Star Wars

Chapter 160

Who to find for the experiment? This is an awkward question. You can't just catch a survivor and send him to the zombies to let them take a bite. After all, it is an upright interstellar battleship. How can you do such a crazy thing? Then... go find survivors and wait for them to be bitten. After leaving the central hospital, I found a pretty good residential area next to the hospital. The magic cube began to seriously search for survivors. Sure enough, I found a person, but this guy was too lazy to even go out of the bedroom. After investigating for a long time, the magic cube thought that this guy would rather starve to death than face the zombies, so he had no choice but to continue searching in the community.

Soon, three more survivors were found, but fewer people meant that the chance of being caught by zombies was small. After calculating for a long time, the magic cube had no choice but to leave again. After thinking about it, I felt that it was more reliable to find a large group of survivors. That kind of group often went out to collect supplies and was most likely to be infected by zombies.

Decision is action, it turns into a racing motorcycle and goes straight to the most densely populated area in the city center...

After twisting and turning, the Rubik's Cube drove to the riverside. Coincidentally, a group of people including the sniper girl were hiding in a nearby building. This time, the girl used her mutated eyes to discover the arrival of the Rubik's Cube again, and she was sure that it was the motorcycle from last time, because there was only one racing motorcycle that was unmanned and could flexibly enter and exit the accident vehicles and the zombie group.

Since the girl saw the Rubik's Cube, the Rubik's Cube must have detected the girl's group.

It found that after the group left the rooftop of the building, not only did the number of people not decrease, but increased by a few to 38.

The Rubik's Cube immediately thought that the opportunity had come.

With so many people, someone would definitely be infected by zombies.

At that time, as long as he rushed out and gave the infected person a shot, he would be done.

Thinking of this, the computer was excited!

After transforming into a robot, the Rubik's Cube walked into the building. Although the building was inhabited, it was also full of zombies. The only fire escape was relatively clean, which seemed to be the passage for the group to go up and down the building.

"The smell here is really stinky, um, stinkier than rotten eggs."

Pouting his mechanical mouth, the Rubik's Cube walked along the passage with the most zombies to the floor where the group of survivors were, pushing away the zombies blocking the way as he walked. The zombies were all puzzled by the sudden appearance of the Rubik's Cube.

When he climbed to the fifth floor, a Licker actually appeared.

This Licker hung upside down on the ceiling and approached the Rubik's Cube cautiously step by step.

The Licker was different from ordinary zombies.

The simple hunting wisdom made the Licker think that the Rubik's Cube was dangerous and should be eliminated.

The Rubik's Cube did not intend to use a machine gun.

Once the machine gun sounded, there would be no need to walk up the stairs.

It would be easier to stab it to death with steel bars.

Steel bars could be seen everywhere in the destroyed building.

The Rubik

's Cube picked up a two-meter-long steel bar slowly. One end of the steel bar was cut into an oblique edge and was very sharp. It was used to pad the weight. The Rubik's Cube was very satisfied.

"It's time to show off your standard long weapon fighting skills."The detection equipment observed that the Licker's muscles were exerting force.


The steel bar stabbed upward diagonally, pierced into the Licker's mouth and rushed out from the back of his head with a puff, revealing a 30-centimeter-long bloody steel bar.

At that moment, it seemed as if the Licker deliberately opened his mouth and jumped up to pounce on the sharp steel bar.

The steel bar picked up and threw the dead Licker into the pile of ordinary zombies.

The flesh and blood of the high-level zombies immediately attracted the ordinary zombies to scramble for food.

Suddenly, a wave of spiritual power swept over.

"Hmm? There are mental mutants among these people.

It seems that everyone who survives in this zombie-filled place is not simple.

There is pressure before there is motivation.

"Mofang was very happy to meet a mental mutant again.

Finally, he could continue to collect records in this area.

Jiajia ate, drank and had fun all day and did not cooperate with the test of mental power application.

The whole research was a bit difficult to carry out.

I didn't expect that there would be a chance to continue the research today.

At the same time, a 17 or 18-year-old girl in the sniper girl group stood up with a short breath.

""Sister Fei... I... I found a... a... a scary thing on the fifth floor. It's not a human! It's not a zombie or a mutant either!" The girl said tiredly with a pale face. She had just used her mental power to search across several floors, which consumed a lot of energy.

"It's not a human, it's not a zombie, it's not a mutant, and it's still scary. What is it? That motorcycle?"The girl holding the sniper rifle frowned and muttered. She was the sister Fei mentioned by the girl with mental power mutation.

"Motorcycle? Is it the guy who stopped us from escaping to the river?"

Everyone in the room was confused. What happened to the motorcycle? Could it be that motorcycle was the scary thing?


I have seen the monster that stopped us.

They are different.

Everyone, be careful!

The other party has a strange origin.

Xiaojing, pay attention to where it goes.

Everyone stays on this floor and is not allowed to walk around.

Stop going out to collect supplies!

Remember to save food and fresh water!

"After giving the order, Yuan Fei held a sniper rifle and supervised several survivors to set traps.

At the same time, she asked people to move heavy objects to block all the windows in the corridor.

Mofang never thought that his visit would bring such a heavy workload to these people.

………… after an hour

"Sister's right downstairs from's watching us too!" Xiao Jing said to Yuan Fei tremblingly. Since the search range was relatively short this time, she didn't seem tired.

"Looking at us? What is it looking at?"

"I don't know... It's not psychic, but I'm sure it's watching us. I always feel like I'm being watched.……"


Mofang looked at the girl speechlessly. He was actually discovered by her. The ability of the psychic mutants was really good. They were indeed the least numerous of the mutants seen so far. With the ability to detect the other party from several floors away, they were almost invincible.���Unless the other party is also a psychic mutant, where can I find him? By the time I get there, the psychic mutant has already run away.

I originally planned to rescue these people when they go out to look for supplies and get bitten by zombies, but now they are hiding in the room and not leaving. Isn't this a bit too cautious?

"Three mutants? One with psychic powers, one with strength enhancement powers, and one with... eye powers?" After the cube scanned it once, it discovered the mutated powers of individual organs for the first time. Only then did it find the girl's record in the database. It turned out to be the sniper it had saved before. At that time, it had just turned into a sniper rifle and was looking for trouble everywhere.

"Do you want to go up and take a look? Maybe if you can convince them, they will go to collect supplies.……"The Cube stroked his chin and thought about things like a human.

After thinking for a long time, he decided to go up and say hello. Anyway, he had been showing off in front of people a lot. These three mutants were not bad. If he could win over the relationship and get them to Longshan Camp, it would be a great help. Besides, it seemed that these people had good character. Just relying on his unique existence, he didn't believe that they would not go to Longshan Camp.

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