StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 114: One ship takes the lead, ten thousand ships have no light (seeking support)

Hearing the report of the soldiers under his command, Cross's heart fell to the bottom.

Once the deflector shields are depleted of energy, it is self-evident what awaits them.

But the bad news doesn't stop there.

"The second ship of the seventh escort formation here, report to the commander!"

"Our ship's deflection shield energy has dropped to zero, the ship's hull has been seriously damaged, and our ship has been unable to return."

"Repeat, my ship has been unable to return!"

Cough! Cough!

Listening to the report of the No. 2 frigate, Cross's fingers rubbed white.

But he also knew that the No. 2 trip was over.

"This is Cross, ship number two."

Cross took a deep breath, turned around and bowed in the direction of the second ship.

"May the Emperor bless you! The glory of the Empire will last forever!"

There was silence in the communicator for a moment, and the voice of the captain of the second ship came.

"The glory of the empire lasts forever!"

The seventh escort formation, the second frigate bridge.

The young and handsome captain put down the communicator in his hand.

Through the windows of the bridge, it is not difficult to see the severely damaged hull in front of you.

Even the inside of the bridge has smoked, and many 927 consoles are flashing "zizi" electric light.

Obviously the No. 2 frigate has been unable to keep up with the formation.

Their mission is over.


The young captain took a deep breath and glanced at the Imperial soldiers on the bridge.

At this time all the soldiers were watching him, waiting for his final order.

There is no fear, no hesitation, just determination and the courage to see death as home.

"Everyone, I'm sorry to tell you the unfortunate news. The terminal of the ship's route has arrived."

The captain laughed at himself and laughed twice.

It seems to ease the atmosphere.

It's just that there are no soldiers on the bridge to talk to each other, and a solemn atmosphere spreads from the bottom of everyone's heart.

Seeing this scene, the captain nodded.

He knew that these soldiers, like him, had made final preparations.

Now that you are ready, there is no need for too much nonsense.

"Attention all ships, this ship will enter the self-destruction program!"

"Sublight engine start!"


"Enemy Black Rhino-class cruiser!"

In space, a broken dagger-class frigate that was abandoned in the original (cbcc) place, its tail emitted a light blue halo.

With a wave of terror spread.

The broken frigate did not retreat but advanced, and charged straight towards the enemy fleet in front.

Without the deflector shield, the whole frigate gives a sense of dead silence.

On the other side, on top of the Black Rhino-class cruiser at the forefront of the unknown fleet.

Its fleet commander looked at the dagger-class frigate that was charging at a sudden speed, and his eyes widened suddenly.

Full of horror.

"Mad! Mad!

"Charge the main guns! Stop them for me!"

The commander of the Black Rhinoceros-class cruiser shouted hysterically, trying to intercept the desperate frigate.

If a frigate at that speed collided, even a cruiser would definitely die.

This is not a space missile, nor a deep space torpedo.

But a real frigate!

A frigate that is only faster than missiles!

Although the commander of the Black Rhino class cruiser discovered the strangeness of the other party very early, he also issued an interception order very early.

But the dagger-class frigates are too fast.

It took a few breaths to get close to the dangerous distance of the cruiser.


The commander of the Black Rhino class cruiser saw the bridge of the Dagger-class frigate through the bridge.

In the bridge full of fire, he saw a handsome but full of revenge face.


The two starships collided fiercely, and the violent explosions spread instantly.

The chasing fleet was thrown into chaos because of the explosion.

Several starships close to the cruiser were affected to varying degrees.

At the last moment, the Dagger-class frigate completed its final mission.

"For the Emperor! For Holy Terra!

The communication channel between Cross and the No. 2 frigate came to an abrupt end.

Accompanied by the violent explosion and the sizzling sound of the electric current, the communication channel was completely silent.

"For the Emperor! For Holy Terra!"

Cross put down the communicator in his hand, he knew his words, the other end of the communicator would never be heard.

The explosion of fire in the distance was like the most gorgeous fireworks in the universe.

One ship takes the lead, ten thousand ships have no light!

Cross gave a military salute to the explosion at the rear again, and then withdrew his gaze.

The soldiers of the Empire were ready to die from the moment they set foot on the starship.

Sacrifice is the cornerstone of an empire, and they are honored!

Thanks to the sacrifice of the No. 2 ship, the vanguard of the enemy fleet fell into a panic because of this unexpected explosion.

And Cross didn't hesitate too much.

Although the sacrifice of the second ship made him very sad, the mission must continue.

The Dagger-class frigate escorted the Hurong-class transport ship and quickly distanced itself from the enemy's vanguard fleet.

However, being surrounded by the enemy fleet, their so-called safety is only temporary.

If the Imperial Fleet can't come to support in time, they can only be trapped beasts.

In the end, it is impossible to avoid the end of being annihilated by the enemy.

Zi~ Zi~

"This is the Gufan-class transport ship. The asteroid belt has found the enemy fleet in front. The ship is going to move back to the left. Please prepare the frigate."

The mood that Cross had just breathed a sigh of relief suddenly lifted up again.

Did they run from one side of the circle to the other?

"The whole ship is ready to move back to the left!"

The huge size of the Hurong-class transport ship turned its course, and Cross's Dagger-class frigate followed.

In the asteroid belt, Cross did see the long-awaited enemy fleet.

And the other party obviously discovered them and had already caught up with them.

Countless space missiles came straight at them with their gorgeous tail flames.

However, most of the firepower was aimed at Cross's Dagger-class frigates.

Obviously, the other party intends not to affect the Hurong-class transport ship.

They also know that the transport ship is full of treasures, and they want to capture this transport ship.

Just, is this possible?

"Deflector shield is on! All staff prepare for impact resistance!

Understanding the other party's intentions, Cross raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

If the other party is really holding the idea of ​​capturing the Hurong-class transport ship, it would be too naive.

Or maybe he underestimated the soldiers of the Empire.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!.

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