StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 108: The Fleet Returns (For Support)

After dealing with the matter of Planet 5, Lu Ming returned with the fleet.

His purpose of coming to Planet 5 this time has been achieved.

Mengxis is dead, and he has also recruited Mabo, a macho.

Just wait for Mabo to convince other tribes, then the empire will have another powerful army.

The sense of accomplishment of watching the empire's strength grow little by little and watching the empire grow step by step made Lu Ming very satisfied.

Sure enough, there is nothing more proud of being raised.

Although Planet 5 was not suitable for the Empire to mine again, Lu Ming did not take it too seriously.

Endless stars, billions of stars.

There are so many ore stars, why bother with a fifth planet.

Because of Planet Five's unique ecosystem, Lu Ming didn't let the fleet stop too much.

In case of an oversight, that starship was corroded by the venom secreted by plants.

Then Lu Ming is estimated to be distressed.

The fleet set sail, and now Ma Bo, as a member of the empire, naturally came to see Lu Ming off.

Lu Ming left several Imperial personnel as liaison officers to help Mabo.

In addition, Mabo left a wealth of materials.

It also includes weapons and equipment such as the Lucius laser gun produced by the Empire.

Originally, Lu Ming wanted to leave Mabo some bulletproof armor that the imperial soldiers were equipped with.

But it was rejected by Mabo.

In Mabo's words, this thing is too conspicuous from the inside.

Wearing bulletproof armor in the jungle is tantamount to lighting a torch at night, which is tantamount to suicide.

Even Mabo used Krieg soldiers as an example, and bluntly said that the other party was acting on Planet 5 dressed like this, which is simply stupid.

For this reason, the commander of the Krieg soldiers almost didn't bring anyone to confront Mabo face to face.

The fleet set sail, and Zhao's unique trip to Planet 5 was over.

This trip to Planet 5 also left a deep impression on Lu Ming.

Either in a physical sense or in a psychological sense.

On the bridge, Lu Ming watched Planet 5 get smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a dark green gem shape, only then did he withdraw his gaze.

"Order the fleet to set sail at full speed!"

Goal "! Terra Star!

With Lu Ming's order, the fleet's sub-light speed engine started, and the speed increased suddenly.

I have to say that the sub-light speed engine provided by Qi Think Tank is really too useful for space navigation.

If it is a traditional propulsion engine, it is estimated that it will take half a month to feel the planet Terra from the orbit of the fifth planet.

The sub-light speed engine can greatly save this time.

Referring to when Lu Ming arrived, it only took half a day to return from Planet 5 to Terra.

The difference cannot be too big.

Lu Ming attaches great importance to the research and development of ship engines.

In fact, as early as the beginning of the construction phase of the outer space of the empire, Lu Ming asked Ling to pay attention to the research progress of the research institute on the engine.

Because Lu Ming knows that the biggest factor limiting human space navigation is the engine.

Only if the fleet's speed is fast enough, the footprint of the imperial fleet can be spread over a wider star field.

"Little Luzi, that

In the bridge, Tang Siyi came to Lu Ming awkwardly.

He opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say a complete sentence.

Speaking of which, Lu Ming also feels strange.

Before on Planet 5, Lu Ming felt that Tang Siyi was deliberately avoiding him.

It was just that Lu Ming was busy talking about things with Ma Bo at that time, so he didn't pay too much attention.

Thinking about it now, Tang Siyi's behavior was abnormal.

You know, this girl can't wait to stick to him at ordinary times.

It was unprecedented to actually avoid him now.

"What's the matter? You are not usually so ladylike.

Lu Ming looked at Tang Siyi half-jokingly.

He knew that Tang Siyi should have something to tell him.

And there's a good chance it has something to do with him.

Otherwise, Tang Siyi wouldn't have this expression.

As for Tang Siyi, Lu Ming is very clear.

Only things related to him would make Tang Siyi tangled.

"Nonsense! People are usually very ladylike, okay?"

Tang Siyi lifted the nozzle in dissatisfaction, and she was so cute that it exploded.

Only Lu Ming smiled.

Tang Siyi is squeamish, and occasionally shows a powerful queen's aura.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't have anything to do with ladies.

"Little Luzi, I'm sorry!

After taking a few deep breaths, Tang Siyi finally spoke.

"It's all because of me that Mengxis came to trouble you, and I didn't expect Zhou Xiaoguang to be so careful.

With Tang Siyi's story, Lu Ming finally knew why this girl kept avoiding him these days.

Just for this reason, Lu Ming was dumbfounded.

It turned out that this girl was the reason why Mengxis led the barbaric fleet to invade.

Tang Siyi felt that it was because of her that Zhou Xiaoguang took revenge against Lu Ming.

So I feel guilty and don't know how to face Lu Ming.

In addition, Lu Ming almost endangered her life because of Mengxis on Planet 5, which made her even more self-blame.

Tang Siyi, who was caught in an infinite loop for a while, who couldn't jump out, avoided Lu Ming.

The fleet left Planet Five today.

Tang Siyi finally mustered up the courage to tell Lu Ming about it.

", hahaha~!

After understanding what happened, Lu Ming not only did not comfort Tang Siyi, but laughed.

"I'm telling you something serious, and you're still laughing!"

Seriously "Come on!

"Shut up, stop laughing!"

"You, you're laughing, believe it or not I jumped up and hit you on the knee!"

Seeing Lu Ming laughing loudly, Tang Siyi was furious.

People muster up the courage to apologize to you, even if you don't appreciate it, they still laugh at me.

Simply too much!

Tang Siyi was full of anger, she decided to three late!

Three (promised Zhao) hours ignored Lu Ming.


Men are big hooves!

I don't know how to cherish things that are too easy to get, so Tang Siyi decided to catch Lu Ming's appetite.

Let Lu Ming know her goodness.

Tang Siyi turned her head awkwardly, her face puffed up.

- The dungeon girl is angry, the kind that can't be coaxed.

"Okay, don't be angry.

It was difficult for Lu Ming to stop laughing.

Seeing Tang Siyi wanting to be small, a warm smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Endless Xingyu is so big that it gives people a sense of loneliness that cannot be shaken off.

There is a lovely person around you who understands you, considers you, and considers you wholeheartedly. Isn't it a blessing in life?

"The matter of Mengxis has nothing to do with you. Even if that bastard Zhou Xiaoguang doesn't come to me, I will go to him."

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!

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