StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 120 High-end hunters often appear as prey (seek support)


"Thirty dagger-class frigates have arrived at their designated positions!"

"Found the enemy fleet! Number four hundred!"

"The other party has entered the predetermined orbit!"

Track 6 is further back.

The silent sky was deep, and five Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates were hiding here.

All five Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates have activated the holographic concealment technology. At first glance, there is nothing abnormal here.

It's no different from any other space.

But no one could have imagined that five deadly behemoths lurked in this seemingly peaceful deep space.

On a temporary command ship, Lu Ming sat in command position on the bridge.

Listening to Tao's report, a strange smile appeared on Lu Ming's mouth.

"Order the Dagger-class frigate to follow the plan."

"Follow the designed route and fight while retreating, I want to give each other a surprise!"

Lu Ming gave his order.

Zhou Yang thought that his support fleet only had thirty dagger-class frigates.

But he actually has five Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates.

In this battle, the five Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates are the protagonists of the show.

Under the command of Lu Ming, the dagger-class frigate in front began to move forward.

Rely on the deflector shield and blue laser beam cannon to deal with the enemy fleet.

Acting is a test of acting skills.

If it is too much, the thirty dagger-class frigates may fall under the heavy firepower of the enemy and suffer heavy losses.

And the acting is too perfunctory, which may arouse the vigilance of the other party.

So this requires a degree, a degree that makes the opponent uncertain.

Behind the quiet orbit of Planet VI, Lu Ming stood on the bridge.

When he saw the first blue halo flashing in the deep space in the distance, he knew that a good show had been staged.

"The No. 1 and No. 2 shadow thorns began to move back to the left."

"The fourth and fifth shadow thorns detour to the right!"

"All shadow thorns turn on the holographic concealment system throughout.

"After reaching the designated position, the plasma beam cannon is ready to launch at any time, waiting for the order!"

Unlike the blue laser beam cannon, the plasma beam cannon does not need to be recharged.

In other words, the plasma beam gun is actually a traditional kinetic energy gun.

It's just that the launch is not a traditional cannonball that everyone is familiar with, but high-energy plasma particles.

Therefore, compared with the blue laser beam cannon, the plasma beam cannon has a much shorter launch time and a much faster frequency.

A sniper rifle with a long enough range and incredible power. Who doesn't like a sniper gun?

And the launch of this sniper gun does not need to take time to recharge.

"Ship No. 3 began to slowly retreat to the designated position."

Lu Ming ordered.

The engines of the No. 3 Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate, which was temporarily used as a command ship, started.

In order to maximize the stealth of the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate, its sub-light speed engines are processed by filtering light.

Coupled with the blessing of the holographic concealment system, the engine start of the Thorn-class heavy frigate is almost imperceptible.


A slight tremor came, and Lu Ming could clearly feel that the Thorn-class heavy frigate under his feet was gradually accelerating and retreating.

Although the speed is getting faster and faster, the Thorn-class heavy frigate is very stable.

This feeling is even more stable than the Blue Star's motor car.

Moreover, there was not much movement during the operation of the sub-light engine.

The Thorn-class heavy frigate perfectly interprets what is called an assassin in the shadows, ready to strike, always ready to give the opponent a fatal blow.

Meanwhile, the orbital front line of No. 6 has turned into a battlefield.

The fleet led by Zhou Laosi was specially modified.

Zhou Yang knew that the dagger-class frigates were equipped with powerful blue laser weapons, so he made special modifications to the starships of his fleet before coming to the Terra star system.

Each starship is equipped with anti-laser mesh plastic plate.

Before Lu Ming, although Xingyu Xingyu did not have blue laser weapons, there were still conventional red laser weapons.

And ships armed with red laser weapons are not uncommon among coalition forces.

These powerful penetrating laser weapons are used as killers to deter the enemy fleet.

Therefore, in order to restrain these laser weapons, the corresponding anti-laser mesh plastic steel plate was developed.

These anti-laser mesh plastic plates don't completely counteract attacks like a deflector shield.

But it can also greatly reduce the damage caused by laser weapons.

In front of the Moon Lake Fleet equipped with anti-laser mesh plastic steel plates, the dagger-class frigates still have powerful firepower.

But it would be even more difficult to recreate the brilliant results of the battle against the barbarian fleet.

…for flowers…

On the command ship, Zhou Laosi saw with his own eyes how powerful the opponent's blue laser weapon was.

A modified Horn Bull-class frigate has the thickest part of the anti-laser mesh plastic steel plate installed on the front.

Just because the dodging did not catch the blue laser fired by the opponent in time, the entire bow evaporated directly in front of his eyes.

Then the Horned Bull-class frigate exploded directly, turning into a group of deep-space fireworks that exploded.

The heavily strengthened bow position is so vulnerable in front of the blue laser beam cannon, not to mention the other positions that are relatively weak.

Fortunately, the effect of anti-laser mesh plastic steel plate is still there.

After the first round of the dagger-class frigate's attack, Zhou Laosi ordered the fleet to press forward.

Successfully included the Dagger-class frigates within the range of your own fleet.


Without the slightest hesitation, Zhou Laosi directly ordered the fleet to fire.

He knew that the Dagger-class frigates were equipped with shield technology.

If he can't break the opponent's shield during the charging time of the opponent's laser cannon, his fleet will face a second round of blue laser blows.

This is not what Zhou Laosi wants to see.

Sure enough, with the order of Zhou Laosi, the Yuehu Fleet was in full swing.

Various space torpedoes and space missiles are densely packed.

Even several battleships equipped with conventional laser cannons started charging.

On the other hand, the dagger-class frigate on the other side deployed that strange shield as expected, dissolving all the firepower of the Moon Lake Fleet!

"I think it's your tortoise shell that's hard, or my missile hard!"

"Keep firing!"

Zhou Laosi roared and stared at the battlefield in the distance.

As time passed, Zhou Laosi found that the shield light of the dagger-class frigate on the opposite side seemed to have dimmed a lot.

And the other party has begun to slowly retreat.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Laosi couldn't be more surprised.

The damn tortoise shell finally couldn't hold it anymore.

Zhou Laosi did not suspect him, so he ordered the fleet to bite the enemy fleet and chased after him.

Lu Ming, who heard the news, laughed happily.

"High-end hunters often appear as prey, welcome to the slaughterhouse!"

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!! Knife,

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