Star Wars

Chapter 163

"Here is a bag of rice! It's well preserved! Haha~"

"I found a box of spicy sauce, and here's a box of caviar! These things taste absolutely great with rice, haha~"

"A bag of sugar, and five bags of refined salt~"

The five people quickly dug out a lot of well-preserved ingredients and excitedly put them into the big backpack.

They were more excited than getting married.

These ingredients that they once disdained have now become the best food in the world.

With these things, they will have a good life for many days in the future.

Just thinking about it makes them happy.

They didn't stop until all the big backpacks were filled.

They didn't even let go of the seasoning jars during the looting.

They were determined to go back and cook a delicious meal.


Rubik's Cube sitting on the roof of the car suddenly looked at Yuan Fei and the others. Zombies are about to appear!

Someone found the freezer, thinking that even if most of the things were rotten, there should be something left. He opened the door of the freezer without hesitation. In an instant, he saw a pair of red eyes in the freezer.……


A zombie came over with a strong stench

"Ah... help!……"The attacked man screamed, forgetting the common sense that he should not scream in a crisis.

Swish~ A flash of knife passed by, and the zombie's head rolled to the side. Yuan Fei patted the screaming man's shoulder to show that it was okay and wiped the machete on the zombie's clothes. It was just a zombie, and it would be over with a kick. How can you be a man if you keep screaming? Be tough. Mofang shook his head and continued to sit and watch the zombies dismantle the car.

"It's okay, put on all the backpacks and get ready to go back. We'll have a big meal tonight." Yuan Fei generously drew a pancake for several companions to boost morale. Sure enough, after hearing that they could have a big meal in the evening, several people immediately became energetic and couldn't wait to carry all the supplies back immediately.

Several people carried their backpacks and carried bags in their hands and walked back happily.


The upper body of the zombie leaning in the corner suddenly pounced forward and bit a man's knee.

The black and yellow teeth bit through the skin and pierced into the muscle.

The bitten man screamed and grabbed a large spoon on the stove and smashed it hard on the zombie's head to break his head.

Then he smashed the zombie with the spoon like crazy, and didn't stop until the zombie was bloody.

The bitten man looked back at his companions, and a group of people immediately took a step back and stared at the bitten man in fear.

"help me……"

"You know the rules. We can't do it. You should solve it yourself. This day will come sooner or later. In fact, I think death is a relief.……"Yuan Fei said with a sad look on her face. The other people did not refute her words. Yes, living in the end times, sooner or later one day you will die miserably. Doing it yourself is even a rare good thing. This is already a very comfortable death.

"I...ah...never mind, you guys take the backpack with you, I can't go with you guys, you guys...take care of yourselves." The bitten man silently untied the backpack and handed it to Yuan Fei, picked up a sharp knife from the stove, with tears on his face and a relaxed expression.……


Bang! The Cube pushed open the kitchen door and rushed in. Without saying anything, he rushed to the bitten man and looked at him excitedly, as if he was staring at a mysterious treasure. The look made the bitten man shudder.

A small refrigeration device popped open from his abdomen. The Cube took out a syringe, tore open the bitten man's pants and stabbed it into the aorta, pushing all the antidote in the syringe into it. Then his eyes shot out fan-shaped scanning beams to scan and monitor the bitten man in all directions repeatedly, and piles of data were quickly generated.

In the Cube's sight, the black color representing the virus began to spread rapidly on the leg of the bitten man, but after the antidote was injected, the spread of the virus slowed down and slowly did not increase or decrease.

Then the antidote began to multiply and increase on a large scale, swallowing every virus gene bit by bit.

The black color representing the virus was gradually swallowed and disintegrated by the antidote.

The virus seemed to be frantically shrinking back as if in fear, shrinking all the way to the wound near the virus infection and being squeezed out of the body by the antidote.

All this happened in just one or two minutes. Yuan Fei and the others still didn't quite understand what the magic cube was doing. Could it be that the potion could cure viral infections?

At this time, the bitten man was sweating all over as if he had just taken a sauna. The fierce battle between the antidote and the virus in the body consumed the host's nutrients, which meant that the time was short. If it lasted for a long time, the infected person might even die from nutrient depletion. This was already very good, at least it could save a life.

After all the viruses were eliminated, the antidote also slowly dissipated, which meant that being cured now did not mean that he had immunity, and he would still be infected if bitten again in the future.

"I... I don't have any strength at all. Am I going to turn into a zombie soon?……"

"Wake up, you have saved your life today, and luckily my antidote is effective, so I won’t charge you for the treatment. Don’t you believe it? You dare to question the supreme scientific and technological achievements of this starship? Do you believe that I can smash your skull with one shot?"The Cube was furious when he saw the bitten man looking at him with disbelief. Insult! Blatant insult! This is a clear manifestation of disrespect for the starship!

"Wait...that...Mofang, are you sure that the potion you just used can detoxify? Then we can take him with us and see if he will mutate into a zombie, but we need to tie him up and carry him away."

Yuan Fei was both happy and scared. She was happy that she finally saw an antidote that could prevent infection, but she was scared that all this was just an empty dream. She might as well continue to gamble. Who knows, there might really be a surprise.

Mofang spread out his mechanical arm to express his agreement. Seeing is believing. He might as well go back and wait. He also wanted to know what other side effects the antidote has besides weakness. A comprehensive understanding would help to further improve the antidote. Maybe a vaccine would really be developed. By then, everyone would get a shot. I guarantee that even those with sticks would dare to fight zombies.

Coming to the street again After leading the zombies away, Yuan Fei and her group quickly ran back to the building carrying the bitten man who was tied up like a mummy, and hurried back to the temporary residence along the cleared passage.

When the other survivors knew that the man had been bitten by a zombie, they immediately strongly demanded that he be thrown out, and some even prepared to use knives.

At this time, the role of the Rubik's Cube could be reflected.

It would force a group of people to retreat to the window at any station.

Under the threat of the violent robot, the others accepted the suggestion to tie up the bitten man and put him here.

The process was very simple, and no one expressed disagreement.

The Rubik's Cube smiled and put away the machine gun...

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