Star Wars

Chapter 145

"Doing experiments and recording data? I will make sure you get nothing today!"

The back began to deform and assemble, and a missile was assembled. The Rubik's Cube first carried out electronic interference and destruction on the helicopter. Aren't these people doing whatever they want by relying on their higher technology than others? Then let them have a taste of the feeling of so-called high technology becoming vulnerable and destroyed. It would be the most satisfying to trample the enemy from the clouds into the mud.

"what is that……"Xiao Jing covered her mouth and looked at the zombies running out of the cargo compartment.

"This is war, a war done out of boredom and brain cramps."

Bang! The missile is launched.

Inside the plane

"All cameras are working normally, and data analysis has begun. Open... What's going on? Why are all the equipment out of order?"In the cabin, several technicians who were operating the equipment stared blankly at all the screens turning black, and even several computer hosts began to smoke. These devices are the most advanced equipment known in the world, capable of automatically handling various faults and resisting all electronic attacks. Why did this happen suddenly?

Beep-beep- the red warning light in the cabin flashed, the aircraft's attitude was extremely unstable, the dashboard display was in a mess, and various indicator lights flashed randomly. The aircraft was completely out of control.

An armed man looked out the window through the porthole, and suddenly, something with a tail flame caught the attention of the armed man.……

"Missiles! Someone is attacking us.……"Before he could finish.

Boom...!! The large helicopter instantly turned into pieces and a fireball, falling straight towards the chaotic crowd below. When the propeller fell, both zombies and humans were smashed into pieces. A zombie was gnawing on a living survivor, and suddenly both were engulfed by the blazing flames. After the explosion, the zombies who could not die for the time being ran around the camp with flames all over their bodies, bringing flames everywhere in this dry autumn.

"The survivor camp on the river island is finished."Looking at the zombies that stood up after being bitten and infected, Mofang said silently. The current situation has declared that this island will become a zombie paradise, and it will be useless even if they rush out now.

Flames, screams, running, roars, the whole camp has become a purgatory.

Occasionally, those who are lucky enough run to the river and untie the boat and row desperately, regardless of the people who are still crying and begging to get on the boat on the shore.

More people hold on to something buoyant and jump into the cold river water and swim desperately to the shore.

People of all kinds staged various escape scenes in this reservoir artificial lake.

Some people were bitten by zombies but could not accept the fact that they were infected and lied that they were normal.

As a result, the virus broke out on the boat on the river, and everyone on the boat was forced to jump into the water.

"I am afraid……"Xiao Jing hid in the Rubik's Cube's arms, holding the mechanical parts of the Rubik's Cube tightly with her little hands.

"We are leaving now. Come on, hold on to me."The Rubik's Cube held Xiao Jing with its mechanical arms, and the wheels behind it stretched out to both sides. The middle of the wheels turned into a propeller and spun rapidly. The thrusters began to generate huge thrust and were ready to take off at any time.

Suddenly! The Rubik's Cube detected a bullet flying, and hurriedly used its body to protect Xiao Jing!

Ding Ding Ding - a series of sparks were rubbed off by the bullet on the back, and the thruster on the right side, which was spinning at high speed, suddenly stopped.

The right thruster of the Rubik's Cube lost power with green smoke, and then the flying posture lost balance and tilted to the right and landed.

At the moment of landing, the right mechanical arm plunged into the mud by the river and landed steadily.

Just now, the detector had captured the figure of the shooter, who was an armed person on a helicopter, a mutant!

This guy shot at himself and Xiao Jing, and the Rubik's Cube was very angry!

"Xiao Jing, wait for me here obediently. I will go and kill the bad guys."

Xiao Jing nodded obediently, and quickly lay down behind the mound with his little head exposed, staring at the Rubik's Cube with his big eyes full of fear.

The Rubik's Cube nodded to Xiao Jing, put away the thrusters behind him, turned around, and showed a fierce expression on his mechanical face. He raised the machine gun on his left mechanical arm and aimed at several figures running over from the bushes. There were five evolved zombies and one...human.

Bang, bang, bang...!!!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh - the weeds that were more than a person tall were cut in the middle, and the flying bullets drilled through the bushes and accurately hit the evolved zombies. The human, however, escaped by chance with his agility. He moved sideways while raising the submachine gun in his hand and fired at the Rubik's Cube. The dense bullets almost cleared the bushes between the two sides.


"Humans who can command zombies? No, they are humans who have been modified into something that zombies don’t like to eat, or in other words, failed experiments."

The appearance of both sides surprised both sides. The modified human didn’t expect that Rubik’s Cube was actually a robot, while Rubik’s Cube didn’t expect that this person was a modified human. However, due to genetic reasons, the modification was unrecognizable, with blisters all over his body and red skin. The big mouth on his bald head was very obvious, but he was indeed a human, at least most of them, and he also had intelligence.

Puff puff...! The last two evolved zombies were also smashed by the Rubik’s Cube’s machine gun, leaving only the modified human still dodging. Seeing that the machine gun had no effect, the Rubik’s Cube simply stopped firing bullets.


The modified human’s submachine gun had run out of bullets, so he simply threw away the submachine gun and rushed towards the Rubik’s Cube, moving irregularly left and right.

The excited expression on his face clearly regarded the Rubik’s Cube as his prey, and the kind of prey that would be rewarded if presented to his superiors.

The two sides...

The distance between them was not far, and when they were about to fight at close range, the cyborg drew out its bayonet and rushed towards the Rubik's Cube, which had already stopped firing.

However, the cyborg did not notice the Rubik's gun and was very puzzled...

The Rubik's Cube swung its mechanical fist at the bayonet!

Ka! Bang! The bayonet broke into three pieces and flew away, and then the cyborg's hand collided fiercely with the Rubik's Cube's mechanical hand. The cyborg was hit by this blow and retreated five or six steps in a row, covering his fist and making a sound of inhalation, while the Rubik's Cube took a step back and stood still. The mechanical hand stretched out and smiled at the cyborg. Did you really think that the melee ability of a mechanical life form was zero?

Kaka - protective shields popped out from both sides of the face to cover the mechanical face, and sharp metal spikes popped out from the outside of the forearm, the knees, and the spine on the back, entering the melee form.

"Impossible... There has never been anything like you in the world!" The cyborg said in surprise as he looked at the Rubik's Cube.

"To be more precise, there shouldn't be people like you in the world."

Huh! The Rubik's Cube rushed towards the cyborg at an extremely fast speed, and launched an attack with great force and super speed. The mechanical fist smashed the cyborg's head. At the same time, the detection scanner began to observe the dynamic scanning of the cyborg's muscles, mastering every movement of the cyborg in advance. During the attack, a horn popped out from the fist to increase the damage value...

With a bang, the fist smashed the cyborg's forearm used for blocking. The huge force shocked the cyborg and made it retreat again and again. In the Rubik's Cube's scanning line of sight, although the cyborg's forearm was smashed and bleeding, the bones were not broken, and the toughness was far beyond the current evolved zombies.

The cyborg was angry and rushed towards the Rubik's Cube with a roar to start a close combat. For a while, two figures on the river beach flew up and down...

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