Star Wars

Chapter 172

Shancheng County is full of mountainous areas, and the highway constantly passes through mountain tunnels. The Rubik's Cube did not drive smoothly.

The speeding Rubik's Cube jumped up again and quickly transformed into a robot and landed.

After rolling on the snow for a few times to relieve the force, he stood up and looked at the long highway bridge between the two mountains in front of him.

He didn't know what to say.

The bridge in the valley was blocked by a wall made of many abandoned vehicles.

Behind the wall was a small camp, which used the highway bridge to avoid zombies.

The smoke from the cooking slowly rose, and the barking of dogs could be heard.

This small camp connected the two bridges on the left and right with wood and steel plates.

There was a gap in the middle of the bridge, and below it was a warm spring that did not freeze.

A woman was using a rope to lower a bucket to fetch water.

The Rubik's Cube was not worried about not being able to get through, but was worried about whether it would scare these poor survivors and cause an accident. What if someone who was overly stimulated fell off the bridge? The height of this bridge was not ordinary.

After thinking for a while, the Rubik's Cube decided to fly over with the thrusters. Anyway, the distance was not very long, and flying for nothing was good for physical and mental health.

Click! The two wheels on the back stretched out, and the blades inside the wheels began to rotate, turning faster and faster. The Rubik's Cube controlled the propellers to fly straight up. The humming sound of the engine woke up the survivors on the bridge as expected. As expected, the Rubik's Cube, which should not appear in this world, caused many survivors to scream. Fortunately, they have been living on the highway and have no guns to attack, which saves the Rubik's Cube a lot of trouble.

Buzz buzz buzz...

The propellers sprayed a fierce airflow downward, and the Rubik's Cube flew straight to the other end of the bridge. This was enough. At least it did not walk through the crowd. Otherwise, it would not be as simple as screaming a few times. If it was not handled properly, it would be broken into eight pieces like the bucket thrown by the woman.

"what is that……"

"Alien robot! Could he be here to harvest us Earthlings?"

"Terminator or Transformers...what happened?……"

"God, I really can't stand all this stimulation.……"

Amid screams and shouts, the Rubik's Cube flew over in the sight of everyone, flew outside the other side of the fence and quickly landed on the ground, leaving a series of sparks on the road. With a few clicks, it turned into a motorcycle and continued to accelerate, leaving behind a group of stunned survivors who could not keep calm.


Two hours later.

The Cube finally arrived at the county seat of Shancheng County, which usually only takes an hour to get to.

Shancheng County, surrounded by many mountains, is as quiet as Jiangcheng.

The zombies did not feel the temptation of food and flesh, and stood quietly in the streets and alleys, as if they were a group of motionless mannequins.

The cold temperature froze the rotten body tissues of the zombies stiff, but the Cube knew that this was only an illusion.

Once they smelled the smell of flesh and blood, these zombies would probably turn on and launch a crazy attack in seconds.

The cold winter did not freeze the viruses to death.

The Cube rushed to the highway exit and looked at the highway staff in the toll booth. After thinking for a while, he casually took out a hundred yuan bill from the pocket of a big-bellied old man zombie wearing an expensive suit next to him, handed it to the toll booth politely, and left the highway according to the procedures prescribed by the laws of the earth.

"Where will the survivors go? Let's go to the grain and oil distribution center first."After choosing the target, the Magic Cube turned on the navigation system and drove towards the long-distance bus station. Most of the grain and oil in Shancheng County are concentrated in this area. According to the law of survival, this should be the place most frequented by survivors. Maybe you can find a few living survivors and then follow them to find their camp.

After a while, the Magic Cube drove to a grain and oil wholesale center and found that there were not many zombies here, and several shops nearby were emptied. It was preliminarily estimated that survivors had been here many times.

If you want to get in touch with the survivor camp here, you must first know the camp system and the camp atmosphere here, and whether there are people who are committing suicide like the destroyed Xin'an Town camp. These are best observed in the camp, but the Magic Cube is not suitable to just swagger in, and turning into a motorcycle is not an option. However, the solution is thought out, and the computer can find a good solution

"Yes, I can transform into a human and blend in, but it just takes a lot of energy."

Speaking of this, we have to talk about the excellent ability of deformable metal.

Not only can it transform, but it can also simulate the appearance of many creatures, even soft skin and long hair.

The only drawback is that it consumes a lot of energy, even about one-third, with low defense and low attack power, and extremely slow energy recovery speed.

It can be said that if it is not necessary, there is really no need to consume a lot of energy to transform into a human, otherwise once you encounter danger, you will not have enough energy and cannot fight, which is quite a disadvantage.

"The transformation simulation program starts."

Instantly, the Rubik's Cube felt the energy bar drop at a speed visible to the naked eye. The metal all over the body became like flowing water, gradually converging and shrinking. The mechanical fingers gradually changed into the shape of human fingers, and many metal filaments extended from the head to simulate hair...

The transformation lasted for three minutes. Finally, the metal flow in various parts stopped, and the transformation was about to be completed.

The Rubik's Cube, which had changed into a human shape, looked at itself. In an instant, the original metal color changed to normal human color, and even the color of clothes and pants changed completely. The transformed Rubik's Cube turned into a man, 1.81 meters tall, with short hair, a tough face and a slightly rough look. He was wearing a winter sports suit. He looked about 30 years old and had an ordinary appearance. He did not become a pink and tender boy who was neither male nor female.

"This shape... is really weak."The Cube feels very uncomfortable with its current form. No matter how it looks at it, it still looks���Mechanical life forms are cooler

"Well, it's time to carry a backpack, and a simple weapon. This is a good one."

Bending down to pick up a steel bar, he walked to a store and found a backpack. In front of the zombie boss lady, he stuffed some food into it, put it on his back, and walked out of the store with the steel bar swaying. He climbed to the second floor and looked out the window to search for survivors. He didn't forget to sprinkle some dust on his hair, so he looked more like a down-and-out lone survivor.

Maybe it was too cold in winter, and the survivors liked to sit by the fire to keep warm. When it got dark, the Rubik's Cube didn't wait for even a single survivor.

The bored Rubik's Cube thought that there would be no search team out to search for supplies at night anyway, so he might as well take a stroll in the county town. Maybe he could see a few weird evolved zombies or something, and try to see if he could crush the neck of the evolved zombie with his current reduced combat power.

Although the county town is small, it has everything. Pedestrian streets and shopping malls have become the Rubik's Cube's first choice, because such places have the most zombies and are most likely to produce high-level zombies. Although the buildings here are not high, the density of zombies inside is not small.

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