Star Wars

Chapter 143

The sad Xiao Jing felt something touching his head gently. He slowly raised his head. From this angle, he could just see a mechanical arm covered with a gleaming blue and black metallic luster in the white sunlight. There was also a vague figure in the light a little further away, which gave people a warm feeling, just like his tall father.……


"Huh?" The cube was stunned for a moment, and its mechanical head looked around before it realized that Xiao Jing was talking to it.……

"I miss my parents... They must still be watching me, right?……"Xiao Jing sobbed and said

"Well, they are all watching you, watching you grow up……"

"I know they will always be by my side. Although I can't see my parents, I must eat well and live!"

The Rubik's Cube touched Xiao Jing's head. The super optical computer was a little depressed and sympathized with Xiao Jing's experience. The emotional part of the computer became clearer and clearer. After experiencing so many things, the Rubik's Cube slowly became closer and closer to a sentient and emotional mechanical life form. This may be a good thing or a bad thing.……

"When I'm done with my work, I'll catch you a big fish, the kind you can't finish in three meals."

""Yeah~ There are big fish to eat~"

Xiao Jing jumped happily, happily picked up the roasted clam meat and chewed it slowly, while eating, he laughed at the cube, as if he was happy that he met the powerful robot in the cartoon and became the protagonist of the cartoon. The little mouth with a missing front tooth could reveal the clam meat inside every time he smiled, which made the cube feel sad.

Cursing the indifferent zombie virus secretly, the cube became more and more determined to clean up all the zombies. The rapid disaster caused countless Xiao Jings, and a large number of children died and became food. The virus was poison, poisoning the world. If it weren't for people like Xiao Jing and other creatures on the earth, the cube would even plan to Destroy the entire earth with super weapons, or simply change the earth's orbit and make it fall into the sun...

Living things are ferocious. If the intelligent creatures on other planets discover the powerful destructive power of the virus, they are likely to be modified and thrown into the battlefield. The earth is currently like a magic box that seals the virus. Once opened, it will have catastrophic consequences for most carbon-based life forms in the universe. Only mechanical life forms can ignore the virus. It is necessary to stop the virus on the earth. The

Rubik's Cube is absorbing energy quickly. As time goes by, the damaged mechanical parts have begun to slowly repair, especially the left mechanical arm that has lost control, which is the first to be repaired.

"The left mechanical arm was successfully connected, and the energy line repair began."

The system prompted, and the Rubik's Cube finally found the feeling of the left mechanical arm. The squeezed and twisted metal began to slowly return to its original appearance. The Rubik's Cube tried to move the mechanical fingers, and after a few sparks flashed, it decisively gave up this self-harming attempt. At about three o'clock in the afternoon.

The Rubik's Cube's faulty machinery had been half repaired and restored its ability to move. It immediately stood up and walked to the water's edge. In Xiaojing's stunned expression, it transformed into a machine gun, and used the detection system to capture the swimming route of a normal-sized carp, then aimed the machine gun and fired...

Whoosh - the bullet plunged into the water, and two seconds later, a three-pound carp floated to the surface of the water.

"Oh my! What a big fish! Bigger than the ones they eat!"Slurp~" Xiao Jing jumped up and down, clapped his hands and cheered, sucking back his saliva, and couldn't wait to go into the water to catch fish.

The Rubik's Cube stopped Xiao Jing who was about to dive into the water. It was already autumn, and the river water was cold. Children who caught a cold were very likely to have diarrhea. After stopping Xiao Jing, the Rubik's Cube moved its mechanical legs into the waist-deep water and used its mechanical hands to grab the slippery big carp. The unskilled technique made Xiao Jing laugh.

Fan-shaped scanning beams appeared in his eyes to scan the carp. Fortunately, this carp was normal.

After going ashore and adding some dry firewood, the Rubik's Cube found a method for grilling fish from the database.

There was no seasoning, so it could only be grilled directly.

By the campfire, Xiao Jing's saliva had drawn a crystal line and fell to the ground.

His big eyes were fixed on the grilled fish in the Rubik's Cube's hand.

Xiao Jing, who hadn't eaten fish for a long time, couldn't resist the temptation of grilled fish.

The fragrant grilled fish and the skilled grilling method made him vaguely think of his father who grilled fish for him when he went camping last summer.


"Dad, I want to eat……"

"Just wait a little longer... uh... I'm not your father……"The Rubik's Cube shuddered and almost threw the grilled fish onto the charcoal fire. The computer was unable to figure out the relationship between the two.

"I know... but you are really like my dad, he is so good to me……"

As Xiao Jing spoke, she lowered her head again and buried it between her knees, trying to hide the tears in her big eyes.

"Well... okay, as long as you like it. Come, the fish is ready. I'll blow it for you. Just wait for the fish, little greedy cat."

Under Xiao Jing's curious gaze, Mofang turned the repaired wheel in a different direction and spun it to blow air, turning it over and over to cool the grilled fish. By the way, he used his mechanical fingers to produce two thin tweezers to carefully pick out the fish bones. If the fish bones are not cleaned up, they can easily get stuck in the throat. Xiao Jing was stunned by this cooling technique, and immediately realized that the two wheels were tools for blowing the grilled fish...

Taking the warm grilled fish, Xiao Jing took a few deep breaths of the aroma, her big eyes smiled into a crescent shape, and she opened her small mouth with one missing front tooth to Mofang, then bit off a large piece of fish meat and swallowed it voraciously. Mofang was glad that most of the fish bones had been picked out before, otherwise it would really get stuck in the throat.

On the river beach surrounded by water on three sides, two figures, one big and one small, sat side by side. The small figure was still chewing the grilled fish. In front of them was the wide lake with ripples reflecting the sunlight, and the happy laughter of children could be heard from time to time.……


Xiao Jing couldn't eat more after eating half of it. He burped and wrapped the rest of the grilled fish with vegetable leaves for the next meal.

When Mo Fang was thinking about taking Xiao Jing away, he suddenly found a man and a woman walking towards them. He thought it would be better to hide. It's better to have less trouble than more. They couldn't do anything to a little kid.

"Xiao Jing, someone is coming. Don't worry about them. Just wait for them to leave. I'm going to hide in the water. Don't tell them I'm here."

""Hmm! Xiao Jing will definitely not say anything."

Touching Xiao Jing's head, the Rubik's Cube quickly dived into the water and muddied the water to hide.

After a while, the two people's voices could be clearly heard, but the content of their conversations was unbearable to the ears, all of which were disgusting flirting and insults. The Rubik's Cube frowned mechanically...

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