Star Wars

Chapter 173

On the pedestrian street at night, the broken doors of several barbecue stalls and cold drink stalls swayed in the wind. Zombies of all ages crowded together, looking like they were huddled together for warmth.

""Roar~" A zombie turned around and yelled unwillingly to the person beside him, complaining about why he was pushed to the side of the road.

A man with a backpack pushed away zombies one after another and tried to walk towards the mall. In the dark night, only the snow could be seen. A living person actually entered and exited the zombie group as if nothing happened. This scene was definitely rare in the world. This"man" was not a human, but a Rubik's Cube that turned into a human shape. Although he looked no different from a human, the zombies could still distinguish between food and steel.

The mechanical arm easily pushed a Shamatte zombie into the sewer well. He walked over there, stepping on its head. After wandering around for a while, he didn't see any other zombies except four evolved zombies and one licker. He didn't even see a toe of a tank zombie. The cube, who was squeezing among the zombies, paused and looked up at a window on the third floor of the commercial building. There was a light there.

After scanning, he found three humans there, two women and one man, fully armed with knives and guns. They didn't look like survivors who had been trapped here for several months, but like people searching for supplies in a camp. This surprised the cube. This place is full of zombies. How did the three people get into the shopping mall? Were they forced in? It doesn't seem like that.

Driven by curiosity, Mofang decided to go and take a look. He would feel uncomfortable if he didn't figure it out.

He pushed the zombies aside and walked towards the entrance of the shopping mall. While walking, he searched for human expressions in the database downloaded before and simulated them in detail. It didn't need to be the most standard, just the most common. There was also the movement of facial muscles when opening the mouth to speak. It is said that details determine success or failure. If you are going to do it, do it to the best of your ability.

When you walk to the front of the shopping mall, you look at the piles of miscellaneous items. The magic cube raised its head and found a window on the second floor. It grabbed the bulge on the wall and easily climbed in. The movement was light and made no sound.

On the third floor, inside a specialty store.

A bonfire was burning in the middle of the room.

The expressions of the three people could be clearly seen in the firelight.

There were three aluminum lunch boxes on the fire, and there were dinners made of various foods mixed together in the lunch boxes.

The specialty store was warmed by the bonfire.

There were three piles of simple beds made of down jackets, quilts and other items piled in the corner.

The three people did not seem nervous or hurried, as if they did not care about the zombies downstairs.

"Sister, I'll give you a piece of bacon. I don't like it. The boy put a piece of meat into a girl's lunch box. The girl didn't refuse. It was obvious that this happened often.

"I went to bed early after eating. I had to find a way to get medicine from the pharmacy tomorrow. If I couldn't get the flu medicine this time, I'm afraid someone in the camp would die. Sigh... When will the cold winter be over?……"The older sister sighed and stuffed food into her mouth with a spoon.

The younger girl didn't say anything and ate the food in her lunch box silently. The atmosphere was a little depressing.

In a room not far away, Mofang observed for a while and thought it might not be a good idea to go there late at night and might cause misunderstandings. He decided to meet the three of them tomorrow morning. After waiting for a while and seeing that the three of them had fallen asleep, he sat on the stairs leading to the third floor from the second floor and entered standby sleep mode.


In the early morning, the sky gradually brightened.

Mofang pretended to be asleep, and waited until the three people surrounded him quietly before pretending to have just woken up.

"Uh...what are you doing?……"Mofang looked at the three knives pointed at his neck and said,"Although these things can't cut my neck, it's uncomfortable. It's like being a prisoner. If I had known, I wouldn't have pretended to sleep."

"Who are you? Why are you sleeping here? We didn't see anyone when we came here yesterday. How did you get in?" The older girl asked cautiously.

"I was chased by a zombie yesterday. That zombie was so fast! It ran just like a human! It was really hard to get rid of it, but luckily I succeeded."

After saying that, Rubik's Cube patted his chest, and the mechanical parts of his chest rose and fell a few times, pretending to breathe deeply.

While thinking quickly, he also checked the muscle expressions on one side of his face to confirm that there were no mistakes.

Rubik's Cube behaved very normally.

If it were a police officer who had been solving cases for many years, he would probably immediately think that something was abnormal or there might be a problem.

Being too normal sometimes also means something is abnormal...

The three of them looked at each other, and the figure of an evolved zombie emerged in their minds at the same time. It was fast and ran like a human. What else could it be except an evolved zombie, but... Last night, there was an evolved zombie wandering around the three of them while they were sleeping. Just thinking about it gave them a chill.

"How many of you are there?" the boy asked fiercely.

"It's just me, everyone else is dead"


The three of them were silent. Death was normal, and not dying was abnormal. This was a kind of helplessness and sadness in the end times. The more people died, the more normal it was. It was ridiculous to think about it. The three of them basically believed what Mofang said. Looking at Mofang's appearance, they felt that Mofang was an ordinary survivor struggling to survive. After feeling that there was no threat, they put away their knives.

"My name is Gao Xuemei, this is my brother Gao Xuelong and Liu Yan, we are from Shancheng County Camp, what is your name?"The older girl asked

"Just call me Mofang. The name before the apocalypse is not important anymore. The past is all in the past."

Mofang shrugged and made an indifferent expression. He didn't expect to meet the people from Shancheng County Camp. He didn't understand why three young people were allowed to come out alone to search for supplies. Wasn't there even a strong man?

"Rubik's Cube? It's a strange name, but it doesn't matter. After the end of the world, everything is destroyed, so it doesn't matter what it's called.

The girl shook her head, as if she had seen through the world.

"Don't worry, we have a safe passage to leave here. We will take you to our camp after we complete the mission. Although life is not as good as before, at least there is food and you don't have to worry about being eaten by zombies. Now you follow behind me, Xuelong and Liu Yan, you two are at the back."

"Thank you~ This is really good news for me."

Carrying a backpack and holding a steel bar, Mofang followed Gao Xuemei, followed by Gao Xuelong and Liu Yan. This formation prevented Mofang, a stranger, from doing anything unfavorable. The two people behind him acted as supervisors. Mofang didn't care. Anyway, he was just going to see the Shancheng County camp, not to kill people or cause damage. Being surrounded was nothing.

Following the three people, he walked gently to the first floor of the commercial building, and then turned into a suit shop. Mofang finally knew how the three people entered the commercial building through the dense zombies. It turned out that they went through the sewer.

Computers have computer methods, and humans have human cleverness. Mofang really didn't consider sewers as a passage except for catching mice.

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