Starcraft For All: My Base Fusion Zerg Core

Chapter 89: Occupy Planet No. 12 And Prepare For Positional Battle!

Zhou Quan also watched the battleship that was about to rush into Planet 07.

Under the strong gravitational influence of star No. 5, all planets in the star system have no atmosphere.

You can clearly see the situation on the planet.

The planet is densely populated by Soul Clan.

When the battleship rushed in, it immediately caused a violent reaction from the Soul Clan on Planet 07.

The overwhelming soul clan flew up and lay down towards the battleship.

After a few swallows, the battleship was swallowed up in an instant, and the battleship that finally landed was just an empty shell.

The battleship hit the planet like a meteorite, causing a violent explosion.

But this impact-shaped energy was swallowed up by the soul clan on the planet almost instantly, and it did not cause a huge disaster.

[The soul clan of Planet 07 is similar in strength to the soul clan on the periphery of the planet. 】

[Based on the soul clan within 1 million kilometers of the nebula as a benchmark, the intensity is set to be 2 for the soul clan strength near Planet 1112. 】

[The strength of Planet 11 is 3. . . . Planet No. 07 has a planet strength of 7. 】

Based on this data, the strength of the soul clan on Planet 01 is 13, which is 13 times the original strength.

Then the strength of the soul clan near the fifth star should reach 14 or exceed 14.

As the Soul 270 Spirit Race becomes more and more powerful, the difficulty of their advancement will also increase exponentially.

After core calculations, based on the energy reserves of Earth-class battleships, at least one million ships are needed to successfully advance the team to Planet 01.

It is pushing forward, opening a passage in the starry sky, not cleaning up the soul clan in the starry sky.

The core has put the difficulty in front of Zhou Quan. Whether to go or not is a matter for Zhou Quan to decide.

If not, then continue to look for suitable planets and galaxies for development.

There are certain risks if you go.

After analyzing the pros and cons, Zhou Bu decided to go.

Other planets and galaxies are not necessarily easy to find, and there are managers in the endless galaxies.

Then there might be another big battle.

I must be registered in the Endless Alliance now. Once discovered, I will definitely be besieged.

If the Aoan Civilization or an equally powerful civilization were to target them, they would have nowhere to escape.

The star system No. 5 in front of us is very hidden and difficult to detect due to the existence of nebulae.

The pros and cons were all laid out clearly. After thinking about it for a few minutes, Zhou Quan made a decision.

"Go, take over planet 12 (ciba) first, and then slowly advance after you have enough fleets.

"Accelerate the research on energy bombs. If there are energy bombs, these souls will not be a problem."

The army rushed into the fifth star system in a mighty manner.

Suddenly, Zhou Quan seemed to have disappeared in the endless galaxy.

Just as Zhou Quan thought, Zhou Quan has already registered in the Endless Alliance.

Its battleship appearance and some iconic information have been entered into the database of the Endless Alliance.

Now Zhou Quan has become a public enemy of the alliance.

Exploding the star, it destroyed the 100,000-strong army of the Aolin Civilization and a 10-kilometer, or 10,000-meter warship of the Ao'an Civilization.

Chinese civilization cannot be famous even if it is not famous.

Earth-level battleships opened their energy shields one after another, passing through the nebula and advancing all the way.

The Earth-level warships did not open fire on the Nebula tribe on the road, except for those who rushed towards them.

It's not necessary.

Five days later, the army arrived outside Planet No. 12, and thousands of Earth-class warships surrounded Planet No. 12.

Planet No. 12 is not small, as it is about 6 times the size of the Earth.

The mass is 3 times that of Earth.

A single salvo of ten thousand Earth-class battleships can almost destroy Planet 12.

Of course it's impossible to do this. This is the planet Zhou Quan wants to use as a base.

The core calculates the required energy and controls it precisely.

The secondary gun fired, but it was not very powerful.

The energy beam fell on the planet, causing violent explosions. At the same time, the most important thing was that it woke up all the soul tribes on the planet.

The soul clan flew up and rushed towards the battleship.

At this time, the battleship began to dive, and the energy shield was connected.

If you cannot launch too powerful an attack on the planet, then using an energy shield to eliminate the soul clan is the best way.

And the most important thing is that the soul clan will come to the door on their own [it is a real moth flying into the flame].

Only half a day later, the soul clan on Planet 12 was wiped out.

The warships began to fly around the planet to protect the planet.

The base quickly released the larvae and began to build a base.

A level 18 main base can have 1,800 sub-bases.

Produce nuclear worms to restore the energy supply of the main base.

Produce nuclear fusion devices and form arrays to provide sufficient energy for material energy converters.

Produce dragon armor warriors and set up a battleship factory.

Almost starting from scratch, all work is carried out quickly under the core arrangements.

The advantages of the Zerg are also revealed at this moment. As long as the main base exists and the energy is sufficient, it can recover very quickly.

Unlike a mechanical civilization, once it is damaged, it will take a lot of time to restore production.

For example, the Patroller Civilization and the Yashan Civilization did not last hundreds of years and could not be restored to their full strength.

Just twenty days later, all 1,800 sub-bases were completed.

Not only that, all 100 million nuclear worms have taken shape and are spread all over Planet 12.

At the same time, a large number of nuclear fusion devices were also built. In addition to supplying energy to the main base, they were also responsible for supplying the battleship factory.

The energy supply that had been cut off for nearly two years has been restored again, and it will take another 300 days for the main base to reach level 19.

During this period, a large number of soul clans came over and were killed by earth-level battleships from outside the planet.

Finally, everything has stabilized, and then it is time to produce warships, continue scientific research, and improve the level of science and technology.

[Master, a large number of souls are flying towards Planet 12. 】

The core released a video, in which a large number of souls were flying from the starry sky.

[It should be the energy fluctuations of the nuclear fusion device that attracted them. 】

. . .

Zhou Quan slapped his forehead, it was really a secret.

"I missed it. I should have thought that they can be split by the radiation of hydrogen bombs. The energy fluctuations of nuclear fusion are basically the same as those of hydrogen bombs, and they are milder. It will definitely attract their attention."

"Can you stop it?"

[There is no problem at the moment, but there are more and more souls coming from other planets, and as time goes by, they will lose their loyalty]

The closer to star No. 5, the stronger the power of the souls, and the greater the energy required to destroy them.

Tens of thousands of warships cannot stop the massive amount of souls.

"Continue to produce warships, and at the same time build giant energy shields and energy cannons on Star 12."

"I don't believe that we are fighting positional warfare. Even the soul tribe with no intelligence can't handle it!"

Zhou Quan also became ruthless and wanted to turn Planet 12 into a battle star fortress.

Planet No. 12 is much larger than the Battle Star Fortress.

All the previous battle star fortresses put together are not half as big as Planet 12.

If such a large-scale construction is completed, Planet 12 will really become a prickly hedgehog. .

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