Starcraft For All: My Base Fusion Zerg Core

Chapter 90 Energy Is Higher Than Life, Battle Star No. 12

Fortunately, the soul clan's flight speed is not very fast, and it will take some time to reach Planet 12.

This gave Zhou Quan time to develop and build.

A batch of dragon-armored warriors were manufactured and quickly transformed into free labor.

Energy shield devices with a height of 500 meters were manufactured one after another, and were transported and installed by dragon armor warriors.

All this is controlled by the core and is very precise, ensuring that there will be no errors or omissions.

Planet No. 12 is the farthest from star No. 5 and is almost a permanently frozen planet.

Although it is very close to the fourth star, the temperature of the fourth star is relatively low, and there is a thick layer of nebula between it, so the heat of the star cannot warm it.

The texture of the planet is very hard, which is very beneficial for construction and saves the steps of transforming the planet.

Each energy tower will be equipped with at least two large-scale nuclear fusion reactors to supply energy.

At the same time, the energy shield still operates in two ways: primary and secondary.

When one of the devices has a problem and cannot be used, the other device can take over.

In addition to energy shields, ultra-large-scale energy cannons are also densely installed.

Zhou Quan really wants to turn Planet 12 into a hedgehog.

It should be said that they really plan to use Star 12 as their base and gradually conquer the entire Galaxy 5.

While undergoing large-scale construction, the core also allocates a large amount of computing power to conduct research on new energy sources.

Star No. 4 outside the nebula has become the best research object.

Star No. 4 is very special. In addition to carrying out normal nuclear fusion activities, it also constantly exudes another kind of energy.

This energy breath is more powerful than nuclear fusion.

The core research is here.

These days, a laboratory has been set up near the fourth star, collecting energy materials and conducting experimental research one after another.

I believe the results will be produced soon.

By then, it will be able to replace nuclear fusion and become a new source of energy.

As long as the problem of energy source is solved, many problems can be solved easily.

The soul clans rushed over one after another, like moths flying into the flames.

The earth-level battleships continued to fire, killing the soul clan that came over.

At the same time, 200 earth-class warships are built every day and take off to participate in the battle.

Star 12 is still under construction, and battleships are still needed for defense until the construction is completed.

The number of soul tribes coming over is increasing day by day, and now the warships are fighting every day, firing almost endlessly.

At the same time, the energy shield continued to kill a large number of soul clans.

The energy is consumed at a terrifying speed. Once the energy is used up, the earth-level battleship will come back to replenish it and continue fighting.

The Earth-level battleships that were originally designed to be able to fight continuously for more than a month can only last about seven days in their current condition.

And this time is still shortening.

It is estimated that after some time, the continuous combat time of Earth-class battleships may become five days, three days, or even shorter.

The current production speed of warships cannot keep up with the speed of the Soul Clan.

Nuclear fusion has a fatal attraction for the soul clan.

The soul clan is a combination of a large amount of energy and a small amount of matter, a strange life that lives between reality and virtuality.

Most of them have no intelligence, only instinct.

Searching for energy, constantly devouring, dividing, and evolving are their instincts.

Whether it is the nuclear fusion device on the Earth-class battleship or the nuclear fusion device on the 12th planet, it has a fatal attraction for them and can make them come over without their lives.

"Perhaps in the eyes of the Soul Clan, evolution is above all else, and life is not important."

Zhou Quan thought deeply and got an answer that he recognized.

More and more soul clans are coming over, and energy consumption is increasing sharply.

The Dragon Armor warriors worked overtime to transform Planet No. 12. Nuclear fusion devices were manufactured and put into operation, providing sufficient energy.

At this time, outside the nebula, surrounding the No. 4 star, with the laboratory as the axis, the star-collecting film began to be constructed.

Zhou Quan sent 100,000 dragon-armored warriors to take charge of this task.

Because there are few people, the scale is relatively small.

After all, we must first stabilize Planet 12 before we can do anything else.

There are more and more soul tribes outside Planet 12, and the pressure on the battleships is also increasing.

Only one month has passed, and now the battleship needs to come back every three days to replenish energy.

And this trend is accelerating.

If this continues, the amount of energy I replenish each time may not last for even one day.

However, after a month of overtime work, the transformation project of Planet 12 has been mostly completed.

The most important thing is that just now, four giant energy towers with a height of 30,000 meters were built.

The four energy towers are located in four different directions on the planet. They can directly transmit energy to warships outside the planet through wireless transmission.

Although there will be some energy loss during the process, the efficiency is higher than when the battleship returns to the ground to replenish it.

…Please give me flowers…

This is also done to buy more time.

The Base took off. Under the strong advice of the core, the Base left Planet No. 12, left the galaxy through the nebula, and flew to Star No. 4.

In the core calculations, there is a low probability that Planet 12 will not be able to defend it.

Although this possibility is only 5%, we cannot take risks.

So the base number left first. Anyway, it doesn't make much difference whether the base number is there or not.

Next to the No. 4 star, a huge film of 1 million square kilometers has been formed and began to supply energy to the laboratory and the base.

The 100,000 dragon-armored warriors began to build a second film next to it.

The laboratory's research on new energy sources has also reached a critical moment.


The experiment was done countless times, thousands of times, and finally we got some clues.

Another 40 days passed, and the construction of the fifth star system and planet 12 was finally almost completed.

The energy shield is also about to achieve global penetration.

More than 1 million energy cannons are spread across the planet.

At the same time, there are more than 3 million nuclear fusion devices providing energy for energy shields and energy cannons.

At this time, the Earth-class battleships were almost reaching their limit, and the Earth-class battleships in the air could no longer support them.

Even with wireless transmission of energy supply, their energy shield is shaky.

The defense line is getting weaker and weaker.

An hour ago, several battleships were invaded by the Soul Clan due to lack of energy supply.

At the last moment, under the control of the core, the battleship flew outwards and could not fall onto the planet and cause damage to the planet.

In the past 100 days, I don't know how many Soul Spirit clans were killed, but there seemed to be a lot of Soul Spirit clans.

The only people coming over now are 9, 10, and 11, the soul clans of these three planets.

Judging from the core detection, the soul clans from the three planets 6, 7, and 8 are also coming over, their numbers are staggering, and they are even more powerful.

After persisting for another 12 hours, the last energy shield generating device on the planet was finally installed, and the energy shield was penetrated.

The core issued an order instantly, and the battleships evacuated outwards like a tide. The goal was to leave the star system and pass through the nebula.

On the planet, the energy shield was operating simultaneously, and a blue light curtain enveloped Planet No. 12.

At this time, Planet No. 12 transformed into a real warrior. .

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