StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 113 The Transport Fleet Was Attacked (For Support)

During the half-month period when Lu Ming issued the mining order to Planet Seven.

The Empire formed a huge transport fleet.

A Hurong-class transport ship with the mark of the Imperial Eagle constantly shuttles on the channel between Planet VII and Planet Terra.

Each sampan-class transport ship is equipped with two dagger-class frigates for escort.

The empire's raw mineral accumulation also grew at a rate visible to the naked eye.

This made Lu Ming smile crookedly.

These minerals were traded by Lu Ming to Tang Siyi's Dwarf Star.

After the raw minerals are processed on the Dwarf Star and converted into materials needed for empire building, they will be traded to Lu Ming.

Then the source continued to invest in the construction of the empire.

Watching the empire grow stronger and stronger, Lu Ming's heart is full of pride and ambition.

At the same time, at Tang Siyi's request, Lu Ming traded her five dagger-class frigates and one research ship.

It is convenient for Tang Siyi to explore her own galaxy.

At the same time, the five dagger-class frigates can also provide Tang Siyi's dwarf star with the necessary space defense force.

The development of the empire is on the right track, and Lu Ming is busy and fulfilling every day.

But the peaceful days were shattered today.

As Zero walked in with a serious face, Lu Ming knew something was wrong.

"Your Majesty, the Empire's transport fleet has been attacked."

Zero's tone was a little low.

The imperial transport fleet traveled to and from the Terra star system, without even leaving the system.

But even so, the Empire's transport fleet was attacked.

Being attacked on the doorstep of the house is a shame for the Empire!

At the same time, this also exposed a problem.

That is, although the empire has its own initial fleet, its control over this galaxy is far from enough.

If the Empire completely controls this galaxy, the enemy will not find the opportunity to attack the transport fleet at all.

As early as the moment they entered the galaxy, the Empire could get the news.

to make corresponding response strategies.

But now, the Imperial transport fleet has been attacked.

Hearing Tao's words, Lu Ming frowned.

"When did this happen?"

"An hour ago." Zero put a report on Lu Ming's table and said: "The imperial transport fleet was attacked by the enemy, and the frigate immediately sent a message to Xinggang and other escort formations for help."

Lu Ming looked at the report in his hand with a sullen face, and his heart was burning with anger.

Are you angry?

Of course gas!

The empire finally found a new star and carried out primitive accumulation step by step.

But at this time, someone jumped out and broke the development of the empire.

How this makes Lu Ming not angry.

Although Endless Xingyu's intrigue is the theme, but this feeling of being slapped at the door of the house makes Lu Ming feel extremely angry.

I am like a quiet development, why are so many people rushing to touch porcelain?

Immediately "arrange nearby frigates to support!"

"Also, let all the starships on standby in Star Harbor set sail!"

Lu Ming was very angry.

It's really not a good feeling to be disturbed.

Following Lu Ming's order, the empire started running like a sophisticated machine.

At the same time, the course of the planet No. 7 of the Terra star system and the star of Terra is northerly.

A Hurong-class transport ship has deviated from the course and is heading towards Terra Star with all its strength.

In its rear, two dagger-class frigates are responsible for breaking the rear and delaying the enemy's fleet.

The whole space is like square fireworks, gorgeous and unusual.


"The energy consumption of this ship's deflection shield has dropped to 50%!"

"The blue laser beam cannon is ready, ready to recharge?!"

On the bridge, the commander of the escort formation, Cross Smail, listened to the soldiers' report and looked gloomily at the enemy fleet in the deep space outside the window.

There is no doubt that the Dagger-class frigates have excellent performance.

If it is only their frigates, no matter how many enemies there are, they will not be afraid.

Because the dagger-class frigates are equipped with sub-light speed engines, even if they really can't beat them, there is no problem in evacuating here.

But they are an escort formation, and they need to protect the Hurong-class transport ship loaded with ore.

Although the Hushuai-class transport ships are also equipped with sub-light speed engines.

But the Hurong-class transport ship's huge size and cargo capacity are all there, and it can't be compared with the flexible dagger-class frigates.

A Hurong-class transport ship, and it is also a fully loaded transport ship.

It takes time for its sub-light engine to accelerate from start to finish.

In such a short time, they were blocked by the enemy's fleet of all retreats.

If it weren't for the two dagger-class frigates relying on their excellent performance to deal with the enemy, they would have been wiped out by the enemy fleet long ago.

Cross glanced at the enemy fleet chasing in the distance, and initially estimated that there were no less than a hundred warships.

This is not counting the opponent's follow-up fleet, otherwise the fleet size will only be larger.

"",Blue laser beam cannon stop charging!"

Cross calmly gave his order.

Although the dagger-class frigate is powerful, it is only a frigate after all.

The energy it carries is limited.

Although the blue laser beam cannon is incomparably powerful, it is also a veritable energy swallower.

As the commander of this escort formation, Cross is naturally not a fool.

He saw the situation on the battlefield very clearly.

The enemy is outnumbered, and they are also responsible for protecting the safety of the Hufan-class transport ship.

They have no hope of winning in this battle.

So Cross is very clear about his mission.

That's dragging!

As long as he dragged the enemy fleet until the reinforcements of the empire arrived, his mission would be complete.

Before that, he didn't need to cause many casualties to the enemy fleet.

The first priority is to protect the Foxfan-class transport ship.

So instead of firing a blue laser beam cannon, it is better to keep the energy to maintain the deflection shield.

As long as there are deflector shields, their hulls will not be threatened.

delay for more time.

"Enemy missiles! Prepare for impact!"

"Repeat! Enemy missiles, prepare for impact!"

Cross grabbed the armrest beside him, and looked coldly at the space missiles that were shooting at them with their tail flames.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The explosion's flames shot in all directions on the deflection shield, and the strong impact caused the entire frigate to shake slightly.

Cross firmly grasped the handrail and stabilized his body.

"Report! Deflector shield energy dropped to thirty percent!"

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!.

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