Starcraft For All: My Base Fusion Zerg Core

Chapter 66: Energy Shield, The Threshold Of Level Three Civilization

The core allocates a lot of computing power to calculate Zhou Quan's ideas.

However, now a large amount of data has been accumulated in the core database, and it is no longer necessary to start from scratch.

Many parameters can be taken out and used directly, which saves a lot of time.

There is also a lot of research data on the Guardian Civilization, some of which can be referred to, and some of which can be used directly.

In this way, the research progress is much faster.

During the estimated voyage of more than 800 days, Zhou Quan continued to learn all kinds of advanced knowledge, exuding the temperament of a scholar, just like a scientist.

On the 621st day, the core calculation finally found a breakthrough.

Various particles were tested, and finally a particle was found that was most suitable for the energy shield.

Photons are one of the elementary particles and are very common.

There are a large number of photons in the radiation produced by nuclear fusion, and they are also present in some medical instruments such as X-ray machines.

Even the light of stars contains photons.

In layman's terms, photons are everywhere.

What is suitable for energy shields are high-energy photons, also called high-frequency photons.

The higher the frequency of the photon, the greater the energy level contained in it.

A strong magnetic field is used to confine a large number of photons, and then accelerate them to extremely high frequencies, turning them into high-energy photons.

High-energy photons are interdependent under the constraints of the magnetic field, forming visible matter that contains huge energy and is like a thin film.

This kind of film has extremely high temperature and large current, which can easily resist various invisible energy attacks and can melt and decompose various substantial substances in microseconds.

A small energy shield device was produced in the laboratory.

The energy shield was activated, forming a sphere about 1 meter in diameter.

Then the core conducted various tests on the protective cover and collected data.

[The No. 1 protective cover device used in the experiment has a surface temperature of 100 million degrees and is strong and anti-resistant. 】

Zhou Quan asked the core to digitize the strength of the armor, which would make it more intuitive.

Taking the most basic steel as the standard, it is defined as strength 1.

Then the strength of the alloy used on the primary Yellow-class battleship is 10.

On the basis of the alloy, with the addition of the Guardian's degenerate coating, the strength will rise directly to 100.

The strength of the guard's degenerate material with a thickness of 1 mm is 300, while the degenerate material of his own or Ao'an civilization is also 1 mm thick and has a strength of 3000.

When the thickness reaches 10 mm, the strength reaches 15,000.

Strength does not increase proportionally with thickness, materials have their limit values.

The current limit value of degenerate materials is between 15,000 and 20,000, which is also due to limitations of technological level.

Theoretically, there is no limit to the strength of degenerate materials. The higher the density, the greater the strength.

The key is how high the density of degenerate materials can be created by the level of science and technology.

If we could make it as dense as a neutron star. . .

It is estimated that this battleship cannot fly, and due to the balance of physical strength and fluid, the battleship itself will collapse due to its excessive mass, and eventually turn into a ball.

The primary energy shield equipment in the laboratory only uses a small amount of energy to produce a protection strength of 50,000, which is several times higher than that of degenerate materials.

If the energy output is further increased and the frequency of high-energy photons is accelerated, the energy levels can be amplified.

In short, the prototype of the energy shield has appeared in the laboratory, which also means that Zhou Quan has already half-stepped into the threshold of level three civilization.

As speculated before, level three civilization is the in-depth application of energy.

Then the core began a large number of experiments, including the strength of the magnetic field, energy consumption, different combinations, and different models, to select the optimal ratio.

This is core work.

However, Zhou Quan's idea has been proven to be very effective.

The door to level three civilization has slowly opened.

Similarly, the breakthrough of energy shield has also become a solid theoretical foundation.

(ciei) Zhou Quan finally understood the principle of energy bombs.

That is ultra-high-frequency high-energy photons, which can burst into terrifyingly high temperatures in an instant. This temperature may exceed tens of billions of degrees.

At this temperature, almost all substances will be vaporized instantly.

Therefore, nothing will be left under the energy bomb.

It looks like it's been swallowed up, but it's actually been vaporized.

With the theoretical foundation in place, the next breakthrough is a matter of course.

After more than 50 days, the core finally found the most suitable ratio, and the primary protective shield was officially declared a success.

Zhou Quan's technology has also officially entered the threshold of level three civilization.

Primary energy shield, surface temperature 500 million degrees, energy intensity 100,000.

Three primary energy shield generating devices working together can cover the Earth-class battleship, while only one is enough for the Xuan-class battleship.

At the same time, the core continues to improve the energy shield.

The improvement is divided into two aspects, one is stronger and the other is smaller.

Stronger is to increase the protection strength.

The purpose of making it smaller is to allow small combat units such as dragon armor warriors to apply it. This not only reduces the coverage of the energy shield but also reduces the need for energy shields.

Is it enough?

Nuclear fusion consumes a large amount of nuclear fuel, which must be replenished regularly.

Although the energy supply is huge and the level is not low, the sustainability is relatively poor.

It is necessary to find a way to supply energy that is equally large and can continue to supply energy for a long time.

This method certainly exists.

Just like the Feiyu fighter in Aoan Civilization, its energy source does not belong to nuclear fusion.

Moreover, the kinetic energy is very sufficient, and the supply is also long-lasting and stable.

Otherwise, with its length of only three meters, how much nuclear fuel can be placed.

Protective shield technology is just a threshold for level three civilization, an iconic technology.

If you want to become a strong person in the third-level civilization, you need to conduct further in-depth research on energy. At least the energy supply method of nuclear fusion has definitely been eliminated in the main-level civilization.

There must be more advanced energy sources.

Zhou Quan is still studying and thinking hard.

The core is also calculating, producing primary energy shields, and transforming Earth-class battleships and Xuan-class battleships.

After more than 700 days of accumulation, the number of Earth-class battleships now exceeds 100,000, while there are still 50,000 Xuan-class battleships left.

After the Earth-class battleships were put into production, the Xuan-class battleships were no longer built and had entered the phase of elimination.

Star No. 3 is getting bigger and bigger, and the long voyage of more than 800 days is finally coming to an end. .

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