Star Wars

Chapter 144

"Hey~ There's a little girl here. Isn't she the wild child that no one cares about~" the man said jokingly with a smile

"Brother Niu~ There are people here, let's go to another place~ I'm sorry~" The woman said to the man in a soft tone that made her bones soft

"Don't be impatient. Although this little girl is a little small, but... I just like her now. It's hard to see such a young girl now. There are too many people in the camp, so it's not easy to do it. Why not, I'll do it to both of you here, hehe~"

"Hate it~ You bastard are really good at playing tricks, eh? It smells like grilled fish." The woman looked around and walked towards the grilled fish that Cai Ye was holding.

Xiao Jing listened to Mo Fang and didn't say anything no matter what they said, but when he saw the woman walking towards her grilled fish, he suddenly became anxious.

""Go away! That's the grilled fish my dad made for me!"

Before the woman could even reach the grilled fish, she was pushed away by Xiao Jing. She stumbled and sat on the riverbank, her butt hurting and she was furious. She got up and pushed Xiao Jing down. When Xiao Jing fell in the weeds, the straw cut his hand, but he still gritted his teeth and stood up and ran towards the grilled fish.

The mechanical facial structure around the eyes of the Rubik's Cube in the water lifted up, showing an annoyed expression, and the mechanical hands clenched into fists...

Before Xiao Jing could run a few steps, his feet suddenly lightened and he was lifted up.

""It's quite spicy, little girl. Is this your grilled fish? It tastes okay, but it would be better if there was a little more salt." The man nodded as he ate.

"Give it back to me...woohoo...that's the grilled fish my dad made for me...give it back to me...woohoo……"Xiao Jing waved her hands vigorously and cried loudly, staring at the grilled fish that was almost eaten up, as if it was the most precious thing in the world.

"Where did your father come from, you dead kid! Your father was eaten a long time ago! You are now a bastard that no one wants! If you dare to push me, I will give you to those old men to play with when I go back today!" The woman cursed the crying Xiao Jing viciously, not caring at all that there was only a child in front of her.

In the water, the Rubik's Cube finally couldn't help it.

Boom... With splashes of water, the Rubik's Cube jumped high and pounced on the man who grabbed Xiao Jing. In the man's dull eyes, he took Xiao Jing and then pinched the man's neck with a mechanical hand and twisted it gently. With a click, the man's head tilted and fell to the ground, looking at the sky in disbelief with his eyes open.

"I've had enough of you two stupid humans!"

After getting rid of the man, the Cube rushed to the woman who was slumped on the ground and grabbed her neck fiercely.

"Xiao Jing is not a bastard, he has a great father, and you are no different from a zombie."

He broke the woman's neck and threw the body into the bushes.

"Woohoo…grilled fish…the grilled fish is gone…woohoo……"Xiao Jing rubbed his eyes with his dirty little hands, stared at the fish bones on the ground and cried loudly

"Don't cry, Xiao Jing. Wait for me to make a table of delicious food for you. You can eat as much cake and fruit as you want. Come with me to a place where you can eat well and wear warm clothes. Everyone there will like Xiao Jing very much, and there will be a big soft bed."The magic cube half-knelt and touched Xiao Jing's head full of dry hair. The mechanical hand gently wiped away the tears.

"Really?" Xiao Jing raised her head and stared at the Rubik's Cube with her big eyes full of tears.

"Of course, is there anything else you want to take? If you have taken it, we will leave now."This place is definitely not a place for people to stay. Such a young child not only did not receive help and care, but was left to fend for himself, and in the end they even wanted to bully him. It is better to call it a dirty human gathering center than a camp.

Xiao Jing shook his head, looked back at the clam meat on the ground, picked it up carefully and put it into a small plastic bag that he had picked up from somewhere and put it close to his body.

At this moment, the Magic Cube raised his head and looked upstream. The detector had just found a large helicopter again. The difference from the previous two was that this helicopter had a huge cargo compartment hanging underneath. It flew low from the upper reaches of the river towards the river island. The Magic Cube cursed these people inwardly, wondering if they had nothing to do and just flew around for fun. This... Encountered three helicopters in one day!

No! Why are the things in the big cargo compartment a little weird?

Picking up Xiao Jing, the Cube whooshed up a collapsed building not far from the river beach and scanned the cargo compartment in detail.

A red line swept across the cargo compartment in the field of vision, and then the three-dimensional image of the interior of the cargo compartment could be seen clearly. There were actually... fifteen evolved zombies that were somewhat different from others! They were different because they were slightly different from the evolved zombies that the Cube had seen. They felt like some kind of mass-produced broiler chickens.

What's this for? Sending the research products to other research institutes? But why would it pass by the river island? If it wasn't passing by?……

"Are these bastards crazy?……"Mo Fang felt that his guess was impossible.

He originally planned to shoot down the helicopter with a missile, but when he thought of what the survivors camp on Hedao had done to Xiao Jing, he thought that if these people died, it might be a good thing for human survival.

In the residential area of Hedao Camp, many people ran out of their tents and broken houses and cheered loudly for the helicopter, thinking that the helicopter was sent to save them and brought a cargo box of supplies.

They all gathered in the open space and screamed.

Some people lit a fire to signal that everyone was immersed in the vision of returning to normal life.

Buzz buzz buzz - the large helicopter was getting closer and closer to the Hedao Camp. At this time, the hatch opened, revealing several cameras.

Mo Fang's uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense. Moreover, the aircraft was equipped with weapons that could cause devastating damage to him, so Mo Fang had to be cautious...

When the helicopter flew over the crowd in the open space, the sling hanging on the large cargo box suddenly broke, and the large cargo box fell straight towards the crowd.

Some people realized something was wrong and tried desperately to run out to avoid the cargo compartment, while the people outside thought that if they went too late, the supplies would be snatched away by others, so they tried their best to squeeze in, and watched the large cargo compartment fall straight down, right in the middle of the crowd, where the most crowded place was.

Bang! The cargo compartment fell to the ground with a bang, and the people in the camp suddenly became quiet. Just now... there were a lot of people standing there, right?

The survivors who had escaped the disaster around the cargo compartment looked at the bottom of the cargo compartment in fear, at the exposed arms and legs, and the survivors who were half-crushed and screaming. Bright red blood flowed out from under the cargo compartment. They couldn't understand this rescue method. At this moment, someone heard the roar of zombies coming from the cargo compartment...

Inside the helicopter

"The test product has been put into the test, and the test data is recorded."

A hand wearing a white glove pressed the button.

Click! The cargo compartment made a crisp sound, and then the surrounding compartment panels fell down, revealing the contents inside, which also confirmed Mofang's guess. These people or this organization were using the survivor camp to conduct zombie experiments, just to obtain a few data, a pile of data that has no value to life, without considering that there are more than a thousand living humans here!

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