StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 119 There are only thirty frigates (seeking support)

Pang Bo looked at Lu Ming excitedly.

In fact, Pang Bo has never mentioned it to outsiders.

He is a very pure racist.

Like Lu Ming, he joined the endless Xingyu as a voluntary human race.

Because he doesn't believe that humans are inherently weaker than other races.

Too bad he failed.

Once Pang Bo was desperate for what he insisted on.

He saw the lingering existence of the Star Master of the Endless Xingyu Human Race, and he also thought about returning to Blue Star just like that and being an ordinary person.

But Pang Bo was not reconciled, he was eager to see the rise of the human race of endless stars.

Just when he was most confused and thought whether he was wrong, Lu Ming appeared.

The appearance of Lu Ming, it can be said that Pang Bo saw the dawn of hope.

Maybe this man can really lead the human race to surpass the endless stars.

Therefore, after Pang Bo was caught, he did not have any resistance or careful thought.

Even when Lu Ming wanted to let him go back to Blue Star, he stayed behind.

This is true even if the price is house arrest, or even the taking of life.

Hearing that Lu Ming invited him to join the empire, Pang Bo was moved to tears.

Perhaps this behavior is simply slow in the eyes of outsiders.

937 After all, the endless stars are full of intrigues, and everyone sees the most real interests.

What is the difference between sticking to your beliefs here and courting death?

But there is such a type of person in the world, a type of alien who is regarded as a paranoid.

Obviously, Pang Bo is one of those people.

Joining the empire means that he can not only witness the rise of the human race with his own eyes, but also participate in it himself.

At this moment, Pang Bo couldn't be more excited.

Even happier than the moment he entered Endless Xingyu to become the human star master.

Lu Ming took a deep look at Pang Bo and said nothing.

He needed an intelligence source, and Pang Bo, the old fritters, was undoubtedly the most suitable.

As for whether Pang Bo would betray him,

Lu Ming believes that time will tell.

And he is not stupid enough to give Pang Bo actual rights, as long as he keeps Pang Bo by his side, he doesn't need to be afraid of the other party's small actions.

"Pang Bo, I hate betrayal, I think you should understand what I mean."

Lu Ming looked meaningfully at Pang Bo who was excited, with an inexplicable expression.

"Brother Lu, I swear to God, if I betrayed and gave birth to a son, I wouldn't have sex..."

In order to express his sincerity, Pang Bo said all the vicious oaths he could think of over and over again.

He almost took out his heart and showed it to Lu Ming.

But Pang Bo also knew that the oath was just a decoration.

Lu Ming will definitely not trust him now.

But that's okay, time will tell.

Pang Bo is eager to witness the rise of the human race, and now he has finally caught an opportunity.

Unless he is out of his mind, he will make a brain-dead act like betrayal.

"I hope you will remember today's words."

Lu Ming got up and walked to Pang Bo's side, patting him on the shoulder.

Let's go. "The meeting gift for the Zhou family has arrived, and it's time for us to set off."

Lu Ming, Zero, and Pang Bo left the imperial capital and boarded the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate from Star Harbor.

Meanwhile, at the edge of the Tara star system.

On the command ship of the Moon Lake Fleet, Zhou Yang was listening to what his subordinates were reporting.


"So many starships can't take a frigate or a transport ship, did you all grow up on dry food?!"

Zhou Yang was a little angry.

At the beginning, he was really chasing each other with the mind of a cat playing a mouse.

But as time went by, his patience was gradually exhausted.

It's just that they still haven't caught the opponent!

How can this not make Zhou Yang angry!

Listening to Zhou Yang's roar, his subordinates are also very innocent.

You, the old man, don't want to destroy the opponent, and don't let us push too hard to prevent the opponent from being killed.

What can we do?

Do you really think that the sub-light speed engine (cbcc) engine is a decoration?

Of course, these words, the subordinates only dare to complain a few times in their hearts.

He didn't have the guts to question Zhou Yang's decision.


"Found the opposing support fleet in orbit six!"

At this moment, a soldier came in and rescued the subordinate who was being reprimanded.

Sure enough, when Zhou Yang heard this, he glared at the adjutant and waved his hand.

"What are you still doing here? Waiting for me to invite you to dinner?!

The adjutant left the bridge of the command ship in embarrassment and continued his mission.

On the other hand, Zhou Yang looked at the soldier who was reporting.

"How many starships have the other party came?"

"According to the investigation, the other party's support fleet is a thirty-waisted dagger-class frigate!"

Dagger-class frigate?

Thirty ships?

Hearing this, Zhou Yang was overjoyed.

"Hahaha, just thirty dagger-class frigates want to save people from me?"

"Did Lu Ming despise me too much?"

However, Zhou Yang welcomed the arrival of Lu Ming's support fleet.

After all, his main purpose this time was to obtain the black technology of the dagger-class frigate.

For Zhou Yang, the more support fleets Lu Ming sent, the better.

In the end, he wins anyway.

The more fleets Lu Ming sends, doesn't that mean the more Dagger-class frigates he gets?

"Fourth, take the fleet to meet this Lu Ming.

Zhou Yang looked at an adjutant beside him and said.

"Pay attention to each other's laser weapons, don't capsize in the gutter."

"Don't worry, brother, I know what to do."

Zhou Lao left the bridge and went to organize a fleet to prepare for the arrival of Lu Ming.

And Zhou Yang called his secretary and asked.

"How's the situation on Planet Seven?"

Zhou Yang is scheming, and from the very beginning, he has been thinking of "surrounding the points and fighting for help".

And this point' is naturally not the two starships fleeing in the encirclement.

It was Lu Ming's fleet of operations on Planet Seven.

Planet 7, as Lu Ming's newly discovered ore star, dispatched a large number of mining ships and industrial ships.

At the same time, a considerable number of Hurong-class transport ships and Dagger-class frigates performing escort missions were still on the orbit of Planet 7.

This is the bait that Zhou Yang threw to Lu Ming.

These starships, Lu Ming could not give up willingly.

According to Zhou Yang's information, these starships on Planet 7 are almost seventy percent of Lu Ming's estate.

Therefore, Zhou Yang led his Yuehu fleet to cut off the channel of Planet 7 returning to Terra, completely isolating Planet 7.

After doing all this, the only thing he needs to do is to wait for the arrival of Lu Ming's support fleet, and then wipe it out.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!

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