Star Wars

Chapter 158

When returning to Longshan Camp, the Magic Cube imitated the movements of the four evil cats and turned into a racing motorcycle and stopped in front of Zhang Xiaowen. As a result, Zhang Xiaowen led the team members to get on the modified truck, started the engine and stepped on the accelerator, almost throwing Gao Dong off the roof, and drove frantically all the way to Longshan Camp.

Back at Longshan Camp, Zhang Xiaowen hugged Xiao Jing and went into the room and never came out. Occasionally, there were slight crying sounds. Even the four evil cats who were sleeping in the room were driven out, making the four evil cats confused and at a loss, and they all went to the Magic Cube to protest.

In the past two days, all the work in the camp has been completed on time and in excess. Feng Xiaoer has been on patrol almost as many times as Dahei, because the atmosphere in Longshan Camp has been tense recently...

One day, the Magic Cube was giving the four evil cats a physical examination.

Thump thump thump~ Xiao Jing ran to the Magic Cube quickly with his little hands and legs in his pockets, and looked at the Magic Cube with sympathy.

"Dad, what bad thing did you do?"

"Uh... that's right... today... the weather is nice." Mofang learned to change the subject, while at the same time, he kept scratching the chin of Black Cat Sheriff.

""Meow~" Black Cat Sheriff hummed comfortably

"Mom has been unhappy for several days. She has been angry with Dad in her dreams. The world of you adults is so complicated."Xiao Jing said in a conscientious manner, which made Mofang speechless. It should be that the world of you humans is too complicated... After thinking for a long time, considering the tense atmosphere recently, Mofang decided to go out for a walk.

"Wenzi~ I'm out looking for medical materials~ It's cold, wear more clothes, and remember to give Xiaojing some extra clothes~"

""Hmph~" A cold snort came from the room.

The Cube nodded, which was considered as agreement. It bent down and turned into a racing motorcycle with a few clicks. The engine roared and it drove out of the door and disappeared at the end of the road.……


""Woo, crack! Crack! The world outside is so beautiful! Crack, crack!" Leaving behind cheerful mechanical laughter, the Magic Cube headed straight to the city.

Before, he had met a guy in a school who was infected with a virus but retained his intelligence, but unfortunately it was not very perfect.

At that time, the Magic Cube had the idea of developing an antiviral vaccine or medicine.

People who have turned into zombies have long been dead and there is no need for treatment.

Those who need treatment are humans bitten or scratched by zombies, because once bitten or scratched, they will be infected by the virus and eventually die and become zombies.

What the Magic Cube needs to do is to stop this process.

The virus is extremely fierce.

I am afraid that many humans are developing drugs, but most of them have not made much progress.

The Magic Cube wants to develop vaccines and drugs, which can increase the survival rate of survivors several times.

This kind of virus experiment is not It can be done in the Longshan camp, because if it is not done well, it will infect people, so the urban area full of zombies is the best choice, and the robot itself is the best and most suitable scientific research protagonist.

If you want to study the virus, you must first go to the hospital to obtain the first-hand information that the doctors have when the virus breaks out.

Doctors are always the ones who know humans best.

They have accumulated a lot of experience in their work and have many insights into viruses.

These are exactly what the Rubik's Cube needs.

More information is always a good thing.

Open the Jiangcheng map, select the City Center Hospital, and draw a shortest route between yourself and the City Center Hospital...

Driving on the main road in the city, looking at the zombies all over the street, a line of words appeared on the fuel tank of the Rubik's Cube: The Autobots will eventually eliminate all zombies!

More than an hour Later, in front of the Central Hospital.

The hospital entrance was very quiet. Several ambulances crashed into a ball. Police cars, fire trucks, and riot trucks were all covered in dark brown blood. Zombies were standing unsteadily under the scorching sun of the autumn heat. Newspapers on the ground were blown by the wind and stuck to the car windows. There was also information about discounts and promotions at a shopping mall on them.

Buzz— an engine sound came from the distance. The originally quiet zombies suddenly raised their heads and looked in the direction of the sound, then struggled to stand up and walked towards that direction step by step. The quiet afternoon became noisy.

Suddenly! A cool motorcycle rushed out on the quiet road, accelerated towards the ambulance stuck on the road, and suddenly jumped up when it was about to crash, folded and deformed in the air to become a robot. When it landed, it stomped on the heads of two zombies. It was the one who had just arrived at the Central Hospital. The Rubik's Cube at the entrance. The

Rubik's Cube ignored the zombies that surrounded it.

After pushing away the two zombies that blocked its way, it swaggered towards the main entrance of the Central Hospital.

It dragged an old lady zombie who came to the hospital for treatment in the end of the world out of the door and threw her into the flower bed.

Without any thought of being blackmailed, it scanned the medical guide board hanging in the lobby of the hospital.

Jiangcheng Central Hospital is very large and new.

The modern hospital building makes it difficult for many patients to find the various departments.

Now it is difficult for the Rubik's Cube to find what they need by looking at the medical guide board.

The hospital is not a castle, so why make it so complicated? After searching for a long time, it was decided to start from the underground floor.

Everyone knew what the underground floor was used for...

From the beginning of the underground walk, it was pitch black inside, and the Rubik's Cube had to turn on the two headlights on his shoulders to illuminate.

"There is a strong smell of chemicals. Hmm, there is also disinfectant. Are they going to prepare specimens or something?"Under the light, the underground floor looks eerie. The Rubik's Cube is a robot, so it is naturally not afraid of

"Damn it! Can't the doorplate clearly indicate what it is for? Why do I have to check them one by one?"

The Cube cursed and pushed open a spacious door.

Under the light, there was a large steel table in the middle of the room, with several carts parked beside it. The walls were all squared. After scanning, it was found that the room was full of corpses. Some had already rotted into pieces, and some had turned into zombies and were still moving slowly. The mechanical arm slapped its head and cursed itself for running to the hospital morgue.

Since it was here, it had to watch it. It could record some videos and use them as horror movies to entertain the people in the camp. It walked to the cabinet, grabbed the handle and pulled out a cabinet.……

""Ah!" A zombie was lying in the closet, screaming at the dazzling light.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were sleeping here, sorry to bother you."

Bang! He pushed the cabinet back and locked it, and heard a bang from inside the cabinet. Once this cabinet banged, the other cabinets that locked up zombies also banged. The room was as lively as Christmas. The Cube quietly walked out of the room and closed the door. After a lot of work in the basement, the Cube continued to search the first floor, and specifically searched the rooms with outpatient signs. When he came to an outpatient department, he turned the door lock and opened the door.

"Uh... you guys keep busy, I'll just pass by."

He closed the door silently again. There was nothing useful inside, only a doctor zombie in a white coat and five or six zombies treating patients. The table and the floor were a mess, covered with blood and internal organs. Even if there were notes, they would be soaked to pieces. Unless a lot of time was wasted to restore the blood-soaked papers bit by bit, Mofang obviously didn't have the time to waste on the casual notes of a few ordinary doctors.

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