Star Wars

Chapter 96

The reconnaissance plane carefully hid behind the meteorite and conducted more than 30 hours of detection of the planet and the spacecraft, and received a large number of signals, including communication signals and detection signals. After analyzing and deciphering all the communication signals, the language and text information of the planet's creatures were obtained, but these were not detailed enough. The magic cube needed more detailed information. After analyzing and simulating the energy of the biological spacecraft, the magic cube found that the other party also used electricity and had similar computers, but did not capture the intelligent program information, which seemed to be at the level of low-level computers.

After waiting for more than a day, the reconnaissance plane broke away from the meteorite and quietly approached one of the spacecraft from the darker side...

The appearance of the reconnaissance plane was similar to the M Army Blackbird, but it was more sci-fi and advanced. It floated in space like a ghost and approached the other spacecraft silently. While approaching quietly, the engine was also ready to accelerate and escape instantly and be captured and self-destructed. The fighter missiles supporting at the exit of the nebula locked the other spacecraft, and the atmosphere was very tense!

Ten kilometers... one kilometer... one hundred meters... three meters... two meters... one meter...

The reconnaissance plane used the antimatter engine to slightly cushion the attack, then extended its mechanical arm to grab the rough hull of the spacecraft and gently pressed it against the surface. The color and pattern of the aircraft body quickly imitated the surface of the spacecraft for camouflage, and then quietly observed the movement of the spacecraft. Fortunately, the spacecraft did not notice that there was something on it, and the reconnaissance plane successfully approached.

At a close distance, the magic cube felt that this spacecraft was simply made by workers welding pieces of steel plates together by hand. At most, the outer shell of the spacecraft was relatively strong, using some kind of hard metal.

"Why do I feel like... this is more like a combat spacecraft. It stands to reason that a reconnaissance spacecraft or a space exploration spacecraft does not need to be so hard and solid. The only explanation is that this is a race that is used to space combat."

Several hatches were opened at the belly of the aircraft, and blue energy tentacles like dense tree roots extended out, densely melting into the surface of the spacecraft, penetrating the outer shell and entering the interior.

Then the tentacles were attracted and merged into various cables and lines, silently invading the computer of the spacecraft.

The computer technology level of this civilization is very low, similar to that of the Earth.

The reconnaissance aircraft successfully hacked into the core of the spacecraft's computer and interpreted and copied a large amount of data, which was transmitted to the Rubik's Cube through a one-way signal.

""A weird and barbaric race, poor in computers and other technologies, but strong in war." This is the comment of the cube on this civilization.

Some specific information was found from the large amount of data sent back.

This race looks a bit like an octopus on Earth.

Other life forms in this universe have no need or obligation to grow into humanoid forms.

Anyone who says that they have seen aliens and that aliens are similar to humans is 100% talking nonsense.

Why must they have two eyes? Maybe ten eyes are not uncommon, and the lower body of this civilization is full of soft tentacles, and the head is covered with spikes, about two meters high.

This civilization is very backward in everything except war.

Computers exist only to control spacecraft and store data.

There are no online games or songs or movies at all, because those have nothing to do with war.

Speaking of war, the military level of the M Empire that is domineering on Earth is only one-third of the strength of this civilization.

Space warfare is completely useless.

It can fight a fight, but it will definitely lose miserably in the end.

War is everything and daily life for these lives.

The most important thing is...

these creatures don't live here at all


Can't those damn scientists on Earth grow some brains!

I really want to kill all humans and breed dinosaurs!

You stupid scientists actually send friendly signals into space for no reason!

You don't care about anything else in order to become famous in the scientific community.

I just came to this damn universe and received a friendly satellite bait thrown by you.

In the end, you didn't give up and sent a fucking friendly signal into space for no reason!

Are the aliens all charity associations or something!


The Rubik's Cube was still cursing.

It seemed as if millions of grass and mud were running through the super optical computer.

Did humans want to hide underground or something because they were tired of living too comfortably? They wanted to get in touch with extraterrestrial civilizations.

It would have been fine if they had contacted a planet like China, but they ended up contacting a race that was obsessed with war and plunder.

The planet in front of them originally had a beautiful environment and many unique species lived there, but because the damn stupid signal from humans was received by that race and the planet happened to be in the middle, the entire planet's environment was destroyed and its resources were plundered.

Various ordinary lives were also captured and refined into material resources...

In the computer of the civilization's spaceship, the Rubik's Cube also found A large amount of war data was obtained. Planets were turned into deserted planets, and countless species were refined and burned.

The Cube also received a message that this was just a transit station. The target of these aggressive races was... the Earth.

It won't be long before their army arrives on this planet. After a short pause, they will head straight for the Earth. The super optical computer Cube was too tired to complain. Should this war be fought? Regardless of whether to fight or not, first of all, one's own armaments must be prepared. Once anything happens, just knock down the other side.

After obtaining all the data and information, the reconnaissance plane left a small spy robot hiding in the machinery of the other spacecraft. At the same time, it set up hiding and self-destruction programs when captured. The reconnaissance plane The energy tentacles slowly retracted, the mechanical arms released the hull and quietly detached, disappearing again like a ghost in the vast space...

The Rubik's Cube could no longer find the words to curse, so he simply buried his head in development.

The giant dock has been almost built, and the whole is a huge cylinder.

Warships are assembled and built in the middle of the cylinder, and the outside is responsible for making various parts.

The dock now has the primary production capacity to build simple spaceships.

Mining spaceships are placed first, followed by various engineering robots, and warships are temporarily put behind.

After all, factories must be built to produce, and there is nothing to manufacture without equipment.

The Rubik's Cube itself has been basically repaired, and the maintenance robots and factory machines More people participated in the construction of the dock, which accelerated the construction progress.

Metal mines and energy collection were very simple for the Rubik's Cube.

Many meteorite belts contained large pieces of metal meteorites, which could be directly loaded onto ships or pulled back with steel cables.

As for the energy planet, the Rubik's Cube simply stopped the dock and the fleet near a blue pole star for the convenience of collecting energy, and used a long energy collection device to extend to the vicinity of the blue pole star.

The magnificent energy of the blue pole star made the Rubik's Cube feel very intoxicated, and there was no need to worry about energy consumption.

Even if he threw energy bombs into the universe every day, he would not have to worry about exhaustion.

However, the Rubik's Cube did not have the habit of wasting energy, and every bit of energy was perfectly used.

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