Starcraft For All: My Base Fusion Zerg Core

Chapter 88 The Soul Tribe In Star System No. 5

The video footage unfolded in Zhou Quan's eyes.

Before the satellite was destroyed, a black shadow appeared.

Because there is more than one satellite in the star system, the core quickly calls the perspectives of other satellites to capture.

From the perspective of other satellites, you can see a group of black clouds with a little white silver covering the appearing satellite.

In just ten seconds, the satellite was destroyed.

Then, something similar came from the perspectives of several satellites.

Such objects are completely black with a few silvery white clouds and mist-like objects. They are very numerous in the galaxy and are countless.

Even the core cannot calculate the specific number at once.

They seem to be floating randomly in the galaxy, but as long as something comes close to them, they will actively build it, wrap up the foreign object, and then devour it.

But they don't swallow everything.

The satellite was swallowed and spit out shortly after.

The core controlled several satellites to build over, captured the satellite that had been swallowed, and then inspected it.

The shell still looked intact, but the inside was empty.

"It seems that they cannot swallow degenerate materials, but the internal circuits and biological parts can be swallowed.

"Is this thing a living thing? Or is it some kind of special substance?"

Zhou Quan was not sure for a while. Some special substances in the universe might have characteristics similar to life forms, but they did not belong to the category of life.

[It should be a living body between a living body and a material body. 】

It’s a very difficult sentence. Zhou Quan might not have understood it before, but now he understands it.

"That's a ghost!"

"Or the undead?"

"No, it's not appropriate to call it that.

"It should be called incorporeal life. I think this is more appropriate."

"Are there any records of similar life forms in the databases of the Patroller Civilization and Yashan Civilization?"

The core is already searching the database and will have the answer after a few seconds.

[There are records of similar life forms in the Yashan Civilization Database. Yashan Civilization calls them the Soul Clan. 】

[In records, the soul clan is divided into many types, at least hundreds of them. 】

[The life form composed of substance and energy that we encountered on Planet 381 before is one of the Soul Clan. 】

After listening to Core's explanation, the two are quite similar.

The breakthrough of his own energy cannon is due to the work of the Soul Clan on Planet 381.

Their race seems to have a unique talent for the use of energy.

"Then try to catch it. If you can't catch it, destroy it.

Zhou Quan gave a command, and a thousand ground-level battleships flew out.

When passing through the nebula, the Earth-level battleship opened the energy shield. The meteorite hit the energy shield and turned everything into powder in an instant.

A few days later, the Earth-level battleship rushed out of the nebula and rushed towards it.

There are countless soul races floating densely in the galaxy. Zhou Quan is really curious about how this strange thing between life and matter was formed.

When the Earth-level battleship approached, the originally motionless Soul Tribe took action.

Many soul clans rushed towards the earth-level battleship, and were instantly vaporized by the energy shield, leaving not even a trace of residue behind.

The energy shield can block the soul clan, which makes Zhou Quan relieved.

With this result, the danger of the Soul Clan is greatly reduced.

Then an Earth-class battleship removed the energy shield.

This is another experiment.

The soul clan rushed to the earth-level battleship.

The entire body of the Earth-class battleship is made of degenerate materials, with no gaps in its body.

But it still couldn't stop the invasion of the Soul Clan.

While the shell was intact, the Soul Tribe invaded the interior of the battleship.

Begins to destroy electronic and biological systems.

The core uses earth-class battleships as bait to record information about the Soul Clan.

Its composition, attack method, devouring speed, etc. are all recorded.

The size of the soul clan can reach up to a hundred meters after spreading out.

Dozens of soul clansmen can devour an entire earth-class battleship in one minute.

In addition to the energy shield, the energy cannon can also destroy the soul clan. With one shot, all the soul clan on the route will be wiped out within a million kilometers.

At present, it seems that the Soul Clan is not powerful, but there are too many of them.

In the star system, there are soul races everywhere, which is difficult to estimate.

A rough estimate puts the number at more than 1,000 trillion, or even more.

After paying the price of three earth-level battleships, the core finally completed all the data of the Soul Clan.

The next step is to clean them up and take over the entire galaxy.

But with the current number of only 10,000 Earth-class warships, it will take until the Year of the Monkey to clean up the entire galaxy.

Zhou Quan thought of using a hydrogen bomb.

The core has been tried.

The soul tribe here is afraid of energy weapons, but they are not afraid of hydrogen bombs.

Unless they are at the core of a hydrogen bomb explosion [they will be killed by the huge energy shock.

The outer members are still safe and sound.

They can even absorb the radiation emitted by the hydrogen bomb and convert it into the energy they need.

After absorbing enough energy, the soul clan can also split into two or even more.

A group of hydrogen bombs were thrown down, killing tens of thousands of souls, but tens of thousands of new souls were split, which was not worth the loss.

Not only are hydrogen bombs ineffective, physical strikes such as nuclear bombs are also ineffective.

The body of the soul clan looks like a cloud, without any entity.

"..." Now it seems that we can only use energy cannons to clean it slowly. "

"First go to each planet to take a look. If it is determined that there is no danger, then build a base and produce warships."

"The Soul Clan will just clean it up slowly!"

Now the only thing left is this stupid method. If there are energy bombs, it's easy. Just put one in each area and it will be clean.

This is the fifth star reached, and is usually called the fifth star.

This galaxy is also known as Star System V.

The twelve major planets inside are numbered starting from star No. 5.

The one closest to the nebula and farthest from the star is Planet No. 12.

The closest to the star is Planet 01.

The battleships spread out and headed to the major planets.

Zhou Quan was waiting for the information to come back from the Earth-class battleship.

Gradually, Zhou Quan discovered that there were also a large number of soul races on the planet (Denuo's).

As the battleship moved forward, a large number of soul clans rushed forward, and they were blocked by the energy shield and turned into gas killing dogs.

But similarly, the energy shield also needs to consume a lot of energy areas in the process of killing the soul clan.

Dozens and hundreds of Soul Spirit Tribes are nothing, but tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Soul Spirit Tribes rushing towards them would be quite terrifying.

The energy shield keeps vibrating, as if a fierce war is going on

Soon there was a new discovery. The closer the soul clan was to the star, the larger the size and the stronger the power.

It also takes more energy to kill them.

After more than ten days of flight, an Earth-level warship ran out of energy when it was about to reach Planet 07.

The energy that was originally enough to support several months of fighting was consumed in just over ten days.

Moreover, the anti-navigation route is afraid of being occupied by the soul clan drifting over.

The core simply controlled the battleship to rush towards Planet 07 to see what was happening on Planet 07. .

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