care what others think and only consider what they want to do.

"Stop it!"

The sturdy man who was pulling the girl was startled by the shout and looked fiercely at the person who was yelling at him.

"Get away from me, you old woman! I have no interest in you. If you don't get out of here, I'll beat you up! Get out!"

"Teacher He, save me...woooooo……"The girl who was being pulled cried out.

Teacher He? Could it be Teacher He from Longshan Camp? It seems that she didn't live the big life in the big camp but lived in this dirty and messy shantytown. She must be regretting it.


The girl's top was torn, revealing her underwear. The strong man's eyes almost popped out when he saw this scene. He didn't expect to find such a new girl in the shantytown this time. Just as he was about to move, he suddenly felt someone pulling him from behind. The strong man turned around and pushed the person who was pulling him out!

"Old woman, you are looking for death, right? I must break your legs today!"

The sturdy man casually pulled out a steel bar from his waist, raised it and was about to hit Teacher He, but suddenly, he heard the sound of a motorcycle engine approaching quickly. Out of curiosity, he stopped and looked in the direction of the sound.

Zhang Xiaowen stopped on the muddy road, got out of the car, and walked towards the sturdy man with an elegant step.

"Girl, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business. I am a member of the Crocodile Gang. Don't think I am afraid of you just because you have a gun. I want to sleep with her, not to deny her food!" The strong man saw the pistol on Zhang Xiaowen's leg and did not dare to act rashly.

"Sister Zhang? Sister Zhang is here.……"


"It's really Miss Zhang……"

Many people came out of the nearby shacks. They recognized the man at a glance as Zhang Xiaowen, the boss of the Longshan Camp. The experiences of the past few days almost made all the people who came here collapse. They missed the good life in the Longshan Camp every day. When they saw Zhang Xiaowen suddenly appear, they felt that the bleak life had finally dawned!

The sturdy man was delighted when he saw Zhang Xiaowen walking towards him without even pulling out her gun. This girl couldn't stand his sudden attack at such a close distance. Today, not only would he get a good set of equipment and a pistol, but he could also have a taste of this cold girl. So what if they knew each other? The Crocodile Gang doesn't care whether you know each other or not.

Zhang Xiaowen saw through the sturdy man's eyes and smiled with the corners of her mouth raised.

""Hoo!" the sturdy man shouted and rushed over.

Bang! Whoosh...

People nearby saw the big man rushing towards Zhang Xiaowen quickly, and suddenly flew backwards at an extremely fast speed, flying more than three meters away, and then fell on the muddy ground with a bang, his whole head buried in the dirty mud, holding his stomach and screaming like a pig being slaughtered.

Zhang Xiaowen put away her long legs, very satisfied with the kick she had just given to the sturdy man's stomach. She walked a few steps to the side of the sturdy man and stepped his head, which was about to be raised, into the mud. She took out her pistol and loaded it with a click. She pointed the muzzle at the back of the sturdy man's head on the ground, and her finger slightly pulled the trigger.


The bullet penetrated the sturdy man's head and stabbed into the mud.

The steaming blood gurgled out, and the originally muddy land became even muddier because of the blood.

The muddy water made the people in Longshan Camp around them remember that Zhang Xiaowen was a decisive killer.

They had been disgusted and dissatisfied with Zhang Xiaowen's killings in the past, and even loudly protested and impeached her in front of outsiders.


he put the pistol into the holster, turned around and walked back to the Magic Cube, climbed into the car and drove away without saying anything.

What can he say now that things have come to this point? Only by experiencing it can he understand how to survive in the end times.

He had saved each of them before, but he could not save them forever.

If the Longshan Camp grew bigger in the future, he would not mind them joining again, but it was impossible for the time being.

He hoped that they could live until that time.

Behind him, a group of people silently watched Zhang Xiaowen disappear around the corner on a motorcycle. They wanted to speak but could not shout.……

"What? Are you still shopping?"Mofang chatted with Zhang Xiaowen.

"I don't want to go shopping anymore. Let's go back. I've been here for too long and it seems like I've lost all my hope and confidence."

"Well, find a place to wash for me, or I'll rub it on you. The smell is almost as bad as the stink of zombies. As a spaceship, I cannot accept this smell."

"Tsk~ You're talking as if you're really an interstellar battleship. Don't think I don't know what an interstellar battleship is. You're not like that at all. You're shameful for coming to Earth to fool an innocent little girl like me."


The Cube felt the upgraded computer core heating up again...

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