Star Wars

Chapter 131

Mo Fang and Zhang Xiaowen walked around the Xin'an Town camp for several times, but did not see the people who attacked the Longshan camp.

"These bastards probably haven't come back yet. I don't know where else they can go. We can't just wait here for them to come back. Now we are sure that these bandits are the thugs that Secretary Huang and his friends have been luring over. How about I throw a missile at them while they are in a meeting? Bang! Everything is solved."

"Don't do this for now. Once those people die, the order of Xin'an Town Camp will be in chaos. If things go wrong, the next manager will turn the camp into a dictatorship."

"Well, it's boring, let's go back. I plan to get you two weapons these days."The magic cube said to Zhang Xiaowen

"After putting it off for so long, are you finally willing to do it? I thought you would wait until I was too old to walk before making weapons for me. This news makes me look at you with a new eye."

"To be honest, I have never understood the meaning of the phrase"looking at someone with new eyes". Does it mean to scrape your eyeballs with your hands? But your retinas cannot withstand that kind of damage, and as for a mechanical life form like me, it doesn't need to be damaged at all. You see, my mechanical eyes are equipped with automatic protection equipment, so I don't need to use a mechanical hand at all. In fact, there are many words that I don't understand, such as……"

The Rubik's Cube is chattering

"Oh... robots are so verbose too……"Zhang Xiaowen held her forehead and sighed to the sky


Mofang and Zhang Xiaowen did not return the same way, but took a small path to Jiangshan Park.

They rushed along the fitness trail, picking up fallen leaves, and finally reached the top of the mountain after stabbing a few zombies who were transformed from fitness people.

They stopped at a viewing platform on the top of the mountain.

Zhang Xiaowen got off the car.

Mofang transformed into a robot with a sound of metal combination.

It was covered with steel armor and shields, with metallic black mechanical hands and thick calves, which was very domineering.

Zhang Xiaowen kept staring at the two wheels behind Mofang's shoulders on his back, and stretched out her little hand to poke it to see how it felt.

"Why do you carry a wheel on your back? Why don't you turn it into parts, just to tell others that you are actually an Autobot?"

"What do you know, stupid woman? You will understand later. Anyway, you don’t have wheels to carry. How about my wheels? Are they pretty?"After saying that, Rubik's Cube performed a few sets of fighting moves.

"Tsk~ Do you have this~"

Zhang Xiaowen puffed out her chest and raised her pointed chin proudly like a peacock, revealing her perfect curves


"Hey? Why is the Rubik's Cube smoking? Could it be that the short circuit has burned the brain? Should I pour some water to cool it down?"


"Hehe~ Are you shy? Why doesn’t your mechanical face turn red? Oh! By the way, if it turns red, it means the temperature is too high. Hey~ Don’t go~"

The Rubik’s Cube resisted the urge to turn off the sound collection system, and walked to the railing of the observation deck speechlessly to watch the city sort out the riot program. The danger of such terrible creatures as women far exceeds the Rubik’s Cube’s early budget. It seems necessary to find time to update the program settings to prevent women from being neurotic...

Thinking of the action just now, Zhang Xiaowen’s face turned red instantly. She snorted heavily at the back of the Rubik’s Cube, walked to the side of the Rubik’s Cube with an elegant step, stood up, held the railing, and looked at the silent city together.

Zhang Xiaowen had been to this place with her best friend before, but she had never come here for a walk since her best friend left.

Standing on the observation deck, she could see almost the entire Jiangcheng built along the river, and the ghost town new district in the south.

Across the river was another country, and due to different systems, There is a huge gap between the two sides.

The Dragon Country side is full of high-rise buildings, while the city on the opposite side is really shabby.

No matter what the gap was before, it is even now.

In fact, the situation on the Dragon Country side is worse than the country on the other side of the river because there are too many zombies.

The temperature is cold, and the big trees on the park mountain have begun to shed their leaves. The bleak autumn wind blows up the fallen leaves all over the sky. Zombies are roaring in the city below the mountain. The feeling of the past is no longer there here, and there is only decline.

The Magic Cube raised his hand and patted Zhang Xiaowen on the shoulder, sighing that he finally didn't have to pat his knees to comfort people in the future. This is an undeniable progress.

Suddenly, the line of sight caught a reflection!

Swish! The Magic Cube turned his head to look in the direction of the reflection. The picture zoomed in, and he saw a young man looking at himself with a telescope on the top floor of a tall, large, six-story classical pavilion viewing building on the park mountain...

The top of the pavilion

"ah……!!"The young man screamed, stepped back and fell to the ground, his eyes wide open, his face pale, and his breathing rapid, as if he had been seriously frightened.

" saw me...I saw its eyes looking at me……"

"Ah Wei! Ah Wei, what’s wrong with you? What are you looking at? Get up quickly!"

A young girl supported the young man named Ah Wei and tried to help him up, but Ah Wei kept mumbling something about not being able to see himself and felt weak all over. The girl was too thin and weak to help him up.

"Sister Lin, please come and help me lift Ah Wei up……"

Another woman in her thirties dressed in white-collar clothes came over and helped Ah Wei sit on the folding bed with the girl. They patted Ah Wei's back to help him relieve his shortness of breath. The two looked at Ah Wei in confusion. What did he mean by seeing him? It's okay to be stared at by zombies, right? Who has survived and faced the eyes of zombies? Isn't it the same as being dead? Ah Wei has seen it before.

"Ah Wei, what did you see?"

"Machine... robot... Transformers Terminator... its eyes are looking at me... and I see its eyes... Impossible... this can't be real……"

Ah Wei continued to talk incoherently, and the girl and Sister Lin were confused. What robot terminator? They looked at each other and saw the same confusion in each other's eyes.

"No! It found me! It will definitely come over……"Ah Wei had just said this when suddenly there was a noise coming from the attic building below!

Bang! The sound of a door bolt falling to the ground.

Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! Click... Some heavy metallic sound came from downstairs, as if something was climbing up the stairs. This sound was definitely not something that could be made by humans or zombies. The three of them felt as if every step of the footsteps was stepping on their chests, and they felt a sense of fear and suffocation.

" comes……"Ah Wei swallowed his saliva and spoke with difficulty.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer. The three frightened people slowly retreated until they were in the corner of the attic, staring at the staircase leading to the lower floor with their eyes wide open. Ah Wei was holding a simple spear with a sharp knife tied to the front of a wooden stick with tape. His shaking legs betrayed his inner tension and fear.

Finally, the sound reached downstairs, and that terrifying existence was about to climb up...

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