Star Wars

Chapter 156

"Wenzi, this guy is not normal. He kills people without blinking an eye." Mofang sent a message to Zhang Xiaowen.

‘Impossible. We were in the same class for four years. He was a good person who never did anything out of line. He was a famous good guy. He even pursued me.’

‘What? You won't agree to that!’

‘Of course not. Why are you so nervous? Zhang Xiaowen winked at the Rubik's Cube.

‘Tsk~' The Magic Cube simply didn't say anything. To be honest, he did have a bad feeling just now, which was incredible for a super optical computer. The Magic Cube even worried that he was infected with a virus. He checked himself several times but didn't find any abnormal signals...

Zhang Xiaowen and Liu Qiang were chatting happily, and campus memories were brought up one after another.

They were talking and laughing, and it really looked like an exciting scene of old classmates meeting.

The Magic Cube glanced at Liu Qiang a few times, and the more he looked at him, the more he disliked it.

He simply started to scan what the people in the office building were doing.

It would have been better if he hadn't scanned, but he found a lot of problems after scanning, and they were serious problems.

The whole office building in the mechanical eye scanning screen turned into a three-dimensional transparent color.

There were fifteen women on the upper floor.

They seemed to be former employees of the garment factory.

They were sitting or standing in the room to work.

The screen moved down and found the seven men.

They were adding something to a bucket of fresh water.

Anyway, the magic cube thought that the thing would never be white sugar and mung bean powder.

The boy was very thief.

He actually wanted to swallow the entire search team.

He was a typical evil man.

I wanted to send this video to Zhang Xiaowen, but I thought about it and forgot it. Zhang Xiaowen would not believe it now without definite direct and clear evidence.

Bored for a while, the magic cube simply entered the standby state to absorb energy.

Not long.

The sound of a large truck engine came from a distance.

Zhang Nan, Gao Dong and others finally arrived.

After receiving the message from Zhang Xiaowen that she was safe, they drove directly into the factory yard from the gate.

They were very happy to meet other survivors here.

Zhang Nan felt something was wrong.

When he looked up inadvertently, he saw many women looking down from the windows on the top floor of the office building.

Since they knew that the people were safe, why didn’t they come down to get to know each other? Why were their faces so lifeless? Also, why are there so many cars parked in the corner of the factory yard? Why are there human bloodstains on the cars, which are different from the zombie bloodstains?

After discovering the suspicious points, Zhang Nan felt that the men who brought out the buckets were a little suspicious. Why were their eyes a little excited? They were always staring at the guns on the team members. Some of them were staring at the five female team members excitedly. This was not the expression and action of a group of ordinary survivors.

Zhang Nan quietly put his hand on the pistol and found this detail. Rubik's Cube sighed that there was finally a more alert one.

"Come on, come on~ Everyone has come from afar and it’s very hard. Have a drink to relieve fatigue. Our lives are not easy. Meeting is fate. Maybe we will move to your camp to live. I hope you don’t object~" Liu Qiang said with a smile, holding up the water cup and handing it to Zhang Xiaowen.

The magic cube scanned the water in the cup and found that it was just some drugs that could make people weak for a short time. It did not stop it. Humans can’t recognize the road without suffering a little loss. It’s not too late to take action after the drug takes effect.

"You are very welcome to our camp. We can go together and create a safe home."Zhang Xiaowen took the cup and drank it. Zhang

Nan was about to stop him but found that the racing motorcycle of the Rubik's Cube was motionless. After thinking about it, he quietly observed the development of the situation. Zhang Nan didn't think that this deformable violent robot would really make Zhang Xiaowen suffer. With it, he didn't have to worry at all. Seeing Zhang Nan's actions, the Rubik's Cube secretly sighed that this guy really put a hundred trust in him...

The team members were also a little thirsty. They took the cup and drank the water without hesitation. Only Zhang Nan secretly poured the water in the cup aside and pretended to drink it all.

In the scanning screen of the Rubik's Cube mechanical eye, after everyone drank the water, the drug components contained in the water were quickly decomposed and absorbed in the stomach, and then slowly spread to the whole body through the blood, and the muscle function began to obviously decline...

Liu Qiang made a color to one of his men, and the men understood and ran to the gate to close the gate. This scene made Zhang Xiaowen and others a little puzzled.

"There are no zombies outside, so there is no need to close the door. We will be on the road after loading the things. Shall we load the car now?" Zhang Xiaowen said to Liu Qiang

"No, just stay here for a few days. I will take over all your camps in a few days. Today, you should rest for a while."

"What?"Zhang Xiaowen didn't quite understand.

At this moment, several female team members were staggering and unsteady, as if they were drunk.

""Fall! Fall! Fall!" Liu Qiang's seven men clapped their hands and shouted slogans. Finally, several female team members fell to the ground helplessly amid the slogans. They were conscious and terrified but could not do anything, as if they had lost control of their bodies.


Several male members of Gaodong were slightly stronger than the female members, but now they couldn't even lift their guns. They fell to the ground weakly.

""Liu Qiang! You...what are you going to do!" Zhang Xiaowen was shocked. Only then did she realize that she was beginning to lose some strength. She cursed herself for being tricked. She quickly took out her pistol and tried to aim at Liu Qiang, but her wrist hurt and the pistol flew out of her hand. She could clearly see that Liu Qiang's movements were extremely fast and not like those of an ordinary person. He was really a speed mutant as the magic cube said.

"Stop struggling. I know you must be a mutant, so I increased your dosage. Don't worry, it's just exhaustion. It won't make you comatose. Hahaha~"

"How could you do this?……"

"I can do whatever I want.……"Before Liu Qiang could finish.

Bang, bang, bang...!!

Zhang Nan raised his gun and fired at Liu Qiang.

The bullets from the assault rifle scattered and shot at Liu Qiang.

This sudden attack was beyond everyone's expectations.

Two of Liu Qiang's unlucky men who were about to attack the female team members lying on the ground were hit by stray bullets and fell to the ground and died.

Liu Qiang took advantage of his speed to quickly dodge.

Even so, he was shot in the shoulder.

A string of blood beads were scattered in the air as he moved quickly.

Whoosh~ Liu Qiang rushed to Zhang Nan at an extremely fast speed and punched Zhang Nan in the eye. Liu Qiang was confident that ordinary people would never be able to block this punch. Suddenly, his eyes shrank and he quickly stepped back!

Just as he stepped back, the butt of the assault rifle swept past Liu Qiang's eyes. Zhang Nan was an all-round mutant with speed and strength. Although his speed could not catch up with Liu Qiang, he was more than enough to protect himself. Moreover, relying on his strength being stronger than Liu Qiang, as long as he hit him once, it would mean victory. The advantage of pure speed was great, but the disadvantage was also greater.

"You are a mutant too!"

"Nonsense, do you think you are the only mutant in the world? I can see that you are not a good person."

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