Star Wars

Chapter 133

Ah Wei ran a few steps on the rugged mountain ridge path to the back of the Rubik's Cube and took a few deep breaths to calm down his fatigue.

"Excuse me... Is it safe for us to take this road? Are there any zombies?……"After the questioning, Ah Wei felt that he was almost soaked. This robot gave him too much pressure.……

"This is the safest road with the fewest zombies. When we get to the national highway leading to the provincial capital, we go to the highway to find a car and arrive soon."

"Oh, thank you~ Thank you very much~"

Ah Wei nodded and smiled in thanks. He wanted to ask a few more questions, but seeing that Mo Fang was just hurrying on his way without looking back, he kept his words in his mouth.

Suddenly, Mo Fang stopped and looked up at a path leading down the mountain.

"What did you just say?"

"Ah? Thank you, thank you very much."Ah Wei was puzzled.

"No, I asked you a question."

"Is it safe for us to take this road? Are there any zombies?……"



Rubik's Cube didn't look at Awei's expression of being held back. He raised his right robotic arm, folded and transformed it into a bayonet, walked in front of everyone and stared at the path on the hillside. In the distance, there was a figure marked in red approaching quickly. It was not a zombie, but some kind of strange animal. What kind of animals would be near this park?

"Do any of you know the surrounding hills? Do you know if there are any animal breeding facilities behind the hills?"

"I... I'm very familiar with this area. There's a dog park behind here, which has many expensive large dogs."The white-collar lady surnamed Lin said to Mofang

"Very good, we may soon know what kind of expensive large dogs he has, and I don't think you will like it very much."

As soon as the voice fell, the bushes parted with a swish, and a blood-red shadow suddenly jumped out and pounced on Xiaojiao, the weakest in the team. Just when the blood-red claws were about to catch Xiaojiao with wide eyes, they suddenly stopped!


The bayonet of the right mechanical arm of the Rubik's Cube was completely immersed in the chest of the blood-red big dog. Only then did Zhang Xiaowen, Awei and the other two see clearly what this thing is! It's not a dog at all, it's a devil! It's as if the dog skin on the big dog was peeled off alive, leaving only bloody muscles. It's not a mutant animal at all, it's most likely a big dog infected with a virus. The bloody smell can be smelled from a long distance.

"Roar……!"The bloody dog used its exposed white teeth and claws to attack the Rubik's Cube's mechanical arm. The claws scratched the passport and produced a string of sparks.

The left mechanical arm grabbed the bloody dog's neck and twisted it hard.

Snap! The dog's neck was broken. The bloody dog, which was originally alive and kicking, drooped limply with its limbs, indicating that its health value had become zero.

Throwing the bloody dog away, the Rubik's Cube looked at the disgusting sticky black blood on the mechanical arm and the bayonet and felt very unhappy. He felt powerless in dealing with humans and zombies. He would be covered in dirty blood at any time. Humans and zombies were like ripe tomatoes that would burst if squeezed.

"The smell and the wind direction... Not good! Run!"

It was going to be fatal. The wind direction was blowing towards the dog park. The Magic Cube didn't think that the dog's nose would be weakened after being infected by the virus. When they smelled the smell and barked twice, there would definitely be dozens of bloody big dogs surrounding them to happily participate in the dinner. At that time, it would be really troublesome!

Without saying a word, Zhang Xiaowen pushed Awei and the other two who were staring at the bloody big dog in a daze, and led the way to the national highway leading to the provincial capital. If you still ask why at this time, the only effect is to push yourself into the fire pit. Time waits for no one and you must run immediately. The Magic Cube feels that things that are difficult to deal with will definitely not be good.

"Less than one kilometer away from the national highway, hurry!"

Zhang Xiaowen led the way in front, with A Wei and the other two in the middle, and Mofang behind them to guard the rear.

They were rushing towards the national highway.

The speed was very slow, mainly because Xiao Jiao and the white-collar woman surnamed Lin were too slow, this speed was just like jogging for fitness.

The anxious Mofang didn't care too much and ran forward to grab A Wei and the woman surnamed Lin with a mechanical hand and clamped them under his armpits, then accelerated and ran away.

Zhang Xiaowen followed suit, carrying Xiao Jiao on her back and following Mofang, not caring about the screams of the three people at all.

The mountain road was rugged and the metal machinery was hard. A Wei and the woman surnamed Lin, who were clamped on each side by Mofang, were shaken and their faces turned pale and dizzy. Only Xiao Jiao, who was carried on Zhang Xiaowen's back

, looked better. The detector discovered the situation and marked on the display that there were about 22 red dots behind the bloody dog. After wandering for a while, those red dots ran towards Mofang and his party at a very fast speed! After calculation, it is very likely that they will be caught up by these things before reaching the national highway. The situation is very bad!

"Speed up! Don't look back!" Mofang and Zhang Xiaowen speeded up again.

Sometimes humans are very curious. The more they are forbidden to do something, the more they want to do it. It is similar to the curiosity of cats. Xiaojiao, who was carried on Zhang Xiaowen's back, turned back and looked back habitually after hearing Mofang's words.


The piercing scream almost scared Zhang Xiaowen so much that she threw Xiaojiao down the hillside.

What was she screaming for? What if she attracted zombies? She rolled her eyes and continued to run wildly.

One in front of the other, she and the Rubik's Cube were running on the mountain road as if they were performing Qinggong.

Xiaojiao's small body didn't even feel the weight on her back.

Looking at the Rubik's Cube running in front of her, Zhang Xiaowen wondered if Ah Wei and the others would be okay without shock absorption.


"Cube! Find a way to hold back those bloody dogs for a while! Just for a while!"

"Good! Stop it immediately!"

Ka-ka--the mechanical parts on the back of the Rubik's Cube transformed and combined, and in three seconds a one-foot-long missile was assembled. The attack system quickly simulated and calculated the routes and positions of the bloody dogs, and everything was ready.

Teng! The missile ejected and ignited in the air, dragging the tail flame and flying straight towards the dog pack...

A few seconds later.

Boom!!! Xiao Jiao looked back and saw a ball of strong explosion flames bursting out in front of the dog pack, and several of the fastest bloody dogs were blown up into the sky, and their broken bodies were thrown down the mountain. There was a whimper, and the originally swift momentum stopped. He paused, turned his head and looked at the back of the Cube. Just now... those missiles flew out from the back of that robot.

By the time those bloody dogs recovered and continued to chase, Zhang Xiaowen and the Cube had already run to the national highway leading to the provincial capital. They scanned the intact vehicles on the national highway and spotted an SUV.


After getting rid of the zombies on the roadside protection belt, they climbed over the green belt and climbed onto the road. At this time, they could see more than a dozen bloody dogs rushing towards them on the hillside. They rushed straight down the hill without slowing down, rolling and tumbling!

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