Star Wars

Chapter 157

"Good, very good! But if you shoot again, all your men might be killed. Just wait and see." Liu Qiang pointed at a few of his men.

"You bastard!" Zhang Xiaowen cursed angrily. At this time, Liu Qiang's five men were holding daggers against the necks of the five team members. The situation was completely controlled by Liu Qiang. Zhang Xiaowen finally believed what Rubik's Cube said. This man was simply a lunatic with a twisted mind who didn't care about the lives of others. When Zhang Xiaowen thought of Rubik's Cube, she turned her head and saw that it was still there, motionless.

"I'm a bastard? Of course I'm a bastard, but so what? It's the end of the world now. There are no police and no laws. As long as you have the ability, you can do whatever you want. I even want to be the emperor. Haha~ What? Who wants to stop me?"

Liu Qiang yelled wildly, and then stared at Zhang Xiaowen.

"How useless I was before the end of the world. I chased you for two years but you still didn't like me. Why? Because I was nothing! Now it's different. I'm the king! I can do whatever I want, for example... now, under everyone's gaze, I will fulfill my wish every night in college while I'm awake~ Don't worry, I promise to make you obsessed very quickly, hahaha~"

"Bastard! What are you doing, Mofang?"Zhang Xiaowen was shocked and angry, hating herself for believing such a scumbag!

""The Rubik's Cube?" Liu Qiang, who was taking off his clothes, was suddenly shocked. The guy who had made him so embarrassed by bullets and explosions was also here? Where was he? He looked around quickly, but... he didn't find anything.

Click - suddenly there were several metal mechanical collision sounds.

Liu Qiang and the remaining five men looked around, and finally fixed their eyes on the cool motorcycle.

Click... Ding...

Mechanical deformation and folding combination, the racing motorcycle slowly deformed and stood up in the dull eyes of the six people. The deformation was completed when the two wheels were carried on the back. The mechanical face composed of the black mechanical fragments of the Rubik's Cube curled its lips at Liu Qiang. This kid really remembered him. It was an honor.

"Gulu……"The six people swallowed their saliva, their heads were a little confused for a moment.

Kaka! The left mechanical arm turned into a machine gun.

"Do you want to commit suicide or let me shoot you to death? I can let you choose. What do you think? Am I particularly fair? Isn't this what you earthlings always say?"

" are the Rubik's Cube? At the beginning...was" Liu Qiang suddenly felt like he was hit by a meteorite and won 50 million. An alien robot?

"That was me in the past. Come on, don’t you want to improve your superpowers? Let’s have a fight! You evil creature! You’re in big trouble!"

The Rubik’s Cube clenched its right mechanical hand into a fist and pointed its smallest mechanical finger at Liu Qiang, but… because the mechanical fingers were almost the same size, no one could immediately realize that this was a provocation. The Rubik’s Cube felt very hurt by this. It was useless to pose in such a handsome and cool style. After thinking about it, he raised his left arm and pointed the machine gun at Liu Qiang. He had to fight. Zhang Xiaowen was going to lose her temper…

Whoosh~ Liu Qiang suddenly used his speed superpower to quickly approach the Rubik’s Cube and stabbed the Rubik’s neck with a dagger from the side. Although he didn’t know if the neck was the Rubik’s weakness, he had to find a place to attack, right?


Zhang Nan also had Liu Qiang's five men stared blankly at Liu Qiang falling to the ground.

What happened? Shouldn't they have fought hard with all their might? Even if there wouldn't be flying sand and rocks, at least there would be a few bangs!

How come it ended with just a flash of electric spark? The Rubik's Cube's mechanical face turned around with an indifferent expression and looked at Liu Qiang who was still twitching on the ground.

It raised its mechanical foot and stepped on his knee and twisted it hard.

Crack! Everyone heard the sound of the knee bone breaking. The Rubik's Cube's idea was very simple. Didn't this guy run fast because of his Sudu ability? If I cripple your legs, I don't believe that you can jump faster on one leg than an ordinary person with two legs.

"Why... uh... why... uh... what... uh...……"

The electric shock effect is still there. Liu Qiang is twitching while talking. He doesn't even feel much pain from his broken knee.

"Because electric shocks always have unexpected effects on creatures like you. I once used electricity to play with a silver carp as big as a bus. Don't you think I must have a strong reserve of electricity? This is common sense, okay? No matter how fast you are, you will be dead if you touch me."The Rubik's Cube kindly explained.

Click! The machine gun was loaded and the muzzle was pointed at Liu Qiang's head. No matter how strong his superpowers were, just one bullet could turn this person into a quiet and safe corpse. Liu Qiang could even see the red energy that was about to be fired from the barrel.

Bang! A hole was blasted in the whole head. From the side, everything in the bloody skull flew out and it was empty.

Putting away the machine gun, the Rubik's Cube walked to Zhang Xiaowen. The mechanical hand was covered with a layer of blue energy to remove the effect of the drug, but seeing Zhang Xiaowen's eyes made the Rubik's Cube shudder. The computer core felt that things had gotten out of hand. This matter might not be so easy to turn over. If things went wrong, the next few days would not be easy.……

"You've already noticed that there's something wrong with that glass of water?" Zhang Xiaowen asked with cold eyes.


"Then why didn't you tell me? Don't you believe me?"


Mofang tried not to look into Zhang Xiaowen's eyes. He didn't know if this feeling was due to guilt or something else. Anyway, he had more and more inexplicable emotions recently.

"Do you know what a girl fears the most? Watching me in danger, you don't know how scared I am and what will happen. What if something really happens? If that happens, how can I continue to live? Do you know how much I trust you... Why... Why do you watch me in danger and don't care about me... Wuwuwuwu... Go away... I don't want you to care... Wuwuwu……"Zhang Xiaowen started sobbing as she spoke, and that look made Mofang regret it very much.

"I...I'll help you dissolve the medicine first……"The Rubik's Cube reached out and released its energy on Zhang Xiaowen

"I don't need it...go away...woohoo……"

The cube turned around and looked at Zhang Nan in confusion, but Zhang Nan turned around and imprisoned the five men of Liu Qiang, pretending not to see it. He cursed this guy for being disloyal. The robot arm was placed on Zhang Xiaowen's heart and began to remove the medicine. It lasted for five minutes. Then he held the crying Zhang Xiaowen on a sofa and ran away to move winter clothes.……


On the way back, there were a few more people. Zhang Xiaowen drove the modified truck, while Mofang and Zhang Nan sat on the top of the truck.

Zhang Nan was speechless as he looked at the dejected Mofang. Many parts of the robot were drooping, and the two wheels were almost falling to the back. However, it was really miserable. It was not easy for a robot to do this. Not only did he have to fight zombies and avoid incendiary bombs, but he also had to coax girls. In the end times, even robots have a hard time. After thinking about it, he raised his arm and patted Mofang on the shoulder.

"That... you'll get used to it, uh... yes, that's it."

"…………"Rubik's Cube is speechless.

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