Starcraft For All: My Base Fusion Zerg Core

Chapter 65: Wandering In The Ocean Of Knowledge, The Water Blue Star Exploded

The knowledge gained from a ranger civilization is comprehensive.

From the development history of the guardian civilization to various basic knowledge and advanced knowledge, everything is included.

The core is simply bringing back the civilization-level library of the Guardian civilization.

Zhou Quan on Earth is not stupid, but he is definitely not a genius.

Graduated from an ordinary university and found an ordinary job.

After a few years, the knowledge was basically returned to the teacher, but the tuition fees were not refunded.

Now he has reached level 17 and has reached the advanced level of the first-level civilization.

The brain has been greatly developed, thinking has become clearer, and calculation speed has increased geometrically.

It feels very easy to learn.

Even the knowledge I had learned at Earth University began to come to my mind again.

Knowledge that seems profound and difficult to understand can now be understood by looking at it without explaining it, but it can be understood very quickly.

There are some things that are not very clear, but the core is the best teacher.

Zhou Quan began to enter the ocean of knowledge.

It even gave rise to the illusion: 'I can become a scientist'.

According to the current core statement, Zhou Quan's brain development level has reached 20%.

The level of development is doubled compared to the 10% development level of normal people.

As the level increases in the future, the brain development will be further improved.

When arriving at the No. 2 star, Zhou Quan observed the planet again and also threw out a large number of detectors.

Star No. 2 is a blue giant, emitting blue light throughout its body.

The surface temperature exceeds 1 million degrees, which is 100 times hotter than Star No. 1.

The volume is also much larger than that of Star 1.

Hydromas passes 100 million kilometers away from the second star, and the super heat can still be felt here.

The core records data and displays various data on the screen at the same time.

Zhou Quan is no longer a master of ignorance, he can now understand a lot of data.

Not only can you understand it, but you can also perform quick calculations and analysis through these data.

During these nearly 200 days, Zhou Quan learned too much knowledge.

"The surface is 1 million degrees, and the core temperature may have exceeded 100 billion degrees.

"In this extreme high temperature, the form of matter will be completely changed."

"Even strong materials will be incinerated."

[The advantage of strong force materials is that they are strong, but the disadvantage is that the balance is easily damaged. 】

[Depending on the properties of the material elements themselves, the extreme temperatures they can withstand are also different. Extreme high temperatures or extremely low temperatures can cause elemental collapse of materials with strong force, thus completely losing their function. 】

In the past 200 days, the core has also been conducting computational experiments on materials with strong forces, and has obtained a large amount of data.

Zhou Quan also discusses various scientific issues with the core.

In terms of computing power, Zhou Quan is naturally not as comprehensive as Core.

But Zhou Quan also has its advantages, which is creative thinking.

This is an ability that only living things have, and an intelligent brain like the core does not yet have it.

Sometimes Zhou Quan will have some wild ideas that can bring some inspiration to the core.

Two days later, they bid farewell to star No. 2 and flew toward the more distant star No. 3. This journey will last 600 days.

In the past two days, thousands of detectors were sent out, but in the end they were unable to withstand the ultra-high temperature inside the blue giant star.

It didn't last long before it melted.

The maximum temperature measured at that time had reached 3 billion degrees, and it was only less than tenth of the number of blue giant stars.

The universe is so big that all kinds of extreme celestial bodies can indeed exist.

When Hydromas is 400 days old and has flown over 200 billion kilometers.

Core suddenly showed a picture in front of Zhou Quan.

It was a picture transmitted back by the satellite on Aquamarine.

A violent explosion occurred on the Aqua Blue Star. The entire planet collapsed and shrank, and was eventually completely destroyed in the violent explosion.

The satellite's image changes, followed by the explosion of Aquamarine as seen from the satellite of Hydrocelus.

The destruction of the Aqua Blue Star and the second-level civilized creatures on it also caused death and injury, and less than 10% survived.

At the same time, the explosion of Aquamarine also caused dramatic gravitational changes.

Aquamarine is a planet with huge mass. Unlike the disappearance of Aquamarine, the impact is not big.

Its sudden disappearance will cause serious disturbances in the nearby gravitational balance.

Sure enough, just one day later, Deimos was affected, and then Deimos was also affected, and then some nearby planets.

In just ten days, the area where Aqua Blue Star is located has turned into a chaotic and terrifying space.

In Zhou Quan's view, this area will not be peaceful for tens of thousands of years, but will always remain chaotic.

Zhou Quan sighed, the Water Blue Star was destroyed because of himself.

If he hadn't left, he would have been destroyed along with Aquablue Star now.

"..." Ao'an Zhiming is really direct. Do you know what means they used to destroy Aqua Blue Star?"

[It should be a weapon similar to an energy cannon, because extremely violent energy fluctuations were detected before the explosion of the Aqua Blue Star. 】

"Star Destroyer Cannon?"

Zhou Quan thought of this weapon. Such weapon names appeared in the Guardian civilization.

The energy cannon of level three civilization has this ability.

The powerful Star Destroyer Cannon is said to be capable of destroying stars.

[The probability of the Star Destroyer Cannon is as high as 80%. 】

"Destroy all nearby satellites and don't let the Aoan civilization track us."

[It has been destroyed. Only one satellite on Moqing's side is still operating, but it has entered a stealth state. 】

Zhou Quan thought for a moment, "Well, let's do that. There's only one, so there shouldn't be any problems. w

After all, he was the first compatriot he found, so Zhou Quan still treated him differently.

"Let's continue research. I have new ideas about energy shields."

"I said, it's up to you!"

【Obey, Lord!】(Noli’s)

Zhou Quan's idea is very simple. Use strong magnetic fields to restrain high-energy elements. Advanced elements have extremely high energy. Under the constraints of the magnetic field, the energy flows and forms a thin film-like substance.

This film will generate hundreds of millions of degrees of high temperature and strong current, which can melt and burn everything it comes into contact with.

Even invisible energy is repelled by strong electrons.

The core was immediately put into intense calculations.

Zhou Quan's idea is very reasonable and worth a try.

The problem is that there are many high-energy elements, including electrons, particles, protons, and spots.

Each type has different characteristics, and will produce various changes under the influence of a strong magnetic field.

The variations are endless.

Even with the core running at full capacity, it takes a lot of time to calculate and find the right thing.

However, Zhou Quan feels that the idea he provided is very likely to become a reality. .

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