Star Wars

Chapter 142

"Damn it! I have to get back into the fish's mouth!"

After opening the fish's mouth, the Rubik's Cube retracted and closed it. There was no other way. The giant silver carp was sinking towards the riverbed at the bottom of the reservoir. Instead of resisting the impact by himself, it would be better to hide in the fish's mouth and use it as a buffer. At this miserable moment, the Rubik's Cube praised his own wisdom.

Bang... The giant silver carp sank to the bottom of the water, stirring up a large amount of muddy water. The giant carp bounced after landing on the ground, then slowly sank and lay flat on the riverbed without moving.

The dark bottom of the water fell into silence...

The fish's mouth was opened, and the Rubik's Cube climbed out, but because the mud was too deep, it was almost stuck in the mud and could not move. The damage to the thrusters brought serious consequences.

"I hate mud! It would be nice if the bottom of the water was rocky.……"

Since it couldn't stand and walk, it simply lay on the mud and slowly crawled forward.

After determining a route that was closest to the shore and the shortest distance, the powerful and invincible giant interstellar battleship began to drag its broken body and crawl forward in the mud.

It used its only flexible right mechanical arm and two mechanical legs that were not very useful to move towards the shore with difficulty.

A water turtle that was released here by someone before the end of the world curiously circled the Rubik's Cube twice, and was ruthlessly pressed into the mud by the Rubik's Cube.

Unexpectedly, the water turtle escaped when it turned around.

The Rubik's Cube then remembered that this thing was a master at playing in the mud...

The dark bottom of the water gradually became brighter, and the crawling Rubik's Cube finally touched the hard cobblestone riverbed.

It slowly stood up and walked slowly step by step on the cobblestone riverbed.

It was now very close to the shore.

It chose a river bank that looked overgrown with weeds and walked towards it.

At this time, the condition was not good, so it was important to find a place to slowly repair it.


On the shore.

A seven-year-old girl walked barefoot on the riverbank, wearing ragged clothes, a fish basket tied around her waist, and her yellow hair tied casually behind her head. She often stayed by the water and her big eyes were tanned by the sun. She stared at the water surface, occasionally wiping the saliva from the corners of her mouth with her dirty little hands. With the other hand, she held a wooden stick and tried to pull the clams out of the water little by little.

This kind of clams is usually the size of a child's palm, slightly fishy, and the clam meat is a bit hard. Even if it is cooked, it will be difficult to chew. Usually, they live in the shallow water and mud on the river bank, crawling slowly, and it is easy to pick them up.

From the surface of the water, the depth and angle of the things in the water are different from what you see, but the little girl can skillfully push the clams to the shore little by little. You can tell at a glance that she is very skilled at it because she often does it. Her dirty little face excitedly watched the clams getting closer and closer, and she didn't care about the weeds on the shore scratching her arms. What

's that sound? The little girl raised her head, her big eyes swept around and landed on a strange thing on the water not far in front of her. Her mouth opened into an O shape in surprise.

On the water, the Rubik's Cube showed its head and shoulders, and stared at the little girl.

Unexpectedly, the detector failed to find the little girl on the shore because of the damage.

Looking at the thin old clothes on the little girl, a bonfire in the weeds on the shore, the river clams in her dirty little hands, and the little girl's mouth covered with black and gray, a simple analysis shows that this little girl is catching river clams to fill her stomach and feed herself.

The child is really young...

She shouldn't catch river clams here and cook them for herself.

She should still read fairy tales and be in the first grade...

Slowly, a feeling called sympathy rose in her heart.

The little girl stared blankly at the strange thing in front of her. She could clearly see a pair of blue eyes, blue metal on its head, and flame spray paint, a black mechanical face made of many mechanical metals, and some twisted and broken parts on both sides of the head, which were still dripping with water. Suddenly, the metal mechanical face moved and opened its mouth.……

"Hello, I'm Rubik's Cube, I hope I didn't scare you"

" can speak……"The little girl stared at the Rubik's Cube in amazement, and didn't even notice the broken wooden stick in her hand falling into the water.

"Of course, I went ashore first, the water was not pleasant."

""Slurp~ Mmm, the water is really cold~" The little girl said with deep feeling after sucking back her snot. Maybe she didn't understand, or maybe she watched too many cartoons. She was not afraid of the appearance of the Rubik's Cube, but was a little excited.

The Rubik's Cube waded towards the shore step by step, and its broken mechanical body slowly emerged from the water. This place was very hidden, surrounded by weeds and thorns. Except for the little girl, no other people were seen. Maybe this was the little girl's secret base...

The little girl stared at the Rubik's Cube, and finally looked up from the level, and saw the damaged and wobbly left mechanical arm.

"Are you hurt? I don't have any medicine for you……"

"It's okay, I will heal myself and I will be well soon, I just need to find a place to sit down."The Cube walked to the campfire and sat on the ground, turned on the energy collection plate on his body and began to absorb energy.

The little girl walked to the campfire, threw the clams in the fish basket on the charcoal fire, and pushed the cooked clams aside with a wooden stick, picked up a small stone that was often used to smash the shells of clams, and then picked up the clam meat with her dirty little hands, switching her hands back and forth, blowing hard at the palms of her hands to cool the clam meat, and when the clam meat was about the same temperature, she handed it to the Cube, but still stared at the clam meat with a greedy expression, swallowing hard with her little mouth.

"Thank you, I don't want to eat it, I'm a robot, you eat it"

"That's right, robots don't eat. By the way, my name is Xiao Jing. Are you a robot warrior from Chao Shenxing? Did a monster hurt you? Those monsters are so abominable!" Xiao Jing talked to the Rubik's Cube while eating clam meat, and cooperated with him to make an angry expression.

"Uh... that's about it. I killed the monster. It's under the water. Are you the only one here?"

"There are a lot of people on the island, but they don't want to give me fish and corn cakes. I'm so hungry. Fortunately, I found these shells here. Although they are a little hard, they are very fragrant. I won't tell anyone. By the way, you won't tell others, right?"

"I won't tell anyone, and you can't tell anyone that I'm here, either, because I have to avoid the monsters' searches."The Cube was a little angry. How much can a child of this age eat? Even in the end of the world, you can't be so cruel, right? The island seemed to be the river island that the robbers said, and it didn't seem to be very good. From then on, the Cube marked this camp as not needing rescue.

"Yes, yes, yes! I will definitely not tell anyone. Anyway, I will go back at night and come back in the morning, and no one will know."The little tourist attraction nodded and said seriously

"Xiaojing, have you lost your parents?"

"No... My mother bit my father. My father knocked my mother down, pushed me onto the small wooden boat, untied the rope, and told me that he would come to find me in a few days. But now I know that my father will not come to find me.……"As Xiao Jing was talking, he knelt on the ground, lowered his head, pouted his little mouth, and fiddled with the small stone used to smash the clams with his dirty little hands.

The Rubik's Cube opened its mechanical mouth and said nothing, but stretched out its mechanical hand and gently touched Xiao Jing's head full of dry hair.

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