Star Wars

Chapter 141

"Ding! A large helicopter of unknown origin is spotted, flying low." The detector sounded a prompt.

Large helicopter? Is it from the same group as those who caught the Lickers? It seems that this group of people also has some monitoring measures.

When they found that the helicopter was destroyed, they immediately sent another one.

I don't know if it is to search for survivors of the crash or to continue the mission of the crashed helicopter.

After calculation, Magic Cube believes that the latter possibility is more likely.

I am afraid that those combatants are just asset data in the eyes of this organization.

Before, Magic Cube checked and did work everywhere, and unknowingly stood in the middle of the dam. There was no place to hide. Running to the sides would easily expose himself. Hiding in any position of the dam was not safe. There was only one place where he could completely hide his body without attracting attention, and that was in the water.……

"Just think of it as cleaning the dust."

The mechanical legs slightly bent and bounced violently. When it reached the dam fence, the Rubik's Cube kicked hard with both legs and jumped straight into the water amid the bursting concrete debris... plop! Standing, splashing water, it fell into the bottomless���In the deep water.

Gurgle… The Rubik's Cube opened its limbs and sank rapidly in the dense bubbles. The metal material made it sink after falling into the water. The data in the visual screen showed that the water depth was ten meters, and it was still sinking. It felt that at this depth, the sky would never discover itself with the naked eye. The Rubik's Cube started the power device.

Click! Ding Ding— the sound in the water was very clear, and the mechanical combination sound seemed to ring in the ears.

The two wheels that were originally carried on the back of the shoulders stretched out horizontally, and a circle of paddles appeared in the middle of the motorcycle wheels and began to rotate. The sinking speed became slower and slower, and finally stopped sinking. Under the action of the two thrust devices, it floated up until it was ten meters away from the water surface. After maintaining this depth, the Rubik's Cube's mechanical eyes stared at the sky above the water.

On the surface of the reservoir, a large helicopter was almost passing by, and the airflow caused by the propellers blew the ripples on the water surface in all directions. It was the same model as the crashed helicopter and also had no number or logo. Perhaps because a plane had crashed here before, the crew members were very alert. The cabin door was opened, and the sniper and machine gunner scanned the cabin vigilantly.

Buzz buzz buzz - the sound of the airflow driven by the helicopter propeller blades and the engine sound made the cabin very noisy. A sniper sat by the cabin door holding a sniper rifle, with his legs hanging out.

Not far away was the reservoir with slight waves.

The sunlight on the water was very dazzling, and it was easy to be dizzy if you looked at it for a long time.

The sniper simply closed his eyes and was lazy, because no one could see him anyway.

When they were about to reach the dam, the superior's order to be alert sounded in the earphone.

The sniper tightened the sniper rifle in his arms and sighed that there was no need to be alert at this time.

There were only zombies.

Did they need to be alert? Although he was not satisfied, the sniper still followed the order and kept his eyes wide open to stare at all possible places where the enemy might hide.

Just as he was about to fly over the dam, the sniper glanced down and almost scared himself to death.……


Buzz, buzz, buzz—in just a moment, the helicopter flew over the dam, and the others did not notice what the sniper had just said. At this time, the helicopter began to turn and fly towards the town.

The sniper finally calmed down his frightened mood. Just now, there was a pair of bright eyes in the dark deep water not far from the dam... Those eyes seemed to be staring at him, or at the helicopter. What on earth was that! It seems that the water will not be safe in the future...

I don’t know how the sniper knew that the water is not safe. Anyway, the Rubik’s Cube also thinks that the water is not safe. At this time, the Rubik’s Cube is moving in the water at a speed faster than a motorcycle!

Just now, the Rubik’s Cube detector hidden under the water found that some unknown large creature was approaching it at an extremely fast speed. Before the Rubik’s Cube took any measures, it suddenly felt that the strong water flow was carrying it towards the unknown large creature. The detection equipment determined that this thing was a bus-sized... silver carp based on the appearance and simple structure of the large creature.

God knows why such a big silver carp appeared in the water. It was obvious that it regarded the Rubik's Cube as some kind of edible food. However, due to the different structure of the fish head, the Rubik's Cube was sucked into its mouth and got stuck in the gills. How could a machine be so delicious?……

"Damn it! If you can't eat it, won't you spit it out?"The Rubik's Cube cursed.

Perhaps it felt that the food in its mouth was too hard, and the giant silver carp's mutated mouth began to squeeze the food to crush the prickly thing. In an instant, a strong pressure fell on the Rubik's Cube, which had just transformed the bayonet to transform the fish mouth.

Creak - a huge force pressed down the right mechanical arm, making the bayonet unable to move. At the same time, the protective armor on the left shoulder began to deform and twist, and the two wheel thrust devices had been squeezed tightly together and lost control...

Crack! Before the left mechanical arm could transform into a machine gun and fire, the huge pressure squeezed the circuit to some poor connection. The left mechanical arm shook randomly due to the circuit problem and could not be transformed into a machine gun. The Rubik's Cube realized at this time that the problem was a bit serious. If he didn't find a way to get out, he would really be squeezed into a discus today.

"I am a high-level mechanical life form! How could I be dismantled by such a low-level creature! What weapon can I use to get rid of this damn big fish!"

The computer has been running fast to find a way to deal with the giant silver carp, but the weapon is trapped and cannot launch an attack. It is too late to assemble the missile now. At this time, the thing that the magic cube is worried about still happens.

"Warning! Warning! Left mechanical arm out of control! Chest armor damaged by 36%! Mechanical legs under heavy pressure!"

The system warning made the Cube very anxious, but there was no effective way to deal with it in the combat data. Suddenly, the Cube had an idea and remembered that silver carp is also a fish. Fishermen always have a way to catch big fish. So, the computer decisively began to search for common fishing methods in Jiangcheng area.……

"Use electricity to shock fish! I have the most of this stuff!"

At the critical moment, the Rubik's Cube released a huge amount of electricity...

Zheng——A strange sound suddenly came from the bottom of the water. A wave of energy swept the giant silver carp and the nearby waters in the blink of an eye. The small fish turned over belly up, and the giant silver carp, which was swimming rapidly, stopped its tail and moved forward by inertia. The bright red blood in the fish's eyes slowly drifted in the water, and then bloodshot appeared on the gills and other parts of the fish.

The detection equipment showed that the life value of the giant silver carp was rapidly decreasing, and finally became zero and disappeared.

The giant silver carp slowly stopped and turned over belly up and slowly sank to the riverbed at the bottom of the water. The fish mouth opened, and the upper body of the Rubik's Cube was difficult to reveal. The left mechanical arm hung weakly in the water and shook slowly as it moved.

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