StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 107: Ma Bo joins (for support)

In fact, Ma Bo is also forced to helpless.

Although they appear to outsiders, their physical fitness is indeed very strong.

But don't forget, the reason why they are so cold is completely forced by the harsh living environment.

The animals and plants of Planet 5 are all cannibals. If they remained strong, they would have died long ago and not even the scum would be left.

Take Mabo's tribe.

Many children in their tribe can't reach adulthood at all.

Because of the harsh living environment, many children do not have childhood at all.

From an early age these children are taught how to survive and how to be a good hunter or warrior.

While the children of the same age in the empire were still enjoying the care of their parents, the children of the Mabo tribe were able to kill some small predators with their bare hands.

It is true that one side's soil and water support one side's people.

But even so, many children in Mabo's tribe will be devastated.

There are very few people who can grow up in this harsh environment.

But there is one thing, as long as these children grow up, they are among the best and formidable warriors.

And this is also the main reason why Lu Ming is discouraged by Ma Bo and others.

How could any star master be able to reject such a powerful warrior?

Seeing Ma Bo nod 21, Lu Ming smiled slightly.

I already have a complete plan in mind.

"Mabo, I won't be swaying around with you, I'll just say it straight."

"Do you want to join the Empire?"

"After joining the empire, all the supplies you need can be met, and the empire's fleet will also shelter your planet.

Ma Bo looked at Lu Ming and did not answer immediately.

There is no pie in the sky, this is the common sense that everyone who lives on Planet 5 knows.

Ma Bo would not think that Lu Ming would be so kind to support them.

This man must have some purpose.

However, Ma Bo did not refuse in a hurry.

As Lu Ming said, the benefits of joining the empire are also obvious.

Food, medical supplies, and even weapons.

These are what Mabo and the others are in desperate need of.

Planet 5 is a vibrant planet, and what the Mabo tribe does every day is no different from Lu Ming.

All have to scramble for living space with the skyrocketing animals and plants.

Most of their manpower and material resources were used to clean up the gathering ground.

Coupled with the ecological environment of Planet 5, it is obvious that Ma Bo and others do not have their own industrial industry.

This is also the main reason why they are so desperate for all kinds of supplies.

It is very unreasonable that any planet that has been born with civilization does not have its own industrial chain.

But on Planet Five, everything makes sense.

In this case, let alone Mabo.

Even Lu Ming himself can't guarantee that he can build a complete industrial chain.

"What do you need?"

Ma Bo pondered for a moment, and also asked Lu Ming bluntly.

Indecision is not his character.

"Warrior!" Lu Ming spit out two words slowly.

Lu Ming looked at Ma Bo with a smile, and said in a flat tone: "In my opinion, you are born powerful warriors, and the empire needs warriors like you."

When Ma Bo heard this, he secretly thought in his heart.

Compared with Lu Ming, they have nothing but themselves.

Lu Ming's answer was also expected by Ma Bo.

Apart from their relatively strong bodies, there is nothing that makes Lu Ming so generous.

This "planet's tribe is not the only one."

Ma Bo looked at Lu Ming and said in a deep voice.

Planet 5 has retained the tribal form of existence since then.

Because of the harsh living environment of the fifth planet.

An area can only support a fixed population, and too many people gather together is tantamount to suicide.

Therefore, Mabo and the others still maintain large and small tribes.

This is also a feature of Planet Five.

The meaning of Mabo's words is very simple.

Just his promise was useless, their tribe couldn't provide Lu Ming with too many warriors.

After all, the tribe he lives in also needs strong adults to protect, and it is impossible to give it all to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming laughed when he heard Ma Bo's answer.

As long as there is no immediate rejection, it means there is still hope.

And listening to Ma Bo's meaning, the other party seems to have been moved.

For Planet 5, whose supplies are so scarce, it is difficult for Mabo to refuse the imperial support for them.

Even at the cost of having them go to battle in place of Imperial soldiers.

Everything is for survival.

Everything is for the continuation of the race!

"Listen to what you mean, aren't you going to refuse?"

Mabo was silent and did not speak.

No answer is the best answer, isn't it?

Seeing this, Lu Ming knew that his plan had been successful.

If nothing else, he should soon be able to pull up a powerful army of Katachan jungle soldiers.

Thinking of this, Lu Ming's heart is hot.

"Your concerns don't seem to me a problem at all."

Lu Ming looked at Ma Bo and said with a smile.

Marbonne complied with his request for supplies funded by the Empire.

So why can't the other tribes?

Planet 5, tribes big and small don't know how many.

There's no reason why Mabo's tribe is in short supply.

As long as those tribes have plans, then Lu Ming is sure to make them agree to join the empire.

Many times, the other party does not agree to your request, it does not mean that you are not good enough.

It's that you don't give enough.

Ma Bo and others need the supplies of 923. For Lu Ming, it is basically pediatrics.

With the complete production system of the Empire, there is absolutely no pressure to feed all the tribes of Planet 5.

"Mabo, I can entrust this matter to you, and you can persuade other tribes. The conditions I gave will not change."

Lu Ming looked at Ma Bo and told his plan.

"Of course, I will leave some imperial personnel to assist you."

Mabo lowered his head to think for a moment, then nodded.

For the material, for the continuation of the tribe, Mabo chose to join the empire.

In Mabo's view, there should be many tribes who will make the same choice as him.

Again, no tribe can refuse the supplies they are in short supply.

"Do well, don't let me down."

Lu Ming looked at Ma Bo and said in a harmonious voice.

Catachan, he Lu Ming is going to make an appointment.

After negotiating some details, Ma Bo left the camp with another batch of supplies sponsored by Lu Ming.

Along with Mabo were his tribesmen.

Seeing how they cheered, it seemed that they were not dissatisfied with Mabo's decision at all.

Instead, he was immersed in the joy of obtaining supplies.

Perhaps for them, death has always been with them, and it doesn't matter anymore for things like going to the battlefield.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!

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