Starcraft For All: My Base Fusion Zerg Core

Chapter 91 New Energy Source, Starting Counterattack

Battle Star No. 12, the real battle star.

Its firepower is much more powerful than the planetary fortress.

The defense power also far exceeds that of the Battle Star Fortress.

Because of its size, even if the energy shield disappears, it can withstand more blows and maintain good combat power for a considerable period of time.

The only drawback is that there are currently no suitable planetary engines.

The battleship group evacuated, but the Soul Clan did not pursue them.

The power of the nuclear fusion device on the battleship is very low, and the fuel in it is almost burned out.

In the eyes of the Soul Clan, Battle Star No. 12 is the most popular one. As for the battleship that no longer has much energy, they don't care at all.

A large number of souls ignored the evacuating battleship group and rushed towards Battle Star No. 12.

Instantly vaporized on the energy shield.

But then, more and almost endless soul clans rushed over.

Battle Star No. 12 showed off his super firepower as the "823" Battle Star.

More than 1 million energy cannons can strike without blind spots.

Almost instantly, a large area of ​​the starry sky was cleared.

Zhou Quan looked at this scene without feeling too relaxed, "Although a large amount of nuclear fuel has been stored on Battle Star No. 12 in advance, it will be exhausted sooner or later.

"The most important thing is that this is inconsistent with our expected plan. The purpose of our coming here is not to deal with the Soul Clan.

[According to calculations, the nuclear fuel on Battle Star 12 can guarantee 300 days of demand under extreme circumstances. 】

[As long as new energy sources can be developed, the expected plan can continue to be implemented without being affected. 】

[New energy research has already begun, and the research will be successful soon. 】

Zhou Quan felt a little relieved after hearing Core's words.

Battle Star No. 12 showed off his might and beat the Soul Tribe away.

Outside the Nebula, Zhou Quan is also waiting for good news about core research.

The laboratory never stopped, and all the instruments inside were in full operation.

Now most of the computing power has been allocated to the research of new energy. As long as we can break through, we can launch a counterattack.

As time goes by, the pressure on the No. 12 battle star is gradually increasing.

The strength of the soul clan from the inner part of the star system is much higher than that of the soul clan from the periphery, and the energy required to kill them is also much stronger.

In order to save energy, the core controls the power of the energy cannon as accurately as possible.

More than 50 days later, the soul tribe near Planet 8 arrived.

Tens of billions of soul clans broke through the energy cannon blockade for the first time and directly hit the energy shield.

Although the energy shield was extremely strong, it blocked them.

But Zhou Quan knew that this phenomenon was nothing serious.

The strength and number of souls exceeded expectations.

Zhou Quan is also a little worried about this.

According to calculations, the energy reserve that was originally expected to support the 12th battle star for 300 days seems to be greatly reduced.

It would be considered good if you can persist for 200 days.

But now Zhou Quan is helpless. Massive souls have surrounded Battle Star No. 12, and it is difficult for him to rush in even if he wants to.

The Earth-level battleship may be halfway through, and its energy will be exhausted, and then it will become food for the Soul Clan.

Finally, on the 98th day after Battle Star No. 12 officially entered the battle, good news came from the core, which boosted Zhou Quan's spirits.

[Master, the research on new energy sources has finally achieved a breakthrough. 】

"What is the source of new energy?" Zhou Quan asked urgently.

[The way to obtain energy is the decay of elements. 】

[When heavy elements decay into light elements, the mass lost will become a large amount of energy. The greater the mass loss, the greater the energy burst out. 】

[The level of this energy far exceeds that of nuclear fusion, and its stability is higher. 】

[In fact, this theory has been mentioned in the database of Yashan Civilization, but Yashan Civilization has never been able to find the conditions for decay. 】

[Using Star No. 4 as a reference, after a lot of experiments, we finally found a way to decay elements. 】

After listening to the introduction of the core, Zhou Quan asked: "So, have the devices required for decay been produced?"

[It has been produced in the laboratory and has undergone stability testing. 】

[But this is only a small device and can only supply the needs of earth-level battleships. What needs to be done now is to conduct large-scale experiments to see how effective the energy supply will be after the scale is expanded. 】

[It will take about five days. 】

"Just do it, I'm sure there won't be any problem."

Zhou Quan waved his hand and could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Five days later, the core completed all experiments.

A new generation of energy device, the element decay energy conversion device has finally been created...

At the same time, detailed data was also placed in front of Zhou Quan.

According to calculations, under the same volume and scale, energy can be obtained through element decay, which is 100 times that of nuclear fusion.

And the materials needed for this method are available everywhere.

There is no need to occupy the production capacity of the material energy converter at all.

If necessary, even unimportant parts of the ground-level warships, such as secondary guns, can be dismantled for energy supply.

The material inside Planet No. 12 can also be used to provide energy.

As long as there is matter, there is basically no energy depletion in this energy supply method.

This has only just been discovered.

Under the core's expectations, this energy supply method can be further developed and utilized, and the final efficiency can reach thousands of times that of nuclear fusion.

At this time, the battleship factories on Battle Star No. 12 collectively stopped working.

Started mass production of elemental decay energy conversion devices.

The goal is to completely replace the battle star's energy supply system within the next 30 days and completely send nuclear fusion into history.

Not only that, the base has also begun production here, first to replace its own energy supply method, and then to transform and upgrade the surrounding 30,000 land-class warships.

When the huge amount of energy rushed into the system and the base's energy reserve increased explosively, Zhou Quan was also slightly surprised.

With the elemental decay energy source, the upgrade speed of the main base is greatly increased.

You can reach level 19 in about 10 days. Originally, it would take more than 3 years to upgrade from level 19 to level 20, but now 4.0 only takes 60 days.

Reaching level 20 is a leap forward for the Zerg.

Although level 20 is only a second-level civilization, whether the Zerg has reached a second-level civilization is completely different and will be a qualitative change.

As the transformation progresses, all the energy supply on Star 12 has been replaced by elemental decay.

The energy supply suddenly stabilized, and all the materials needed for the decay of elements were provided by the planet itself.

The mass of Planet 12 is enough for it to fight for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

The Base has also been upgraded to level 19, and the 30,000 nearby warships have all replaced their energy sources with elemental decay and determined matter.

"Start the counterattack!"

Following Zhou Quan's order, the Earth-level warships once again passed through the nebula, rushed into the star system, and strangled the Soul Clan. .

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