Star Wars

Chapter 95

The finished personal computers were distributed to all members of the guard team. All members were very curious about this new equipment. Not only could they clearly understand the surrounding situation, but they could also see their blood pressure, heart rate and other health conditions. It was simply omnipotent.

While the Rubik's Cube was busy and exhausted on Earth, the Rubik's Cube itself in distant space was also busy


Last time, six reconnaissance planes and five fighter planes searched the nearby galaxies in the space where the unknown signal was discovered.

Densely packed meteorites floated in space. Such large-scale meteorites can often be seen when sailing in the universe. At this time, a shuttle-shaped sci-fi reconnaissance plane covered with reconnaissance equipment slowly passed through the meteorite belt. The super-strong sensing device flashed weak light, and many mysterious and complex symbols were engraved on the fuselage. These were the mechanical life forms created by the Rubik's Cube.

Space seemed to be eternal and unchanging, with messy electromagnetic signals and various rays. It was a huge task to search for useful signals under such complex conditions, and only advanced scientific and technological computers could do this kind of work.

Passing through the meteorite belt, the reconnaissance plane flew towards a nebula.


The search team did not choose to enter the nebula from the largest gaps, but carefully selected several inconspicuous and inconvenient small gaps. If there is any civilization in there, they will definitely deploy equipment in such a wide place to monitor the channel.

In view of the shielding function of the nebula, not all of the eleven space planes entered.

Instead, they left a reconnaissance plane at a certain distance and then a fighter plane at a certain distance.

Each space plane was arranged as a communication node to ensure smooth communication, so that the Rubik's Cube body can also observe the situation inside the nebula at any time.

The nebula is not large, and finally a fighter plane was left at the exit to serve as a node and support.

The reconnaissance plane that first discovered the signal quietly flew towards several planets in the nebula...

The reconnaissance plane quietly and slowly approached a planet that looked three times larger than the earth, and carefully used video equipment to observe the surface of the planet. The advantage of using video equipment is that it does not need to send detection signals, which is conducive to hiding oneself. It is better to be cautious in unknown situations. The picture quickly zoomed in, and the surface of the planet became clearer and clearer.

"Life?" The Cube was stunned when it saw the image sent back. This planet was full of plants that were different from the Earth, or animals. This was normal. After all, each planet had its own life characteristics and did not have to grow like the Earth.

The surface of the planet was covered with a kind of round, flat life, which occasionally moved and spit out a few fruit-like things.

The reconnaissance plane observed for a long time and confirmed that the life was a low-level creature.

It simply launched a detection beam to detect those lives.

The beam can prevent the signal from spreading and attracting the attention of other species.

After observing for a long time with the beam, the reconnaissance plane confirmed that there was no valuable information, marked the planet, turned its head and flew to another planet...

Under the brilliant light of the nebula, the reconnaissance plane moved forward silently with several meteorites.

Suddenly, several spaceships turned from the other side of the low-Earth orbit of the target planet!

"Unknown civilization discovered!

Unknown civilization discovered!

Execute hidden action!

"After sending back the signal, the reconnaissance plane immediately and flexibly attached itself to a large meteorite.

The surface of the plane quickly turned into the color and pattern of the meteorite.

If you don't observe carefully, you can't see it at all.

This is a necessary protection measure.

Once the other party is an aggressive species, they will analyze a lot of intelligence based on the reconnaissance plane if they capture the reconnaissance plane, so it is important to preserve the reconnaissance plane itself.

At the same time, the door of the fighter plane responsible for the node and support mission at the exit of the nebula opened and extended four racks, each of which was fixed with three missiles.

The magic cube also saw the picture. After zooming in, it can be seen that it is a few spacecraft the size of aircraft carriers. The specific details need to be further investigated by the reconnaissance plane.

One minute... ten minutes... half an hour passed, and the reconnaissance plane was not discovered.

At this time, the reconnaissance plane received more The computer is rapidly deciphering and analyzing the civilization's communication signals.

At the same time, a robotic arm with a camera is extended from the side of the meteorite to aim at several spaceships.

The picture is quickly zoomed in to high definition and some key parts are photographed.

All of this is done silently.

When the picture is zoomed in, Rubik's Cube finds that these spaceships are very rough and the surface workmanship is simply unsightly.

Perhaps this civilization is more pragmatic and thinks that appearance is not important, so it is made like this.

However, after careful comparison, the computer finds that the screws on the surface of the spaceship are not exactly the same size.

It feels like...

it is handmade.

After observing for a while, the cockpit of the spaceship was discovered, but the video equipment cannot penetrate the dim glass to observe the interior.

After observing the details of the spaceship, the camera is pointed at the planet.

After seeing the surface of the planet, Rubik's Cube was stunned.

"How environmentally unfriendly this is... The sky is covered with gray pollutants, and this environment is not much better than a volcanic crater!"

Through the gaps in the gray dirty gas, the magic cube observed the surface of the planet.

He believed that these creatures were definitely not the kind of creatures that were suitable for living in such turbid gases.

There were some creatures in the universe that could survive in chemical gases such as methane, but the magic cube dared to bet that these creatures would definitely not be able to stand it.

There were many buildings on the ground that looked like protective covers, and there was no creature from the planet that could be seen in the wild.

Most of them were the kind of people who blindly developed to death and harmed their own planet like the earth, and then couldn't stand it.

They said they loved their children all day long, but in the end they drove their children to death with their own hands.

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