Star Wars

Chapter 147

It was cloudy in the morning.

The Rubik's Cube turned into a racing motorcycle. Xiao Jing wore a new helmet and was fixed to the seat by two mechanical arms. She was screaming and speeding all the way. She screamed in fear at the tilt angle when turning, and cheered again after turning the corner.

Last night, the Rubik's Cube domineeringly occupied a small farm restaurant, picked a lot of green vegetables, tomatoes and other vegetables to make a delicious meal, so that Xiao Jing could have the most delicious meal after the end of the world, and had a soft big bed.

She no longer had to sleep on the floor made of weeds by the river.

She took a shower, changed into clean cartoon pajamas, jumped on the bed and fell asleep when she was tired.

In the morning, her mental state was obviously much better than before.

On the provincial highway, several cars were driving fast. Judging from the direction they were driving, they should be survivors who escaped from the small town near the city.

"There is a motorcycle in front of us, riding really fast"

"Why does it seem like there is a child in the car? Looks very small"

"Huh? It really is!"

Swoosh~ The Cube carrying Xiao Jing passed by several cars quickly. Everyone in the team could only see that it was a little girl driving a racing motorcycle. This scene shocked everyone. When they looked back, the motorcycle had disappeared at the bend of the road.……


After speeding all the way, they finally arrived at Longshan Camp when Xiaojing was a little tired.

When loading the harvested rice onto the truck, Zhang Xiaowen saw the four evil cats running towards the intersection. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and saw a cool motorcycle coming here in the distance. There was a... child sitting on the car? Last time, she went to the city to bring back a super child Jiajia, and this time she brought back a little girl. I didn't expect that Rubik's Cube was quite loving.

Kaka... Ding...

Rubik's Cube jumped up and transformed directly while driving at high speed.

After the transformation was completed, it caught the screaming Xiaojing and stood steadily in front of the four evil cats.

The handsome transformation action made everyone who was doing farm work amazed.

They felt that Zhang Xiaowen's technology was getting more and more powerful, and they couldn't help but think about when to ask Zhang Xiaowen for a transforming motorcycle.

The four big cats rubbed Xiaojing one by one.

Xiaojing's family used to have cats.

Although these four guys were a little big, they were still able to accept them happily and giggled.

The four big cats are leaving their scent, which means that Xiao Jing will be a part of this place from now on.

No matter what happens, we will protect her.

After the four evil cats finished rubbing their hands, Feng Xiaoer, who was determined to join the four evil cats, also ran over to show his respect.

The five furry guys made Xiao Jing feel much more at ease.

Simple-minded pets can always make people feel at ease.

"Yo~ I thought you ran away and would never come back, I was waiting for you to do farm work, but this little girl is very cute."Zhang Xiaowen said in a strange tone while holding her arm

"Dad, who is this?"

The Rubik's Cube's eyes twitched.……

"Uh... Cube, when did you have a human child?……"

"We'll talk about this later. This is Xiao Jing, and this silly woman is Aunt Wenzi, whom I told you about. Come on, call her Auntie."The Mofang introduced each other.




"My mother used to say every day that my father ran away and would never come back, and my father always said that my mother was a stupid woman. Although I am young, I know everything. Xiao Jing said with an expression that I guessed it right, and deliberately used a conscientious tone.



Finally, it was Zhang Xiaowen's maternal aura that burst out. She picked up Xiao Jing, kissed her twice, and walked towards the villa. The Cube was stunned and had to follow behind. The four evil cats and Feng Xiaoer followed the Cube and suddenly……

"I'm going to arrange a place for Xiaojing to eat and sleep. What are you doing here? Go back! The five of you go on patrol! As for you, hurry up and load the truck for me! If you're slow, you'll turn into a harvester and harvest crops for me, hum!" With a cold snort, Zhang Xiaowen turned around like a proud peacock, and walked back with Xiaojing in her arms with graceful steps. Xiaojing in her arms had eyes full of admiration. I think that's how my mother scolded my father!


The Rubik's Cube and the five idiots stood in the field for a long time, then looked at each other.

The four evil cats shivered and rubbed the Rubik's Cube and quickly ran to guard.

Only Feng Xiaoer shrugged and stuck his tongue out, still sitting on the ground looking at the Rubik's Cube stupidly.

The speechless Rubik's Cube had to come in front of the stunned group of people, grabbed a bag of rice with one hand and loaded it lightly on the car.

After loading more than ten bags in a row, he found that the people around him were in a daze, especially the fat guy, whose jaw almost dropped to the ground.

The first time standing with the Rubik's Cube at such a close distance, the sense of oppression was still very strong.

In addition, no one expected that such a cool and handsome robot would be scolded and do farm work like themselves.

What about the robot's grass cutting...

On this day, everyone experienced a magical day, especially Xiaojing, who had an environment that was more elegant and comfortable than his own home before the end of the world, various delicacies, and a sister Jiajia who claimed to be his aunt. Everyone's expression and mentality were completely different from the Hedao Camp. He could always feel the strong love. Slowly, Xiaojing let down his guard and began to integrate here.


Farm work had to be done quickly, so at noon the meals were packed in lunch boxes and delivered to the fields. Everyone sat on the ridges to eat. Although it was not as comfortable as the cafeteria, there was an indescribable sense of happiness. Looking at the large fields of food always gave people a strong sense of security.

Xiaojing insisted on coming to the fields with Zhang Xiaowen, so Jiajia naturally wanted to follow, so two more children's lunch boxes were added to the delivery boxes.

Xiaojing and Jiajia sat on the straw stack on the ridge to eat together. The four evil cats caught a large mouse from somewhere and hid aside to eat meat. They were even in a good mood and gave Feng Xiaoer a piece of meat. The rest of the people sat on the ridges and talked and laughed while eating. Zhang Xiaowen and Mofang sat together.

"Tell me, what happened to your daughter?"

"Isn't that your daughter too?"

"…………"Zhang Xiaowen gave him a fierce look

"Well, here's what happened. I was driving along and I ran into a gang of robbers and then I came to a small town.…………"

Mofang explained everything in detail, especially the ruthlessness and cruelty of the unknown organization.

Zhang Xiaowen was shocked when she heard that these people did not care about their own lives, and then she felt incredible when she heard about the big fish.

Only Mofang could solve the big silver carp, right? If it were a human, he would have been drowned or squeezed into a pancake.

Later, when she met Xiaojing, Zhang Xiaowen's eyes were wet and she almost cried.

She was even more annoyed by the indifference and reality of the survivors in the river island camp, and she wanted to flatten the entire camp herself.

"What? You said that some unknown organization actually used the survivors' camp to conduct zombie experiments?"Zhang Xiaowen was shocked when she heard the news. She couldn't understand why they did this!

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