Star Wars

Chapter 137

"you……"The Rubik's Cube's unique mechanical sound hadn't finished yet.

Plop! Seven people squatted down with their hands on their heads. This level of proficiency could not be achieved without seven or eight years of practice in prison.

"Spare my life... Spare my life... I have an 80-year-old child and a crying mother, please don't kill me.……"

"Don't worry, great aliens... We don't want the Earth anymore, you can take it if you like... We really won't resist. The Eagle Empire on Earth is the most powerful and hates aliens the most, so just go and destroy them.……"

The cube paused.

These two people are really amazing.

One is a mother and a child who are in the wrong place.

The other one did not forget to divert the trouble to the east and pacify the biggest rival of the Dragon Kingdom before the end of the world when the earth was in danger.

Although these two robbers with special nerves look righteous on the surface, they are actually like the other five.

Their heartbeats are fast and their brain waves are chaotic.

In the end, they are still afraid of themselves, who should not exist on the earth.

Since they are afraid, let them be more afraid.

"Human, tell me if there is a camp with people here, and I won't kill you. The Cube deliberately asked in a very slow and hoarse mechanical voice, which made the seven people's heads numb. Without hesitation, they labeled this terrible robot in front of them as a terrifying demon."

"Yes... yes... yes... on... Jiangdao Island, there are troops and civilians there……"The robber who had confused the elders with the younger ones said tremblingly

"Distance, location."

The Cube walked up to the robber and stared at him condescendingly, and deliberately turned its mechanical eyes red, which was very consistent with the image of the protagonist in the future who would destroy humanity in science fiction movies.

"It's about half an hour's drive, right in the middle of the river... Don't kill me.……"The robber held his head and sobbed.

""Go away, I don't need to kill you, because killing you or not is completely useless, the earth is what I need." After saying something that sounded very boastful, the robbers really had to believe it.



The Rubik's Cube bent down and turned into a racing motorcycle again, the engine roared and continued to travel at high speed.

What happened just now was just a small episode.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected gain.

What the robbers said should be basically true.

Instead of choosing a mountain or a plain as a camp, it is better to choose an island.

Ordinary zombies cannot stay in the water for too long and cannot go to the island if they are not under control in the water.

It is safe to stay on the island.

If you have the ability, you can use fishing nets to catch fish to increase food.

Behind him, seven people slumped on the ground and watched the Rubik's Cube go away


Twenty minutes later.

When passing by a small town by the river, the Cube had to slow down to avoid obstacles, and occasionally had to bump into a few zombies before it could squeeze through.

No survivors were found in the town.

Judging from the empty grain and oil stores and non-staple food stores, the survivors must have come back to move the supplies.

The zombie bodies were so rotten that it was impossible to tell what kind of damage they had suffered, but it was better to have someone alive than to have everyone dead.

Just as the Cube was slowly moving through the town, the detection system suddenly discovered a large helicopter!

Helicopter? How could a helicopter come back to such a place? The direction of flight was exactly here in the town.

Could it be the rescuers from Dragon Country? No!

Absolutely not!

I had hacked into servers in various countries before and was very familiar with all communications and signs, but the communication frequency and identification signal used by this helicopter were completely different.

The Cube stopped at a place with a wide view on the side of the road, disguised as a motorcycle abandoned on the side of the road.

After capturing the communication signal, the Cube began to monitor

"Calling headquarters, B331 has arrived at the target area and is ready to carry out the mission."

"Got it, pay attention to the air force radar."

The call was simple, but the content was rich. First, this was a large organization, otherwise no one could afford such a helicopter. Second, they were hiding from the army, and were obviously an illegal organization. No more communication information was intercepted, and the Cube quietly waited for the helicopter to come. A few minutes later, the sound of a helicopter came from the sky.

Buzz buzz buzz - the helicopter in the sky could be clearly seen, painted black without any number or logo, and its origin was very mysterious. After circling over the town for a few times, it landed on the roof of a spacious building. Before it landed on the roof, four fully armed armed men in black jumped out of the hatch, holding assault rifles and facing the surroundings for vigilance. They also had no number or logo. Zhi.

After the helicopter landed, five armed men carrying some special boxes came out of the cabin door, and then went downstairs with two of the people who got off the plane earlier. If there were any zombies coming, they would kill them. Killing zombies was as easy as killing chickens.

Not far from the Rubik's Cube, after cleaning up the zombies, they took out the box and began to arrange it. It turned out to be a very thin transparent net bag. Several net bags were connected together to form a large spider web. It was fixed to the buildings on both sides of the town street with several ropes, blocking the entire town road horizontally. The Rubik's Cube didn't understand. What was this for? Was he going to catch zombies?

A man in black combat uniform fixed the rope and jumped down from the wall.

"Why do I always feel like I'm being watched? It's been there since I came to this town, but I can't find it when I search for it."The armed man said puzzledly.

"I have used a life detector to check before. There is no living thing in the town, including cats and dogs. Are you a little confused because you have been on too many missions recently? I heard that psychics often have symptoms such as auditory hallucinations."

"It's possible... I'll take a few days off after completing this mission. Eh? I have that feeling again!"

The armed man looked towards the Rubik's Cube vigilantly, but there was nothing but vehicles all over the ground, except for a racing motorcycle that was very eye-catching.

The Rubik's Cube scanned it and found out that this guy was a mental mutant who was sensitive to energy.

As for being discovered by this mental mutant, it was impossible when entering a hidden place.

Although these people are mysterious, aliens are even more mysterious!

After scanning for a few times and finding nothing, the mental mutant shook his head and continued to work, but he kept staring at the vicinity secretly.

Unfortunately, he found nothing again.

Not long after, After all the preparations were completed, the armed men quickly entered the civilian buildings and hid. One of them, who looked like the leader, walked to the web with a small object in his hand, placed a small round object on the ground, and quickly hid in the building. The cube could clearly see him pressing a few buttons on a remote control.

Hissing, hissing - the small object made a strange sound. The two zombies around who heard the sound became irritable and restless, as if they smelled flesh and blood placed in the middle of the road. They dragged their broken legs and crawled towards the spider web little by little. The small object turned out to be some kind of device to attract the attention of the zombies.

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