Star Wars

Chapter 146

On the riverbank, the battle is still going on, but the balance is gradually leaning towards the Rubik's Cube.

The bang bang sound is the sound of mechanical fists and mechanical legs attacking the cyborg, while the clanging metal sound is the cyborg attacking the Rubik's Cube.

The Rubik's Cube did not expect that this cyborg that goes against common sense can actually exert such strong combat power.

Fortunately, this kind of monster has a common characteristic of all living things, that is, intense exercise will produce huge energy consumption.

Cyborgs need to consume a lot of nutrients to maintain strong defense and powerful attacks.

Continuously attacked and without a source of nutrients, cell muscles begin to slowly fatigue, and they are constantly weakened from the strongest state at the beginning.

Although mechanical life forms also have consumption, they can adjust themselves. They can stabilize the output power to ensure continuous attack intensity, and they can also suddenly burst out to enhance sudden attack. This is an advantage that all carbon-based life forms cannot match. Moreover, they can replenish and absorb energy while fighting. Although the number is small, it slows down consumption.

"The strength of the cyborg's bones has dropped by 25%, his muscles are overly fatigued, and his heart rate has increased by 94%."The detection system detailed the cyborg's current physical condition.

It's been waiting for this moment!

Bang! The cyborg punched the Rubik's Cube's chest armor hard, and actually made a dent in the armor. When he wanted to retract his fist to attack again, he found that his fist had been firmly grasped by the Rubik's Cube's mechanical hand.


Crunch! The cyborg's fist was crushed by the Rubik's Cube, and then the Rubik's Cube's mechanical eyes scanned the cyborg's heart, and the mechanical legs kicked out fiercely, hitting the cyborg's chest!


In the X-ray scan of the clear bones, the four ribs on the cyborg's chest were broken into several sections, and one of the bone stubs pierced into the heart.

The heart, which was originally beating very fast, struggled twice and then stopped beating.

The blood in the body was motionless like dead water.

The cyborg, who was still alive and kicking just now, lay on the ground and raised his head with difficulty.

He watched the robot that kicked him walk up to him and look down at him.

Then, the black mechanical hand turned into a knife and stabbed at his eyes...

Pulling out the bayonet, the Rubik's Cube kicked the cyborg's headless body into the mud, and washed the blood and mud on his body with river water.

After cleaning up everything, he started to repair the thrusters.

There was no telling what kind of monsters might live in this artificial lake, such as giant silver carp.

No one could tell if there would be giant catfish or giant loach.

He tried to fly as far as possible.

The screams continued in the distance.

From time to time, the hiding survivors were discovered and dragged out by the zombies and eaten.

Xiao Jing leaned against the cube tightly and covered his ears to avoid hearing the screams.

It was as if time had returned to the time when his parents took him to escape.

He could hear roars and screams wherever he went...

The cube raised its head and detected the wind direction. Its mechanical eyes frowned.

"The wind has changed……"

The breeze on the river surface, filled with the smell of river water and carrying the scent of Xiaojing, blew towards the zombies wreaking havoc in the camp. As time went by, some zombies had already raised their heads to look towards Mo Fang and Xiaojing, and the thrusters had not been repaired yet...

The scene changed, and a small wooden boat was floating along the current not far away.

After a scan, it was confirmed that the boat was in good condition and could be taken, and there was no one on board.

Looking at the groups of zombies coming towards this side, Mo Fang quickly jumped into the water and grabbed the wooden boat and dragged it to the shore.

There were too many zombies rushing over and there was no time to clean them up.

The important thing was to leave the river island quickly!


The zombies clearly smelled Xiao Jing’s scent, and they trotted over with their fangs bared and their claws roaring!

"Mom...Dad……"Xiao Jing screamed and cried, remembering the time when a group of zombies chased him and his parents. It was at that time that his mother was bitten by those man-eating zombies, and then turned into a monster to chase him and his father... Kaka! The mechanical arm turned into a machine gun and aimed at the zombies that were jogging.

Tut tut tut...!!

The dense bullets knocked down a group of zombies, but only slowed down a little bit. The zombies behind kept surging up and were still advancing here. Seeing that the zombies could not be stopped, the magic cube simply rushed to the shore, picked up Xiao Jing, moved its mechanical legs to step on the flying water and sent Xiao Jing to the small wooden boat, and suddenly!

"ah……"Xiao Jing lay on the side of the boat and yelled at Mo Fang.

Mo Fang felt his back sink and a zombie hugged him from behind. He didn't have time to think and pushed the boat hard, pushing it into the deep water.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Jing, I'll come find you soon."

Plop... After saying this, Rubik's Cube was pressed into the muddy water by a group of zombies. The zombies on the shore kept rushing over. Rubik's Cube disappeared completely. Xiao Jing on the wooden boat watched Rubik's Cube being swallowed by the zombies. It was as if he was back to the time when his father sent him on the boat and pushed him away. His father's words rang in his ears, asking him to go first and then come find him.……

"Daddy... woooooo... Daddy……"

Xiao Jing lay on the stern and cried loudly. He rubbed his eyes with his dirty hands. He watched the cube being swallowed by man-eating zombies just like his father in order to keep him alive. He would have to find food and live alone in the future. He would never be able to eat the delicious grilled fish again. He felt the suffocation in his heart again, which made him feel a little overwhelmed.

Bang, bang, bang...!!

Suddenly, gunshots rang out on the water again! Xiao Jing tried to open his big tearful eyes and looked in the direction of the gunshots. He vaguely saw a figure swimming towards him quickly. It really looked like his father.……


The Rubik's Cube, which was swimming backwards towards the small wooden boat using a propeller, turned its mechanical face back and smiled at Xiao Jing, raised its machine gun and continued to shoot, knocking down one after another.���The zombie's head smashed the corpse and hit the water, causing waves. Those damn zombies had just pressed him into the mud and tortured him so much that he would not feel satisfied unless he killed a few of them.

Xiao Jing's tear-stained face showed a sweet smile. He stretched out his little hand and tried hard to pull the Rubik's Cube that swam over to the small wooden boat, giggling as he did so.

He climbed onto the wooden boat flexibly, touched Xiao Jing's head gently, and breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the river island with flames getting farther and farther away. He had been fighting from morning to night without a break for the whole day. It seemed that his body was still too small to deter these things. He would upgrade quickly if he had time, otherwise he would be exhausted to death by these messy things sooner or later.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, sweet giggles came from the small wooden boat on the sparkling lake. Birds in the sky chirped and flew back to their nests. The sun gradually set.……

"Dad, is that silver carp really as big as a bus?"

"Uh... yes, you can't finish it in a month, and it might not taste good."

"Then we will go fishing every day in the future. By the way, cats love to eat fish. The four cats you mentioned will definitely like me to catch fish for them!"



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