Star Wars

Chapter 159

I wandered around the first floor for a long time and found nothing. I went back to the lobby and took the escalator to the second floor. The escalator was really high without electricity.

"This is the internal medicine department, this is the gynecology department...

this is the laboratory, yes, let's go to the laboratory, maybe there will be equipment that can be used for research.

" The Magic Cube opened the door and walked in sideways.

He had to walk sideways because the two wheels on the back were too wide.

Fortunately, maybe the doctors ran away when the virus broke out, so there are no zombies here and the equipment has not been damaged.

However, the equipment with high power consumption can no longer be operated and can only be used as decoration.

There was a clamp on the table. The Magic Cube opened the clamp with a mechanical arm and found that it was a scribbled record written by a doctor. Sitting on a stool, the Magic Cube began to study the record.

After reading it carefully, the Magic Cube restored the scene at that time.

When the first virus-infected person was sent in with tied up hands, the doctors obviously regarded this condition as a disease like rabies, which required five people to hold down.

When drawing blood for test, the doctor discovered the extremely terrifying T virus and the fact that human cells had died.

He was puzzled and did not realize the severity of the virus for a while.

It was not until a hospital security guard was bitten by the virus-infected person and showed symptoms of poisoning that the doctors realized the seriousness of the problem.

After some discussion, the doctors decided to send the two infected people to the intensive care unit for intensive observation. Unfortunately, they never came back after pushing the cart out. Unfortunately

, no useful information was found. It was only mentioned that this virus is similar to rabies. Come to think of it, it is indeed similar to rabies. It is also very crazy and loses its mind. The difference is that the cells of rabies patients are alive, while the cells of T virus infected people are dead. There is nothing to learn from.

I just spread my hands and built it myself if there is no information.

I wandered to another room and found an ordinary zombie. I got a few test tubes of the virus's black and red blood and started the simplest analysis...

The Rubik's Cube itself has a scanning technology that far exceeds the current technology on Earth.

Equipment, as well as super optical computers, plus these simple medical facilities, the research capabilities even far exceed some large scientific research institutions on Earth.

As the research and analysis go deeper and deeper, the Rubik's Cube gradually has a better understanding of the characteristics of the virus.

After testing many materials, it is found that the virus can actually be killed easily, but the human body cannot withstand drugs that kill the virus.

This thing is like an evil catalyst.

It may lead to physical improvements, and it may also lead to an improvement in mental strength.

More often, it will turn into rotten meat, but rotten meat will also have a chance to revive.

This thing may be highly toxic to humans, but for most animals, the virus is not too scary and can even promote their own evolution. This has been confirmed before. Now the Rubik's Cube begins to configure the antidote.

The sunlight outside the window moves quickly, and finally gradually Gradually, the sky darkened, and time passed by unknowingly...

At night, Rubik's Cube was still calculating various formulas.

Various mechanical text symbols flashed rapidly in the core of the super optical computer.

One formula after another was established and then destroyed and started over.

When the experimental materials were used up, they were moved to the warehouse.

The smooth floor and white walls were full of various formulas composed of mechanical text symbols.

These were things that Rubik's Cube left behind, and he was not afraid of being learned by others.

The moon quickly passed through the sky and fell into the mountains on the other side. The morning star indicated that dawn was about to come.

Finally, the sun rose.

Rubik's Cube put down the experimental tools and walked out of the building listlessly. The super optical computer had been running overloaded all night, resulting in excessive energy consumption. He hurried out to collect energy while the sun was shining...

He climbed onto the roof of the ambulance, lay down, closed his mechanical eyes and entered standby mode.

After four days of continuous overload work in this cycle……

"The data is almost acquired.

It's time to look for drugs to experimentally prepare antidotes.

Let's go to the medicine storehouse.

Maybe there will be enough materials.

"Putting down the equipment, Magic Cube turned and walked out of the laboratory and walked towards the place where various drugs were stored in the hospital.

In fact, Magic Cube didn't hold out much hope.

After all, many drugs need to be refrigerated, and it has been so long since the end of the world.

Where is the electricity for refrigeration? If things go wrong, a lot of energy will be consumed to make various medicines, just like making strengthening medicines for Zhang Xiaowen.

I don't know what Zhang Xiaowen is doing now.

Longshan Camp.

Zhang Xiaowen picked up the communicator and wanted to contact Magic Cube. She was a little uncomfortable after not seeing him for a few days. But after thinking about it, she snorted and turned to walk towards the guard team that was training...

The fat man burst into tears when he saw Zhang Xiaowen coming. He was afraid that the next step would be another devilish training. He had lost weight..

Another seven or eight days passed.

In the hospital, Rubik's Cube was preparing the antidote. The workload in the test phase was extremely huge. As various formulas were constantly overturned and restarted, the formulas gradually became longer and longer. The prepared medicine was basically ineffective after the initial test by Rubik's Cube. Anyway, it couldn't be wasted after it was made, so it was simply injected into the zombie's body with a syringe to observe the effect.

For example, now Rubik's Cube is holding a syringe with one robot hand and removing the sleeve of the zombie's clothes with the other robot hand. Before the injection, it disinfected the zombie's arm with a sterile cotton ball according to the injection regulations in the nurse's lounge. The young female zombie was still looking at Rubik's Cube with a confused expression and red eyes. She didn't notice even the syringe piercing her arm.

"You performed very well, you didn't even blink when you were stabbed with needles, you are much stronger than those weak humans, so... now tell me how you feel?" The cube looked straight at the zombie

"Oh……!!"The zombie screamed wildly.

This thing was like pouring chili oil into a normal person's eyes and mouth. The reaction was very intense.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The poor young female zombie jumped around and banged her head against the wall. After a long time of madness, she accidentally broke the glass of the French window at the end of the corridor and flew out. Her head was pierced by the decorative fence beside the flower bed.……


The Rubik's Cube's mechanical hand held a syringe and fluttered in the wind...

From then on, the zombies in the hospital building suffered. Most of them were injected with failed antidotes by the Rubik's Cube. However, even if it failed again, it was still the nemesis of the virus. How could the zombies who were already controlled by the virus bear such a blessing? They paid a huge price, some fell to the ground, and some killed themselves. In short, it was miserable.

After countless failures, the primary antidote was finally configured!

"Kakaka~ I finally made it, but I don’t know if it works, I’ll go out and find someone to test it on!"

This time, a total of ten syringes of antidote were made. After breaking off half of the needle, Mofang made a small refrigerated storage box on his abdomen. He fixed the ten ordinary syringes containing the antidote into the slots in the box one by one, and then buckled the box back into the abdominal armor. Mofang decided to go out and find someone to test it...

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