Star Wars

Chapter 139

Boom! The helicopter fell to the ground and slid forward quickly along the asphalt road!

Snap, snap, snap... The huge propeller chopped the van blocking the way into pieces of metal flying everywhere like a chainsaw. While cutting the vehicle blocking the road, the propeller was gradually breaking and shortening. The huge force caused the broken propeller blades to fly out at a very fast speed. One of the blades was spinning straight towards the Rubik's Cube! When rolling and spinning, it hit the ground and a string of sparks burst out!

Woo~ whoosh——

"Fu*k!"The Rubik's Cube cursed loudly. The broken propeller blade almost cut past the Rubik's front, even scratching a little bit of the protective armor on his shoulder, and a few sparks flew out. Finally, with a bang, it went into the window of an Internet cafe. The wailing of zombies came from inside. the broken propeller was still turning slowly. The forward-moving helicopter stopped. Behind the helicopter was a chaotic passage full of scratches caused by the collision. The large helicopter was slapped to the ground like a harder piece of plasticine. The whole street was filled with dust. The Rubik's Cube stood in front of the crashed helicopter and breathed a sigh of relief. He was cooling down the computer.

Now that it has stopped, it's time for him to take action.

Swoosh! The mechanical arm turned into a bayonet and walked towards the crashed helicopter step by step. The scan results showed that the Licker was not dead. He was now trapped by a twisted piece of the aircraft frame and could not move. Several humans were also not dead.

"Cough cough cough……"A pilot coughed violently and raised his head in a daze.

The cockpit was filled with smoke and fog, and nothing could be seen clearly.

The cables hanging from the top of his head swayed slightly in front of his eyes.

Another pilot beside him tilted his head and did not move.

He did not know whether he was dead or fainted.

He struggled to move his body a few times and wanted to get out, but he was in pain and grimace.

There was a smell of blood at the corner of his mouth.

He blinked hard, and suddenly, through the smoke and the intact cockpit glass, he saw the robot that was transformed from a motorcycle walking towards him...

The pilot tried hard to do something, but it hurt so much as long as he moved. He could only watch the robot walk to the side window. Those eyes... seemed to be looking at him... What on earth is this robot...

Crack! The side window glass was broken from the outside, and the pilot saw a blue shell and black metal mechanical arm stretched in in a daze. What was it doing?

The mechanical arm was attached to the GPS navigator, and the navigator screen flashed rapidly. Various data and pictures flashed like quickly turning a book. This is... It is downloading the navigator records! But didn't he delete it after each mission? Why was the data repaired? Did this robot just want to obtain the data to find the branch? What a high level of technology! Who is it...

Rubik's Cube got what he wanted. This helicopter always takes off from the same location and returns. That place is in the mountains of another city in the north of Jiangcheng. It is very hidden. It seems that a lot of things can be found there.

Retracting the mechanical arm, looking at the pilot with blood on the corner of his mouth, Rubik's Cube walked towards the cabin.

In the cabin, a psychopath with several broken ribs was leaning against the cabin wall, gasping for breath. There was a sharp metal on his waist that penetrated his body and revealed a small blood-red tip on his abdomen. On the opposite cabin wall was the licker that was clamped by the frame. The licker also had several broken bones, but these did not cause much damage to it. At this time, attracted by the blood, it was still trying to hook the psychopath with its claws and tongue.

"Hurry up, hurry up...hiss……"

The psychopath stretched out his right arm and tried to reach the pistol that was only three centimeters away from his fingertips. He grimaced in pain but couldn't reach it. Just a little bit! Just a little bit!

Suddenly, his eyes went dark. The psychopath squinted and looked at the hatch that was blocked by something. Through the thick smoke, he saw a... robot with wheels on its back? The psychopath was stunned. Then, a terrifying scene happened.

"No...don't...what are you doing...cough cough……"

The Psychopath shouted in a hurry. The robot was actually using its mechanical hands to pry open the metal frame that was stuck on the Licker. It was letting the Licker go! He hurriedly wanted to use his special powers to resolve the danger, but he couldn't use them at all because he was seriously injured.

The Licker looked at the Rubik's Cube and soon regarded it as something like a car on the street. He turned his head and set his sights on the Psychopath, who was the prey. As the frame was pried open, the Licker became more and more excited. Finally, he successfully broke free from the aircraft cabin wall frame and pounced on the Psychopath just when he reached the pistol. His tongue pierced the Psychopath's eye socket...

The Rubik's Cube ignored the Licker who was killing people. These people were no good things like zombies. If they died, they died.

According to the plot of previous TV dramas, after the protagonist left, the organization of these people would send people to investigate, and then obtain the footage from the camera to find the protagonist. However, this only highlights that these people have a higher level of technology and bully others with high technology. Compared with themselves, it is really like hitting a tank with your head. These so-called high technologies are just the lowest level of technology.

The mechanical eyes emitted a fan-shaped scanning beam to scan the helicopter and various electronic devices around it.

As expected, several video and sound recording devices were found, which easily destroyed all the footage after the Lickers rushed into the cabin.

Even the last words of the mental mutant were permanently deleted.

No matter what kind of senior computer engineer or scientist the Eagle Empire was, he would never be able to recover the data in this life.

After doing all this, he looked back and saw that the Lickers had killed everyone, just like a predator habitually hunting prey.

No one was still alive.

He picked up a pistol that fell in the cabin, walked behind the Licker who was still gnawing on the corpse, shot him in the head, and then shot the Licker who was tied up in the net.

Not leaving any clues and evidence was a deliberate decision. It was impossible for the Longshan Camp to have an enmity with such a powerful organization behind it at present, so it could only do something that would not make people aware. After doing everything, the Rubik's Cube turned into a racing motorcycle and continued on the road.


Driving along the river bank, half an hour after the Licker was shot, we finally saw the dam from a distance. The dam seemed to be still running as before the apocalypse. As it powered itself, all the automatic equipment was still running as usual. However, there was no one around except a few zombies. The pouring river water was surging and rumbling, and the water mist formed was like a misty fairy cloud.

Turning into the fork in the road, the Cube followed the cement road leading to the dam and headed straight for the dam. At the fork in the road, the huge signboard of the dam tourism was blown open by the wind, making a loud noise...

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