Star Wars

Chapter 132

When the mechanical footsteps were about to reach their floor, they suddenly stopped. It was strangely quiet for two seconds. The three people could even hear their own breathing and heartbeats.

Click! Click! The footsteps sounded again. The three people watched a weird mechanical head and a mechanical arm with a large bayonet come up first. This... this is actually... a real robot! Although it looks a little different from the one in the movie, it is definitely a Transformer!

Finally, this blue, red and black robot with two wheels on its back climbed into the attic and walked towards the three people step by step.……

"You... don't come over here... I'm not afraid of you……"Ah Wei, who was standing in front, said tremblingly, holding the simple spear in his sweaty hands.

Mofang stared at the boy's noodle-like legs in front of him, and retracted his bayonet with a bang. They were just three ordinary survivors, but they didn't expect them to hide in such a place. It was true that zombies could go up the mountain but not down. Besides, as long as the narrow stairs were blocked or the stairs were directly removed, the attic would not collapse for decades with steel bars, cement and wooden structures.

After looking at the three people for a few times, he felt that it was not interesting, so he turned around and walked to the white marble railing to see the scenery.

This landscape architecture is well done, in the classical style of Dragon Country. From here, you can see the whole city more comprehensively, but the wind is a little too strong, and the zombies can't see or smell the survivors here. The end of the world has forced these humans who only know how to work and enjoy life every day to find a way to survive. This can also be regarded as a kind of species progress...

The three people looked at Mofang stupidly, not understanding why the robot in front of them went to see the scenery. There is no such plot in the movie, okay! At least you can say a few classic lines!

Thump, thump, thump. There were footsteps on the stairs again, but this time it sounded like a human.

After a while

, Zhang Xiaowen came up and looked around. Her eyes fell on the three people huddled in the corner, and then she looked at the Rubik's Cube who was looking at the scenery. It turned out that three survivors were found. She thought something was wrong, but hiding in this place to live was really elegant. The classical architecture, blue sky and white clouds were so stylish. It was not like finding a flashy golf manor. This was the difference.

"Hello, I am Zhang Xiaowen, the person in charge of Longshan Camp. This is my partner. You can call him the Rubik's Cube. Don't be so nervous or scared. The Rubik's Cube only eats metal and not human flesh. It only eats bones."Very straightforward dialogue


Mofang is speechless. Why do you have to mention human flesh and bones? Can't you see that these three people are terrified?

"Hello... I'm Awei, this is my girlfriend Xiaojiao, this is Sister Lin, nice to meet you and...……"Ah Wei tried to stand up straight and said

"Don't worry, I won't steal your food. Here, this is the mung bean cake, for you."

Zhang Xiaowen opened her small bag, took out a bag of mung bean cake and chocolate and put them on the table, spreading her hands to show that she really wasn't here to rob. The three of them felt their stomachs growling when they saw the mung bean cake. They had been feeling uncomfortable eating the small snacks in the park shop every day, so when they saw the mung bean cake, they immediately forgot about the Rubik's Cube and grabbed it and ate it.

"Eat slowly, don't choke, just drink some water."

Seeing the three people eating voraciously, bored Zhang Xiaowen walked to the Rubik's Cube and turned the two wheels casually and had a lot of fun.

Behind her, the three people ate voraciously, and even the crumbs of the mung bean cake hanging on the ground were carefully picked up and eaten with their hands.

People in the end times have long lost the habit of extravagance and waste before the end of the world.

The degree of love for food has risen to the level of life and death.

They deeply understand the true meaning of the poem that every grain of rice is hard-earned.

Of course, some nobles have become even more extravagant and wasteful at this time.

They are just using temporary feelings to numb themselves to feel that they are still living the old days.

After wolfing down half of their food, the three people carefully put away the mung bean cakes. There is not much food, so saving can live longer.

"that……"Ah Wei wanted to say something but felt a little embarrassed

"I'm older than you, just call me Sister Zhang"

"Sister Zhang, please tell me... Is your Longshan camp far away? Can you... take the three of us away from here? The food here is almost gone, and we don't know where to find other survivors."

"That is Longshan Mountain, the scenic spot, on the other side of the mountain. If anyone of you can drive, I can take you there." Zhang Xiaowen pointed to the outline of Longshan Mountain in the distance.

"I...I can drive……"The white-collar lady surnamed Lin said hurriedly, and then she found her driver's license from the luggage pile next to her and handed it to Zhang Xiaowen.

"C photo, not bad, get ready to bring some useful things, find a car to follow me later, go pack up, we still want to see the scenery for a while, this place is really nice"

"Okay, we'll pack up right away."

Seeing the three people start to pack up, Zhang Xiaowen took out her phone to take pictures because she saw the beautiful scenery.

She took pictures left and right, pouted her lips and acted cute, and took pictures from the top and sideways.

She tried all kinds of poses.

When she found that there was no selfie stick, she simply handed her phone to the Rubik's Cube to help take pictures.

She specifically asked that the girl must be beautiful, with big eyes and be slim.

She was completely a photography fanatic before the end of the world.

The Rubik's Cube rarely understood things like taking pictures.

It was not a scientific experiment or scouting the enemy or drawing a star map.

Why take pictures? Her own eyes could take pictures of Zhang Xiaowen every day.

They were three-dimensional, transparent and versatile.

Why did she have to use a phone...

While taking pictures, Zhang Xiaowen stood in a place with insufficient light, and the Rubik's Cube was too lazy to turn on the flash of her phone.

Swish! A bright light came out of her eyes and acted as a flash...

Zhang Xiaowen was stunned. It was the first time she found that the Rubik's Cube's eyes could do this. The alien robots were indeed different.

By the time Zhang Xiaowen's conceitedness wore off, the three people had already packed up the things they needed to take away. There were not many things, such as knives. Daily necessities, clothes, and... photos.

Mofang led the way and slowly walked down the narrow stairs to the attic.

There were very few zombies on the park hill, and there was not a single one on the top of the hill.

Mofang and a few others did not go through the main gate of the park to enter the city, but walked north along the small path used by citizens for fitness on the ridge.

They tried not to face zombies if they could.

Now was not the time to fight.

Anyway, they could enjoy the scenery by walking along the path.

Before the end of the world, there were often people walking here and there were no mutant animals.

It was safe and environmentally friendly, so why not do it?

Ah Wei and the other two were very nervous.

Mofang detected that the three people's brain waves were very active and their blood pressure was a little high.

They really didn't know if these three people would scare themselves to death.

Mofang and Zhang Xiaowen had detection equipment, so they didn't have to worry, but these three people didn't.

As they walked on the path, their eyes were fixed on the dense forest and grass.

They always felt that there was something in the invisible place watching them and ready to bite them at any time.

They would tremble all over at the slightest movement.

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