Star Wars

Chapter 138

Rubik's Cube guessed that these people must have come to capture evolved zombies or mutant zombies such as Lickers. They certainly would not catch them to skin them and eat their meat. As for researching anti-infection drugs... that was even more impossible. If they really wanted to research, it would be better to cooperate directly with the country. Why do they have to research so secretly? It is not like these people can make silent contributions behind the scenes to win hope for mankind. Then it would be much simpler. The only thing left was to do something bad.

After more than 20 seconds, Rubik's Cube detected a red dot approaching quickly, and the detection equipment marked it as a Licker.

A Licker is like some kind of animal with extremely strong elasticity and agility. Its limbs either grab the wall and stick to it or crawl on the ground. Its movement speed is terrifying. Compared with those normal evolved zombies, a Licker is even more terrifying. After all, this shape lays the foundation for the horror of the Licker.

"The target appears, pay attention to hide, do not hurt it!"

It is really to capture the licker.

The Cube has a strong interest in the identity of these people.

After searching for a while, he did not find anything like computers.

However, the plane has its own GPS navigation system.

The Cube needs to quietly approach and hack into the navigation system records to find clues about the origins of these people.

At this time, the Cube remembered the advantage of being small in the past, it was easy to mix into any place as a spy.

Now that he is 1.

8 meters tall and looks domineering, he can't do that kind of delicate work at all.

It's impossible for a motorcycle to run next to someone's plane for no reason, right?

The licker ran quickly, jumped onto a van with a bang, and faced the middle of the road with his big forehead.

The little creature seemed to be tempted by something and jumped over!

It was unknown what material the big net was made of.

The licker hit the big net directly.

Feeling abnormal, the licker twisted his limbs frantically and struggled hard.

The more he struggled, the tighter he was entangled.

At this time, several people in the building ran out quickly to untie the rope, each holding a corner to circle around the licker, and skillfully entangled the licker in a special way.

It was obvious that they had done a lot of this kind of training or caught them frequently.

While entangled, the licker suddenly arched his body and bounced hard to stand up, opened his mouth wide and bit the bulletproof vest of an armed man.……

"Ah... help me... it's biting my bulletproof vest……"The bitten armed man shouted for help.

However, the other men did not seem to have any intention of coming forward to rescue him.

Instead, they continued to entangle him with the big net without even a second glance.

They tied the armed man and the licker together.

The tied man screamed in despair and struggled hard to break free.

However, how could he break free from a net that even the licker could not break free from? The more he struggled, the tighter it became.

In the end, he still could not escape the licker's tongue and fangs.

The ball of thread on the ground, which looked like a cicada pupa, oozed bright red blood.


"I didn't expect it to be so simple this time. Mission accomplished, the helicopter is coming to pick us up." The mental mutant used the communicator to contact the helicopter.

The helicopter received the order and flew towards the middle of the road.

Mofang didn't expect that these people really didn't have a normal mentality.

When his teammate was bitten, anyone could pull the licker away, but these people continued to do their own things as if they didn't see it.

It's not known whether they strictly obeyed orders or were cold-blooded.

From this point, we can see how strict and huge the organization behind these people is.

Mofang thinks that things are not that simple.

These people are definitely not good people.

They are cold-blooded and will do anything to achieve their goals.

They can turn a blind eye and send their teammates to death today, so they can also send others to death in the future without blinking an eye.

"The world of Earth is really colorful. However, there will be some fun to watch soon. Maybe we can even find a chance to hack into the navigation system.……"The Cube said something silently.

Buzz buzz buzz - the huge propeller brought up a strong wind that blew up the garbage and dust on the ground. Two armed men tied up the teammate being eaten and the Licker with a steel cable, and fixed the other end to a hook on the helicopter. After that, several armed men on the ground began to board the plane. Suddenly! Something on the three-story residential building next to it pounced on several people at the helicopter door!

Bang! The Licker jumped over and hugged an armed man who was boarding the plane. Its sharp tongue popped out and poked a hole in the back of the armed man's neck. Then it let go of the man and continued to drill into the cabin to attack others. Seeing this, the two pilots pulled the plane up reflexively.

""It's a Licker! Get it down!"

Mofang sighed that these people used the same names in the game as he did.


bullets flew everywhere, shattering the windows of shops on the street into pieces, but the Licker was agile and had already rushed into the cabin and was dashing left and right.

The large cabin of the large helicopter was in chaos, and the chaos caused the helicopter to lose balance and sway left and right in the middle of the street.

The pilot tried hard to balance the helicopter, but the chaos inside the helicopter was so great that the flying bullets had begun to damage some of the pipelines in the cabin.

Various indicator lights on the dashboard flashed wildly and warning sounds rang out, and the aircraft was close to losing control!

""Don't f*cking shoot in the cabin! The plane is going to lose control!" The pilot yelled behind him, but the armed team members didn't care. If they didn't shoot, they would be bitten to death! They were going to die anyway, so why bother about the damn plane! Even if they died, they would take someone with them!

"Oh~ Why do I feel like I'm watching a blockbuster movie of the Eagle Empire~ A big scene!

A big production!

" The Cube teased as it looked at the large helicopter shaking overhead.

The engine is emitting black smoke.


So exciting!

I was originally planning to waste a missile to shoot it down, but I didn't expect that the Licker classmate with a deep hatred would bravely take the lead and beat the evil forces to a pulp.



Which unlucky guy shot the power supply system!

Tsk tsk~ He shot himself down.

The large helicopter began to circle on the spot, and an unlucky guy accidentally rolled out of the cabin door and fell headfirst into the back of a small truck. He looked dead.

Bang bang bang...

The helicopter's tail rotor propeller slapped the concrete wall on the roof of the roadside post office, causing concrete debris to fly everywhere and cutting off a large piece of concrete. At this time, the helicopter suddenly tilted its head and rushed towards the ground!

"Finally it crashed, but... Shit! It's crashing right here!"

The racing motorcycle quickly transformed into a robot, and Rubik's Cube ran forward desperately on all fours, he had to run!

The first thing that rushed over was not the cabin but the propeller that was spinning at high speed!

If it hit the solid porcelain, it would definitely be chopped into several pieces.

Just as Rubik's Cube was running for his life, the two pilots in the helicopter that was rushing over with its nose down were stunned to see that the motorcycle in front of them had turned into a robot!

And then ran away!

What the hell is this!

The two stunned pilots even forgot that they were crashing...

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