Star Wars

Chapter 162

"When will you go out to collect supplies?" the Cube asked anxiously.

"Well... don't worry, we have to plan for a long time every time we go out, but as time goes by, more and more food will spoil, and there will be very little food to find each time."Yuan Fei looked at the Rubik's Cube curiously. Why is this robot so concerned about us going out to search for supplies? Does it want to help?

Yuan Fei would never think that the Rubik's Cube hoped that someone would be infected by zombies as soon as possible for experiments.

"I don't have much ammunition left. I'm afraid that if I do one or two more actions, the sniper rifle will become useless. I don't know where to get sniper bullets."Fiddling with the few bullets in the magazine, Yuan Fei was a little frustrated.

The Rubik's Cube's eyes shot out red fan-shaped scanning beams to scan the sniper rifle, and then raised its left mechanical arm under Yuan Fei's dull eyes, and opened a mechanical opening at the forearm. The energy stopped after running for more than ten seconds. It was just a sniper bullet. It only took a while to transform the machine gun bullet into a sniper bullet.

Ding ding ding~ The mechanical opening suddenly���A bunch of yellow sniper bullets fell out


Yuan Fei felt her head was a little stiff. Is it so convenient and fast for this robot to make bullets? She quickly picked up one and compared it carefully. It was exactly the same model as the one used in the sniper rifle. There were more than 60 bullets, which were enough for her to use for a while.

Since she had nothing to do, Rubik's Cube simply took the sniper rifle from Yuan Fei's arms and checked it carefully. She found that there were still many flaws in some parts of the gun, especially the sight was too primitive and stupid. However, due to the mutation of Yuan Fei's eyes, Rubik's Cube could not modify it at will, so she had to modify the bolt and barrel. It was still very simple to improve the accuracy. Before the modification, she had to disassemble the sniper rifle first.


Yuan Fei opened her mouth and wanted to say something when she found that the sniper rifle that had been with her for a long time had been disassembled into parts all over the floor. The afterimage of the mechanical hand was almost connected into one piece and the disassembly work was completed quickly. But can you tell the owner of the item before disassembling it? What if you can't put it back after disassembling it?


A ball of light blue transparent energy in the center of the mechanical palm covered the barrel and the bolt, and the metal structure The structure was reorganized and reinforced, and the metal strength was improved.

The nervous Yuan Fei also gradually became curious, staring at the magic cube using a special method to transform his sniper rifle.

He took a look at the barrel covered with light blue transparent material and felt that it seemed to be stronger and more durable.

It was completely intuitive...

After assembling the sniper rifle, the magic cube thought about it, and dismantled some printers, scanners, computers and other electrical appliances.

After collecting enough metal, he began to make programs.

Considering the use of sniper rifles, the magic cube planned to make a new sci-fi silencer.

With accurate shooting and the assistance of the silencer, Yuan Fei could definitely cause huge damage to those mutant zombies and save himself.

After the silencer was installed on the sniper rifle, Yuan Fei felt full of violent factors, and she wanted to find the bastard who was blocking the way to compete immediately.

After waiting for a long time with the magic cube, Yuan Fei finally announced that she was going to collect supplies and asked the magic cube for help. The magic cube nodded in agreement and silently prayed that someone would be infected.……


The target of this operation is a restaurant next to the building. There are always a lot of food in the restaurant. Although many of them have spoiled, rice, flour, cooking oil, canned food, etc. are still edible. When seeing the restaurant, the first thing that comes to Mofang's mind is the rat. That thing can be charged into a nest, and it is big and meaty.

Mofang volunteered to go to the street to beat gongs and drums to attract the attention of zombies.

Yuan Fei took five people to sneak into the restaurant to collect food while the zombies were attracted.

Mofang couldn't bear to watch the survivors being scratched and infected in front of him, so he had to wait outside.

Anyway, even if he was not there, they would have to collect supplies and fight zombies.

It was not against the procedure for him to do so.

It would still be a good thing to save people at that time.

Just pretend that he had never appeared.

The gongs and drums could not be found, but the car stereo could still be used.

He went to the street to find a good car. After checking and confirming that the stereo was still usable, he opened the hood and found the battery. Two mechanical arms grabbed both sides and then sent current to charge it inward. It only took two seconds to fill the battery. The hood was closed with a bang.

Bend down and get into the cab, turn on the sound equipment and adjust the volume to make sure it attracts zombies without attracting zombies far away, and finally press the play button.……

"You are my woman~! You can never give it to anyone~! Why do I love you?……"

The car owner's self-composed and self-sung DJ music sounded, and the cube was so shocked that he almost smashed the sound equipment with one shot. How narcissistic is this guy to be able to sing such a divine song! At least sing some melody, is it because you can't sing well that you use DJ music to cover it up! The grass is broken all over the ground, okay! Earthlings are really amazing.

Sighing, he climbed onto the roof of a small truck next to him, sat on the edge of the car with his mechanical legs hanging outside, and resisted the urge to destroy the car!

The dormant zombies on the street opened their eyes and quickly climbed up when they heard the music, staggering all the way to the car, roaring and scratching on the car to find the source of the harsh noise.

After waiting for a few minutes, Yuan Fei saw that the zombies had gathered almost, and led five people to rush to the hotel across the street.

He carried a sniper rifle and took out a machete and rushed into the hotel door first.

Then the cube saw a small-scale battle inside, and sat on the roof quietly waiting for people to get injured.

In the hotel.

After Yuan Fei rushed into the door, she kicked a zombie that rushed towards her and then cut off its neck with a knife.

After a quick check, she found that there were only three waiter zombies in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel.

It seemed that it was not meal time when the virus broke out, so there were relatively few zombies.

She was happy and killed the three zombies like chopping melons and vegetables.

���Zombies, make sure there are no living zombies in the hall, light a diesel torch and carefully move to the back kitchen

""Watch out for the private rooms and stairs! Follow closely!"

After giving a warning, Yuan Fei carefully turned the door of the back kitchen.

The dark back kitchen was very quiet, and the strong smell of rotten food poured out through the crack of the door.

Yuan Fei quickly put on a mask with one hand.

This kind of air is very dirty and full of bacteria and toxic substances.

If you smell it too much, you will easily feel dizzy and nauseous, and your reaction speed will decrease.

At this time, any discomfort will have serious consequences, so you have to be cautious.

After waiting for the corrupt air to circulate for a while, Yuan Fei walked in slowly with a torch. First, she threw a rice spoon into the kitchen. The rice spoon rolled a few times with a clang. The sound was enough to attract zombies, but there was no response inside. Yuan Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The torch shone around, and there was only a zombie corpse with a rotten lower body in the corner. After seeing that there was no threat, she ordered several people to find food quickly...

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